Roosevelt Spinning In His Grave!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
On March 3rd, 1948, a policy of Truman's began.

Implementation of the Marshall Plan
On this day in 1948, U.S. President Harry S. Truman signed into law George C. Marshall's post-World War II plan to revive the economies of western and southern European countries so as to foster democracy in the region.

Contrary to the wishes of Stalin's vassal, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, events convinced Truman to break the hold the dictator of Russia had on American foreign policy.

Stalin had demanded, and, of course, FDR acquiesced, to 'unconditional surrender,' meaning no end to the war until Germany was ground to dust, 'pastoralized,' so as not to be any resistance to communist control of Europe post-war.

Truman reverted to being an American President, and instituted a plan to rebuild Europe.

"Archival evidence indicates that the Soviet’s wanted the war to continue long enough for them to conquer Eastern Europe and in order for Germany to be utterly destroyed or “pastoralized” which was called for in the Morgenthau Plan which was actually written by Soviet spy Harry Dexter White. The Soviets were also clamoring for a “second front” in France in order to deflect the allies out of Italy and the Balkans which was too close to Russia."
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up

Truman should be canonized!!
I think history has smiled on Truman.

FDR...not so much.

Not yet.....but it is coming.

The power the Left holds restricts the truth about FDR, and it would cost salaries, status, and careers to write the truth.

  1. Scholars have discovered that totalitarian philosophies have a social-egalitarian component that adds to the mass popularity of such regimes. Thus, not only National Socialism, with its belief that its racial doctrine entailed the promise of equality for all members of the German people, or ‘Volk,’ but if one can look beyond the repression and terror, the New Deal can be seen as a series of economic misadventures achieved through the force of mass propaganda, and owing its success solely to America’s victory in WWII.
    1. In an insightful analysis, John A. Garraty compared Roosevelt’s New Deal with aspects of the Third Reich: a strong leader; an ideology stressing the nation, the people and the land; state control of economic and social affairs; and the quality and quantity of government propaganda. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78 (1973) p. 907ff.
    2. Garraty reminds that to compare is not the same as to equate. Yet, many still find Garraty’s analysis too hot to handle.
FDR had three vice-presidents.....he actually demanded a communist as his second one. did we wind up being blessed with Saint Harry?

There are four references to ‘Divine’ in Declaration of Independence:
1) in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’
2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,”
3) Supreme Judge of the world, and
4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

An example of the role of the Devine in America's history is Harry Truman.

All sorts of questions buzz around the special relationship the Roosevelt had with the homicidal maniac, Joseph Stalin, but there is no question as to how Soviet apparatchik Henry Wallace became his second vice-president.

Roosevelt insisted that the Soviet-sympathizer be on the ticket!
" Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech."
FDR Stalin and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun

It has been one of those blessings of Providence that Harry Truman replaced the communist Henry Wallace as Roosevelt's vice president. Truman was a fine American.....yet he could not resist the 'communist disease' any more than many other fine Americans of the era.
As President of the United States, he denounced the Hiss case as a "red herring" and tolerated in his Cabinet such abettors of world communism as George C. Marshall and Dean Acheson.

But, there is this:
"The conduct of President Truman in this case was particularly hard to understand. No one would question the tough-minded anti-Communism of the man who had so boldly initiated the program of Greek-Turkish aid and the Marshall Plan....He denied outright the evidence in front of him and he stumped the 1948 political trail flailing away at 'the red herring'..."
Richard Nixon on the Meaning of the Hiss Case

But he was the right man for the time.
Had Roosevelt died before Truman was V-P, Stalin would have had his man as President of the United States.
It's a tale of two Presidents.

Roosevelt promulgated the Morgenthau Plan per Stalin's instructions.

Truman, the Marshall Plan.

While Hitler was useful to Stalin early on, they were allies, the endgame required that his brand of socialism, national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race...had to be removed as an impediment to Stalin's conquest of Europe, and then further.
Stalin's policy was simple: the result of the war had to leave Germany a smoldering wreckage, with no ability to resist Stalin's forces. This was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan.

The Morgenthau Plan calling for total annihilation of Germany, and 'unconditional surrender'.......

Of course, Stalin didn't care about how many Russians were killed- most of the Russians who died were killed by Stalin himself....and certainly not about the numbers of American soldiers..
...but shouldn't Roosevelt have had a concern?

Once the Morgenthau Plan for 'unconditional surrender' was announced, [Stalin's spy] Harry Dexter White's plan to pastoralize, pulverize, Germany....destroy all German science, industry, technology as well as everything provided high-octane propaganda for the Nazis.

Thomas Dewey stated this:
"Almost overnight, the morale of the German people seemed wholly changed....Now they are fighting with a frenzy of despair." Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan · Page 6

"President Roosevelt's son-in-law Lt. Colonel John Boettiger who worked in the War Department explained to Morgenthau how the American troops who had had to fight for five weeks against fierce German resistance to capture the city of Aachen had complained to him that the Morgenthau Plan was "worth thirty divisions to the Germans."
Morgenthau Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Didn't 'the brilliant' FDR know this would be the result in Germany????

Or....didn't he care.

Did he feel that Stalin's smile was far more important?
On this date in 1996, Progressive and serial killer captured.

1996: Federal agents in Montana apprehended Theodore J. Kaczynski, an American terrorist known as the “Unabomber,” who had killed 3 persons and injured more than 20 with explosives sent through the U.S. postal system .

Yet one more example of the danger of teaching that the end justifies the means, or, as earlier Progressives put it..
"You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette."

  1. Guess which political group both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI consider the most dangerous in America? Environmentalists. Yep. Some $43 million in damage by the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front in the past two decades.
    1. “Extremists within the environmental and animal rights movements have committed literally thousands of violent criminal acts in recent decades — arguably more than those from any other radical sector, left or right.” Eco-Violence: The Record
    2. “A leader of the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmentalist organization the FBI described as America's most dangerous domestic terrorist group, refused to answer questions Tuesday before a congressional hearing on ecoterrorism.” About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library
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