Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians

What happened to the other Russians they supposedly arrested but kept putting off their court dates?

The Russians want their money, access to their bank accounts, and the ability to travel to their posh vacations homes in France, Greece, the Caribbean and elsewhere without being arrested at the airport. They don’t give a rats ass about dotard. He is nothing but a means to an end. There is no telling what dirt they are feeding Mueller.

Please provide us the link that quotes them saying as much.
What happened to the other Russians they supposedly arrested but kept putting off their court dates?

The Russians want their money, access to their bank accounts, and the ability to travel to their posh vacations homes in France, Greece, the Caribbean and elsewhere without being arrested at the airport. They don’t give a rats ass about dotard. He is nothing but a means to an end. There is no telling what dirt they are feeding Mueller.

Christ sake, you make it sound like these Russians are a bunch of liberals.
More meaningless BS from Mewler that will go nowhere

Nothing burger you say? More to come...hope the orange wears orange sooner than later.

That's not Trump, moron
That's one of his gang members , the orange and his family will go down next. Most hated person on earth along with his minions.

Hope springs eternal

Trump aint going anywhere
So the Russians released 'damaging emails' on the bitch Clinton. So what? Don't shoot the messenger

So the Russians saved us from Hillary Clinton. They should get a Purple Heart..... er I mean a world leadership medal lol

More meaningless BS from Mewler that will go nowhere

Nothing burger you say? More to come...hope the orange wears orange sooner than later.

That's not Trump, moron
That's one of his gang members , the orange and his family will go down next. Most hated person on earth along with his minions.

Hope springs eternal

Trump aint going anywhere

And now he even had his own balloon in London. I hope someone in the US develops a trump balloon for the Thanksgiving Day parade......or just a giant floating turd would do.....
Nope, that is you. You said it went to Russia.

So you're backtracking on this exchange now?

Now you're just fucking LYING, this is exactly what I said.
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?
My bold. .
You changed it. That is just like you. Got you, and I will Ignore for the rest of the day. You earned it.

The indictment of the twelve Russians puts them on notice that their time outside of Russia is now fraught with capture, and their exterior accounts have been frozen and liquidated. Being hold up in Mother Russia is a stiff punishment as it is.
Nope, that is you. You said it went to Russia.

So you're backtracking on this exchange now?

Now you're just fucking LYING, this is exactly what I said.
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?
My bold. .
You changed it. That is just like you. Got you, and I will Ignore for the rest of the day. You earned it.

The indictment of the twelve Russians puts them on notice that their time outside of Russia is now fraught with capture, and their exterior accounts have been frozen and liquidated. Being hold up in Mother Russia is a stiff punishment as it is.

Never turn your back on or trust a trumpette....they are devious and change facts to suit their needs....
Mueller has as much chance to prove his allegations as the courts would have the chance to address asylum seekers

Both will never show up for court

Mueller isn't fooling anyone. He brought these indictments specifically to undermine and derail Trump's visit.
Mueller made the indictments? The OP says Rosenstein made the indictments. What the fuck does this have to do with Trump? Bogus witchhunts about "collusion" with Russia definitely do make it harder to negotiate with Russia. What planet are you living on where they don't?

You have to wait and see how it unfolds.
Rosenstein said no Americans were involved. Can't you read, dumbass?

It's you that needs some reading comprehension. No one has ever accused any American of actually doing the hackings, it was always Russians.

Let Shep Smith explain it to you. I would suggest that you listen to the whole 8.36 minute video.

So where did Shep Smith get his information? From this article that was confirmed by James Clapper during Senate testimony over one year ago.
"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.'"

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation scroll down this link until you hit the testimony and questioning from Diane Fienstein and James Clapper.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

For more information scroll back to page 3 post # 30 on this thread.

The point you are so desperately trying to avoid, you fucking bonehead, is that Rosenstein admitted it had nothing to do with the Trump campaign.

You keep talking about these "links," but where are they? Where is the evidence?

Further, nothing that Sally Yates and James Clapper testify to is credible. They are a couple of Trump hating hacks.

Bripat, the point is that Putin ordered the Russians meddling in our election, and is still at it now. Mueller just handed us the facts on a platter. Our Commander in Chief still, after being briefed about this earlier in the week, is whining that it is making it harder to be friendly to Putin, and he is still believing that Putin is telling the truth when he says the Russian government was not involved.
Mueller just proved that a lie.
I will be interested to see what Trump says about it.

Obama sniffed at the idea that anyone could violate the integrity of our elections. Now, all of a sudden, we're suppose to believe all this phony Dim indignation about Russia hacking our election? The problem with all you Russian collusion conspiricy theorist is the fact that you made it clear you don't care about the integrity of our election so long as you believe Hillary is going to win. All this sudden blubbering about it is purely a means of attacking Trump, and nothing else. None of this information would have seen the light of day if Hillary had won.
Mueller has as much chance to prove his allegations as the courts would have the chance to address asylum seekers

Both will never show up for court

The guy really comes off as a weasel of the highest order.
Nope, that is you. You said it went to Russia.

So you're backtracking on this exchange now?

Now you're just fucking LYING, this is exactly what I said.
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?
My bold. .
You changed it. That is just like you. Got you, and I will Ignore for the rest of the day. You earned it.

The indictment of the twelve Russians puts them on notice that their time outside of Russia is now fraught with capture, and their exterior accounts have been frozen and liquidated. Being hold up in Mother Russia is a stiff punishment as it is.

You're LYING again, go back to post 131 and show me where the message board system says it was edited. You're just too senile to remember what was said, even though I reminded you TWICE.

Nope, that is you. You said it went to Russia.

So you're backtracking on this exchange now?

Now you're just fucking LYING, this is exactly what I said.
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?
My bold. .
You changed it. That is just like you. Got you, and I will Ignore for the rest of the day. You earned it.

The indictment of the twelve Russians puts them on notice that their time outside of Russia is now fraught with capture, and their exterior accounts have been frozen and liquidated. Being hold up in Mother Russia is a stiff punishment as it is.

You're LYING again, go back to post 131 and show me where the message board system says it was edited. You're just too senile to remember what was said, even though I reminded you TWICE.

Poor Fakey Jake getting served again. He get beat down(virtual) here on USMB more than Antifa on the streets of Portland

Nope, that is you. You said it went to Russia.

So you're backtracking on this exchange now?

Now you're just fucking LYING, this is exactly what I said.
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?
My bold. .
You changed it. That is just like you. Got you, and I will Ignore for the rest of the day. You earned it.

The indictment of the twelve Russians puts them on notice that their time outside of Russia is now fraught with capture, and their exterior accounts have been frozen and liquidated. Being hold up in Mother Russia is a stiff punishment as it is.

Never turn your back on or trust a trumpette....they are devious and change facts to suit their needs....

Go to post 131 and show where it was changed. Fakey is letting senility get the best of him and won't admit when he's WRONG.

So the Russians released 'damaging emails' on the bitch Clinton. So what? Don't shoot the messenger

They exposed the same thing Donna Brazile did in her book... (Is she a Russian agent?)


Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, broke election laws, violated campaign finance laws....and still lost.


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