Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians

"an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia"

My bold

So you're backtracking on this exchange now?
Everything does not point to Clinton's unsecured email server
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?.
That is your interpretation, and it is a wrong one. You just are wondering.

Still don’t see how votes were altered or miscounted.
Wanting to meddle or trying to but with no factual effect does not count. Feelings that they wanted to meddle or tried to but were unable does count either except to the emotionally addled.
And, now, OKTexas is making up nonsense about that great man, James Clapper.

Keep ignoring the facts oh senile one.
James Clapper believes that without Vladimir Putin's assistance, that Trump would not be President today.

As a private citizen, I had no doubt they influence at least some voters. Looking at the savvy ways Russians targeted specific user groups -- for instance, buying advertisements on Facebook promoting Clinton's support of the Black Lives Matter movement and ensuring those ads ran only on the pages of white conservative voters in swing states... Looking at how they created lies that helped Trump and hurt Clinton and promoted these falsehoods through social media and state=sponsored channels to the point that the traditional US media were unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda... and at how they ran a multifaceted campaign and sustained it at a high level from early 2015 until Election Day 2016... Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"
Trump won the election by a mere 76K accumuated votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Clapper states that it is very reasonable to presume that 76K voters in those and other states were indeed influenced by Russian propoganda.

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda.
If a bank robbery attempt is unsuccessful, we should not punish the perps is the type of alt right reasoning on letting everyone in Russiagate walk?

The Top Bombshells In Robert Mueller's Indictment Of Russian DNC Hackers

The G-Man is coming...

cause we know huffpost is unbiased. :)

What does HuffPo have to do with anything? They just posted excerpts from the actual indictment. Have you even read the 29-page indictment?

Grand Jury Indictment
Facts will not change this bunches' mind.

I agree. Imagine their outrage if Putin had done that to Republicans instead of Democrats.
And, now, OKTexas is making up nonsense about that great man, James Clapper.

Keep ignoring the facts oh senile one.
James Clapper believes that without Vladimir Putin's assistance, that Trump would not be President today.

As a private citizen, I had no doubt they influence at least some voters. Looking at the savvy ways Russians targeted specific user groups -- for instance, buying advertisements on Facebook promoting Clinton's support of the Black Lives Matter movement and ensuring those ads ran only on the pages of white conservative voters in swing states... Looking at how they created lies that helped Trump and hurt Clinton and promoted these falsehoods through social media and state=sponsored channels to the point that the traditional US media were unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda... and at how they ran a multifaceted campaign and sustained it at a high level from early 2015 until Election Day 2016... Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"
Trump won the election by a mere 76K accumuated votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Clapper states that it is very reasonable to presume that 76K voters in those and other states were indeed influenced by Russian propoganda.

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda.
If a bank robbery attempt is unsuccessful, we should not punish the perps is the type of alt right reasoning on letting everyone in Russiagate walk?

What does that have to do with Clapper changing his tune because he's being paid to do so?


cause we know huffpost is unbiased. :)

What does HuffPo have to do with anything? They just posted excerpts from the actual indictment. Have you even read the 29-page indictment?

Grand Jury Indictment
Facts will not change this bunches' mind.

I agree. Imagine their outrage if Putin had done that to Republicans instead of Democrats.

They tried, the republicans just had better security.

And, now, OKTexas is making up nonsense about that great man, James Clapper.

Keep ignoring the facts oh senile one.
James Clapper believes that without Vladimir Putin's assistance, that Trump would not be President today.

As a private citizen, I had no doubt they influence at least some voters. Looking at the savvy ways Russians targeted specific user groups -- for instance, buying advertisements on Facebook promoting Clinton's support of the Black Lives Matter movement and ensuring those ads ran only on the pages of white conservative voters in swing states... Looking at how they created lies that helped Trump and hurt Clinton and promoted these falsehoods through social media and state=sponsored channels to the point that the traditional US media were unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda... and at how they ran a multifaceted campaign and sustained it at a high level from early 2015 until Election Day 2016... Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"
Trump won the election by a mere 76K accumuated votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Clapper states that it is very reasonable to presume that 76K voters in those and other states were indeed influenced by Russian propoganda.

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda.
If a bank robbery attempt is unsuccessful, we should not punish the perps is the type of alt right reasoning on letting everyone in Russiagate walk?

What does that have to do with Clapper changing his tune because he's being paid to do so?.
You can deflect all you want, but I can reject your nonsense anytime.
None of you get this --

There's never going to be a trial. Never gonna happen. No way.

Interpol is nothing more than a Bulletin Board where Countries post wanted criminals and ask NATIONAL Police to arrest individuals wanted for actual crimes and/or terrorism.

Interpol Agents can't even carry weapons. They have no arrest powers.

Even if they do track down the GRU Agents, they're almost certainly be part of an Embassy staff somewhere and have Diplomatic Immunity.

And who in their right mind s going to arrest Agents of THE most dangerous, and vindictive, Intelligence Agency in the World?

Mueller KNOWS this will never come to trial, it's why he did it.

Politics. Mueller's got nothing
Manafort's charges have nothing whatsoever to do with Trump. Most of them go back to before Trump even considered running.

You got nothing but your pathetic little dick in your hand like the monkey you are
And, now, OKTexas is making up nonsense about that great man, James Clapper.

Keep ignoring the facts oh senile one.
James Clapper believes that without Vladimir Putin's assistance, that Trump would not be President today.

As a private citizen, I had no doubt they influence at least some voters. Looking at the savvy ways Russians targeted specific user groups -- for instance, buying advertisements on Facebook promoting Clinton's support of the Black Lives Matter movement and ensuring those ads ran only on the pages of white conservative voters in swing states... Looking at how they created lies that helped Trump and hurt Clinton and promoted these falsehoods through social media and state=sponsored channels to the point that the traditional US media were unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda... and at how they ran a multifaceted campaign and sustained it at a high level from early 2015 until Election Day 2016... Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"
Trump won the election by a mere 76K accumuated votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Clapper states that it is very reasonable to presume that 76K voters in those and other states were indeed influenced by Russian propoganda.

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda.
If a bank robbery attempt is unsuccessful, we should not punish the perps is the type of alt right reasoning on letting everyone in Russiagate walk?

What does that have to do with Clapper changing his tune because he's being paid to do so?.
You can deflect all you want, but I can reject your nonsense anytime.

Yep, rejecting facts out of hand is all you seem to be capable of.


The indictment says that in August and September 2016, Russians posing as Guccifer 2.0 were in contact with a person who communicated with senior Trump campaign officials, flagging emails posted and offering assistance.

The indictment says that in August and September 2016, Russians posing as Guccifer 2.0 were in contact with a person who communicated with senior Trump campaign officials, flagging emails posted and offering assistance.

Roger Stone was mentioned in the indictment. He is a sleazy trump weasel....He was the point person for trump.....
I see the DNC has top tier IT security experts.

It will be interesting that two DNC break-in's were done by
GOP/DOPer directions. In the end, by Nixon and the Great Douche.
Both flying the American Traitorous GOP/RNC and New DOPer FLAGS!
"It will be interesting?" You mean, there isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the GOP was involved. When are you imbeciles going to start talking about actual facts rather than your delusions and wet dreams?

LOL! HRC No indictments over 35-42 years.
Great Douche is up to 32 indictments now I think..
Hi direct Employees and hackers of Putin. In 15 months.



All Russian connected.
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Just wait until the Rooskies' lawyers ask to have the DNC and hiLIARy's servers examined!

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