Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

FDR, worst President ever, unless of course you support Stalin
Uh, Crusader is a proven con troll, and a proven conspiracy theorist. And says, against all evidence, that fdr is the worst president ever. Then, compares fdr to president "STALIN". Do we have any doubt at all that CR is an idiot.
Jake, continues his uninterrupted string of posts with no substance, at best, or just totally embarrassing himself.
Crusader continues his uninterrupted string of unsubstantiated attacks on FDR. All with lies and lack of substance, simply totally embarrassing himself. And proving the concept of projection is real. And proving himself an irrelevant conservative troll.

When will you post your "impartial" data set from 1933-1940?
I know you have a hard time understanding. Or even seeing, with your head ensconced up your ass. But I used your numbers, and added the numbers for 1940 and 1941. So, I will re post the numbers for you, but please remove your head from your ass.

Depression Era Unemployment Statistics
Year Population Labor Unemployed Percentage of
Force Labor Force

1929 88,010,000 49,440,000 1,550,000 3.14
1930 89,550,000 50,080,000 4,340,000 8.67
1931 90,710,000 50,680,000 8,020,000 15.82
1932 91,810,000 51,250,000 12,060,000 23.53
1933 92,950,000 51,840,000 12,830,000 24.75
1934 94,190,000 52,490,000 11,340,000 21.60
1935 95,460,000 53,140,000 10,610,000 19.97
1936 96,700,000 53,740,000 9,030,000 16.80
1937 97,870,000 54,320,000 7,700,000 14.18
1938 99,120,000 54,950,000 10,390,000 18.91
1939 100,360,000 55,600,000 9,480,000 17.05
1940 101,560,000 56,180,000 8,120,000 14.45
1941 102,700,000 57,530,000 5,560,000 9.66
1942 4.7
1944 1.2
United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2013
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
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HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

I can't isolate 1929, because we're talking about FDR's awful record which only started in 1933
FDR, worst President ever, unless of course you support Stalin
Uh, Crusader is a proven con troll, and a proven conspiracy theorist. And says, against all evidence, that fdr is the worst president ever. Then, compares fdr to president "STALIN". Do we have any doubt at all that CR is an idiot.
Jake, continues his uninterrupted string of posts with no substance, at best, or just totally embarrassing himself.
Crusader continues his uninterrupted string of unsubstantiated attacks on FDR. All with lies and lack of substance, simply totally embarrassing himself. And proving the concept of projection is real. And proving himself an irrelevant conservative troll.

When will you post your "impartial" data set from 1933-1940?
I know you have a hard time understanding. Or even seeing, with your head ensconced up your ass. But I used your numbers, and added the numbers for 1940 and 1941. So, I will re post the numbers for you, but please remove your head from your ass.

Depression Era Unemployment Statistics
Year Population Labor Unemployed Percentage of
Force Labor Force

1929 88,010,000 49,440,000 1,550,000 3.14
1930 89,550,000 50,080,000 4,340,000 8.67
1931 90,710,000 50,680,000 8,020,000 15.82
1932 91,810,000 51,250,000 12,060,000 23.53
1933 92,950,000 51,840,000 12,830,000 24.75
1934 94,190,000 52,490,000 11,340,000 21.60
1935 95,460,000 53,140,000 10,610,000 19.97
1936 96,700,000 53,740,000 9,030,000 16.80
1937 97,870,000 54,320,000 7,700,000 14.18
1938 99,120,000 54,950,000 10,390,000 18.91
1939 100,360,000 55,600,000 9,480,000 17.05
1940 101,560,000 56,180,000 8,120,000 14.45
1941 102,700,000 57,530,000 5,560,000 9.66
1942 4.7
1944 1.2
United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2013

who was President in 1929, 30? Why are we adding those in if we're talking about FDR?
Hoover average unemployment

3.2 + 8.9 +16.3 + 24.1= 52.5/4 = 13.1%

FDR average unemployment

24.9 + 21.7 + 20.1 + 16.9 + 14.3 + 19 + 17.2 = 134.1/7 =19.1%

FDR had a worse overall average, 6% higher UE than Hoover and 3 years above 20% UE
Jake, your data set means that FDR was almost twice as awful as Hoover, correct?

Ah. So as a congenital idiot and con troll, you would suggest that the only thing that matters relative to unemployment is the average rate. Because you are incapable of rational thought. So, since W's ue rate was relatively low and higher under Obama as he was lowering it, W did a great job. The fact that W had a low rate but created an economy loosing 700,000 jobs per month is of no concern. Are you seriously resting on that bit of "logic". No rational and impartial person in the world buys that nonsense. It just does not pass the giggle test.

The Great Depression started in 1929. the very year Hoover took office. He had no option but to serve during the Great Republican Depression. His problem was that during the entirety of his term, he did nothing to help the problem he inherited. But at least, in the end of his term, he did pass bills to help with the Republican Depression. He was too late to help before he left office, but his bills were of help later.

Now, here is something well beyond your ability to understand or admit. The Great Republican Depression of 1929 was started BEFORE Hoover took office. As all rational people can see. That it is beyond you is no surprise, and I suspect educating you is, as usual, not possible. Stupid is stupid, and you are, indeed, stupid.
Now, here is what all of us who went to college learned about the great depression. Now, I know they would not let you in, but even so, most people with no econ experience have no problem understanding these facts. But I am sure you will not.

"It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point. Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth.
The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets.
Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans.
The unprecedented prosperity of the 1920s was suddenly gone, the Great Depression was upon the nation, and breadlines became a common sight.
There were fundamental structural weaknesses in the American economic system. Banks operated without guarantees to their customers, creating a climate of panic when times got tough. Few regulations were placed on banks and they lent money to those who speculated recklessly in stocks. Agricultural prices had already been low during the 1920s, leaving farmers unable to spark any sort of recovery. When the Depression spread across the Atlantic, Europeans bought fewer American products, worsening the slide.
When President Hoover was inaugurated, the American economy was a house of cards.
Unable to provide the proper relief from hard times, his popularity decreased as more and more Americans lost their jobs. His minimalist approach to government intervention made little impact . The economy shrank with each successive year of his Presidency. As middle class Americans stood in the same soup lines previously graced only by the nation's poorest, the entire social fabric of America was forever altered."
The Great Depression []

So, there you go, me con troll. The cause of the Great Republican Depression was the Republican president, or presidents, prior to Hoover. Hoover just did not act quickly enough. And the republicans left the mess for FDR to fix. Which he did indeed do.

So, you see, your question about average unemployment is not just irrelevant. It is truly stupid, and shows you to be stupid. Which you are, of course.
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
You have to accept 1932 and 1933 as HH's. Those two years demonstrate the absolute failure of Hoover and shows what the Coolidge years set up for future failure. GWB did the exact same thing leading up to 2009.

You have trouble with context and a full set of numbers. Why is that?
FDR, worst President ever, unless of course you support Stalin
Uh, Crusader is a proven con troll, and a proven conspiracy theorist. And says, against all evidence, that fdr is the worst president ever. Then, compares fdr to president "STALIN". Do we have any doubt at all that CR is an idiot.
Jake, continues his uninterrupted string of posts with no substance, at best, or just totally embarrassing himself.
Crusader continues his uninterrupted string of unsubstantiated attacks on FDR. All with lies and lack of substance, simply totally embarrassing himself. And proving the concept of projection is real. And proving himself an irrelevant conservative troll.

When will you post your "impartial" data set from 1933-1940?
I know you have a hard time understanding. Or even seeing, with your head ensconced up your ass. But I used your numbers, and added the numbers for 1940 and 1941. So, I will re post the numbers for you, but please remove your head from your ass.

Depression Era Unemployment Statistics
Year Population Labor Unemployed Percentage of
Force Labor Force

1929 88,010,000 49,440,000 1,550,000 3.14
1930 89,550,000 50,080,000 4,340,000 8.67
1931 90,710,000 50,680,000 8,020,000 15.82
1932 91,810,000 51,250,000 12,060,000 23.53
1933 92,950,000 51,840,000 12,830,000 24.75
1934 94,190,000 52,490,000 11,340,000 21.60
1935 95,460,000 53,140,000 10,610,000 19.97
1936 96,700,000 53,740,000 9,030,000 16.80
1937 97,870,000 54,320,000 7,700,000 14.18
1938 99,120,000 54,950,000 10,390,000 18.91
1939 100,360,000 55,600,000 9,480,000 17.05
1940 101,560,000 56,180,000 8,120,000 14.45
1941 102,700,000 57,530,000 5,560,000 9.66
Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression
1942 4.7
1944 1.2
United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2013

who was President in 1929, 30? Why are we adding those in if we're talking about FDR?
That would be hoover, me ignorant con troll. And I did not add them.
But, keep reading. My next post will explain to rational people why this exercise of yours is butt stupid.
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
You have to accept 1932 and 1933 as HH's. Those two years demonstrate the absolute failure of Hoover and shows what the Coolidge years set up for future failure. GWB did the exact same thing leading up to 2009.

You have trouble with context and a full set of numbers. Why is that?
Absolutely. 1932 and 1933 were Hoover years. His budget ended at the beginning of 1934. Which is why the numbers I used were 1934 to 1941. The FDR years. The problem is that Crusader Rabbit is a congenital idiot. And has no understanding of economics.
Jake, your data set means that FDR was almost twice as awful as Hoover, correct?

Ah. So as a congenital idiot and con troll, you would suggest that the only thing that matters relative to unemployment is the average rate. Because you are incapable of rational thought. So, since W's ue rate was relatively low and higher under Obama as he was lowering it, W did a great job. The fact that W had a low rate but created an economy loosing 700,000 jobs per month is of no concern. Are you seriously resting on that bit of "logic". No rational and impartial person in the world buys that nonsense. It just does not pass the giggle test.

The Great Depression started in 1929. the very year Hoover took office. He had no option but to serve during the Great Republican Depression. His problem was that during the entirety of his term, he did nothing to help the problem he inherited. But at least, in the end of his term, he did pass bills to help with the Republican Depression. He was too late to help before he left office, but his bills were of help later.

Now, here is something well beyond your ability to understand or admit. The Great Republican Depression of 1929 was started BEFORE Hoover took office. As all rational people can see. That it is beyond you is no surprise, and I suspect educating you is, as usual, not possible. Stupid is stupid, and you are, indeed, stupid.
Now, here is what all of us who went to college learned about the great depression. Now, I know they would not let you in, but even so, most people with no econ experience have no problem understanding these facts. But I am sure you will not.

"It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point. Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth.
The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets.
Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans.
The unprecedented prosperity of the 1920s was suddenly gone, the Great Depression was upon the nation, and breadlines became a common sight.
There were fundamental structural weaknesses in the American economic system. Banks operated without guarantees to their customers, creating a climate of panic when times got tough. Few regulations were placed on banks and they lent money to those who speculated recklessly in stocks. Agricultural prices had already been low during the 1920s, leaving farmers unable to spark any sort of recovery. When the Depression spread across the Atlantic, Europeans bought fewer American products, worsening the slide.
When President Hoover was inaugurated, the American economy was a house of cards.
Unable to provide the proper relief from hard times, his popularity decreased as more and more Americans lost their jobs. His minimalist approach to government intervention made little impact . The economy shrank with each successive year of his Presidency. As middle class Americans stood in the same soup lines previously graced only by the nation's poorest, the entire social fabric of America was forever altered."
The Great Depression []

So, there you go, me con troll. The cause of the Great Republican Depression was the Republican president, or presidents, prior to Hoover. Hoover just did not act quickly enough. And the republicans left the mess for FDR to fix. Which he did indeed do.

So, you see, your question about average unemployment is not just irrelevant. It is truly stupid, and shows you to be stupid. Which you are, of course.

Your cut and paste as proxy for real understanding says it all.

The numbers are the number, they don't care who was President. That they reveal FDR to be a catastrophic failure until Hitler conquered France and since you added 1941, Germany invaded the USSR. You still have yet to post your "impartial data" or was that in one of your recent posts, #510, are those the numbers you say are "impartial"?

Your simplistic, jiggerypokery cut and paste from USHistory is laughable and one of the reasons people like you and Jake (as if...) are so wrong, wrong, wrong about the Great FDR Depression. I don't know how anyone can talk about the Depression without mentioning that the Fed sucked out 1/3 of the money supply in 1929. That's a big fucking deal
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
You have to accept 1932 and 1933 as HH's. Those two years demonstrate the absolute failure of Hoover and shows what the Coolidge years set up for future failure. GWB did the exact same thing leading up to 2009.

You have trouble with context and a full set of numbers. Why is that?
Absolutely. 1932 and 1933 were Hoover years. His budget ended at the beginning of 1934. Which is why the numbers I used were 1934 to 1941. The FDR years. The problem is that Crusader Rabbit is a congenital idiot. And has no understanding of economics.


You've heard of FDR "First 100 Days" correct?
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
You have to accept 1932 and 1933 as HH's. Those two years demonstrate the absolute failure of Hoover and shows what the Coolidge years set up for future failure. GWB did the exact same thing leading up to 2009.

You have trouble with context and a full set of numbers. Why is that?

1933, that was Hoover First 100 Days, right Rshermr?
Hoover average unemployment

3.2 + 8.9 +16.3 + 24.1= 52.5/4 = 13.1% 52.4 Pure bullshit. Hoover got 1930 thru 1933
Sorry, dipshit. The budget for 1934 was still Hoovers, and the ue rate of 24.9 had already been reached well before the FDR years. The budget for 1932 was Coolidge, not Hoover. Get a clue, dipshit.
FDR average unemployment

24.9 + 21.7 + 20.1 + 16.9 + 14.3 + 19 + 17.2 = 134.1/7 =19.1%

Really, dipshit, taking one year of Hoovers admin, and only 6 of FDR's is totally dishonest. Just like normal from you. If you take fdr's first budget year of 1934 through the last year before WWII got going, you have about 16.55. NOT THAT IT MAKES ANY DIFFERENCE. DIPSHIT.
FDR had a worse overall average, 6% higher UE than Hoover and 3 years above 20% UE
And Crusader lies again. Hoover got credit for the 29.4 of 1933, as it was in his budget. And using only 7 years of his administration is obviously dishonest, as we would expect of you. Look at my post. It is honest, and not a lie based on the dishonesty of a con troll.

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Frank's mental perspective on these matters, his skewed axis of historical interpretation, demonstrates exactly why the far right cannot fashion a winning national coalition.

Hoover's budgets for fiscal years' 1932 and 1933 are all his responsibility.

Hillary is so vulnerable, so the far right picks a candidate just as vulnerable or even more so.
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Two questions to people that hate government
1. What year had the bigger middle class: 1880 or 1950.
2. Name a single top 30 country that doesn't regulate its economy, invest in science, infrastructure or education.

The 1880's still had regulations, but the giants within the corporate world had total control over the market place. People like Theodore Roosevelt and FDR both worked to change this and the middle class developed. What do you think men like Reagan did to turn what they did on its head? Deregulated and let them off the hook.
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
You have to accept 1932 and 1933 as HH's. Those two years demonstrate the absolute failure of Hoover and shows what the Coolidge years set up for future failure. GWB did the exact same thing leading up to 2009.

You have trouble with context and a full set of numbers. Why is that?

Absolutely. 1932 and 1933 were Hoover years. His budget ended at the beginning of 1934. Which is why the numbers I used were 1934 to 1941. The FDR years. The problem is that Crusader Rabbit is a congenital idiot. And has no understanding of economics.

You've heard of FDR "First 100 Days" correct?

Watch the laugh. It is common among congenital idiots.
Yes. Of course. It is common to do as much as possible in the early days, which he did. Problem was, those bills took place in the following year. Sorry you missed it.
So, trying to follow your "logic'. So lets try:
1. You have a booming depression going on when FDR takes office, mid March of 1933.
2. There are a couple bills passed by the previous President, Hoover, that come with the economy. They will take effect next year, in 1934.
3. You pass bills as soon as possible. They will also take effect later, in 1934.
4. The budget you are working under is Hoover's.
So, the thing is, me ignorant con troll, blaming the 1933 economy on anyone but the person who was responsible for it and who's budget it was does not pass the giggle test. Maybe that is why you are laughing.

Uh, have you yet tried to read the post that I provided for you explaining the causes of the Great Republican Recession of 1929. Try it, see if you can explain why those experts were wrong.
Here it is again. If you read it and understand it, you will be less stupid:

Now, here is what all of us who went to college learned about the great depression. Now, I know they would not let you in, but even so, most people with no econ experience have no problem understanding these facts. But I am sure you will not.

"It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point. Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth.
The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets.
Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans.
The unprecedented prosperity of the 1920s was suddenly gone, the Great Depression was upon the nation, and breadlines became a common sight.
There were fundamental structural weaknesses in the American economic system. Banks operated without guarantees to their customers, creating a climate of panic when times got tough. Few regulations were placed on banks and they lent money to those who speculated recklessly in stocks. Agricultural prices had already been low during the 1920s, leaving farmers unable to spark any sort of recovery. When the Depression spread across the Atlantic, Europeans bought fewer American products, worsening the slide.
When President Hoover was inaugurated, the American economy was a house of cards.
Unable to provide the proper relief from hard times, his popularity decreased as more and more Americans lost their jobs. His minimalist approach to government intervention made little impact . The economy shrank with each successive year of his Presidency. As middle class Americans stood in the same soup lines previously graced only by the nation's poorest, the entire social fabric of America was forever altered."
The Great Depression []

So, there you go, me con troll. The cause of the Great Republican Depression was the Republican president, or presidents, prior to Hoover. Hoover just did not act quickly enough. And the republicans left the mess for FDR to fix. Which he did indeed do.

So, you see, your question about average unemployment is not just irrelevant. It is truly stupid, and shows you to be stupid. Which you are, of course.
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Jake and Jake (aka: Rshermr) are not only totally wrong about the end of the 1921 Depression and the causes of the FDR Depression, they now totally ignore and negate FDR's Famous First 100 Days.

Do you know how completely and totally ignorant you have to be to embrace the nonsensical "ideas" of the Jakes?

"The first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency was a time in the history of the United States in which Roosevelt planned to put an end to the Great Depression that was thought to have been caused by the policies of his predecessor, Herbert Hoover. When FDR took office on March 4, 1933, he immediately addressed the effects of the depression. His main four priorities were to get Americans back to work, protect their savings and create prosperity, provide relief for the sick and elderly, and get industry and agriculture back on their feet."

First 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instead of putting an end to the policies of Hoover, FDR embraced them, doubled down and actually had an economy so bad, his average unemployment was fully 6% higher and lasted 3 years longer; 1933-1940 is the FDR Depression and there's nothing Great about it
HH was responsible for over 24% to straight years.

FDR dropped the UE and raised the GNP.

tsk tsk, Frank you cannot isolate 1933 to 1939 from 1929 to 1932 (the worst of the Depression)

Jake, check your data set: 3.2%, 8.9%, 16.3%, 24.1%

Surely you can perform a simple average using data you provided.

You did look at it and understand it, right?
You have to accept 1932 and 1933 as HH's. Those two years demonstrate the absolute failure of Hoover and shows what the Coolidge years set up for future failure. GWB did the exact same thing leading up to 2009.

You have trouble with context and a full set of numbers. Why is that?

1933, that was Hoover First 100 Days, right Rshermr?
The first 100 days would be roughly the end of march through the 10th of July. But you see, you should never take it literally. Unless you are stupid. OOPS. Forgot, You are stupid. Forgot for a second. So, did you have a point about first 100 days, or are you just unfamiliar with calendars? dipshit.
You really need to learn how to use google, search for the administration by presidents, and note what the budget term is. You will find it starts, today, theFebruary in the year after they are sworn in.
Most everyone understands that. That you are an idiot is not my problem.
Jake and Jake (aka: Rshermr) are not only totally wrong about the end of the 1921 Depression and the causes of the FDR Depression, they now totally ignore and negate FDR's Famous First 100 Days.
First, you are lying again. Seems to be a habit. There was no 1921 Depression. There was never another depression, only the great republican depression of 1929.
Second, I was never wrong about the end of the 1921 RECESSION. Only you were wrong. Because only you are stupid and a liar.
Third, there was never an FDR depression. Since FDR did not become president until 1933, and the Great Republican Depression started in 1929, it was never named after FDR. He only fixed it. He did not cause it.
Fourth, I was not wrong about the causes of the Great Republican Depression of 1929. Nor it's name. I provided you an expert source explaining it's cause, and who the presidents were that were responsible for those causes.
Fifth, No one negates or ignores FDR's first 100 days. He set up his budget year for a lot of good things, but they did not start during the last budget year of Hoover, which was 1933. Sorry but facts are facts.
Not bad for a con troll. You managed 5 lies in ONE SENTENCE. WOW, me boy, that may be a record.

Do you know how completely and totally ignorant you have to be to embrace the nonsensical "ideas" of the Jakes?
I know that you are a nonsensical clown, who keeps trying and loosing this argument. Facts are facts, me boy. Lies are lies. And only you are lying.

"The first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency was a time in the history of the United States in which Roosevelt planned to put an end to the Great Depression that was thought to have been caused by the policies of his predecessor, Herbert Hoover. When FDR took office on March 4, 1933, he immediately addressed the effects of the depression. His main four priorities were to get Americans back to work, protect their savings and create prosperity, provide relief for the sick and elderly, and get industry and agriculture back on their feet."

First 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What you are trying to conflate is bills passed versus bills action taken. Bills enacted in 1933 took a year to get moving, and so results of bills were 1934 on.

Instead of putting an end to the policies of Hoover, FDR embraced them, doubled down and actually had an economy so bad, his average unemployment was fully 6% higher and lasted 3 years longer; 1933-1940 is the FDR Depression and there's nothing Great about it.

And, being a con troll, you simply continue to lie. No one but con trolls tries to say that the president coming in March of 1933 is responsible for a depression that is raging, and already over 24% ue. Only a fool, like CF, would try that ignorant trick. But it does not pass the giggle test. What was great about FDR's administration was that FDR increased GNP and brought ue under control, to near zero. What was wrong was created by the previous republican presidents, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, and was that they created the most immense downturn in the history of the United states, and did nothing to slow it down, allowing the ue rate to go from 3% to 25%. Over twice as bad as any other downturn in modern history. Now, while everyone with a brain understands that is a problem, Crusader does not see it that way. He says the problem is only that fdr did not fix the colossal mess as fast as he, CR the con troll, would have preferred. Because CF is an idiot, FDR took 8 years to end the highest unemployment rate in the history of the US. The fastest decrease ever. From his first budget year of 1934 thru 1941. A fantastic record, with FDR being seen as one of the greatest presidents of all time.
So, crusader rabbit thinks FDR should be held responsible for not eliminating the great republican depression of 1929 fast enough. That it was already at 25% when he got the mess dumped in his lap by republicans was obvious to all, that it was not his budget until 1934 is known by all, except C rabbit, who is an idiot. Got it. Nothing new here. Just republicans being unable to take responsibility for their own fuck ups. Very, very low in integrity. No class at all, and no concern about lying your ass off.
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Jake and Jake (aka: Rshermr) are not only totally wrong about the end of the 1921 Depression and the causes of the FDR Depression, they now totally ignore and negate FDR's Famous First 100 Days.
First, you are lying again. Seems to be a habit. There was no 1921 Depression. There was never another depression, only the great republican depression of 1929.
Second, I was never wrong about the end of the 1921 RECESSION. Only you were wrong. Because only you are stupid and a liar.
Third, there was never an FDR depression. Since FDR did not become president until 1933, and the Great Republican Depression started in 1929, it was never named after FDR. He only fixed it. He did not cause it.
Fourth, I was not wrong about the causes of the Great Republican Depression of 1929. Nor it's name. I provided you an expert source explaining it's cause, and who the presidents were that were responsible for those causes.
Fifth, No one negates or ignores FDR's first 100 days. He set up his budget year for a lot of good things, but they did not start during the last budget year of Hoover, which was 1933. Sorry but facts are facts.
Not bad for a con troll. You managed 5 lies in ONE SENTENCE. WOW, me boy, that may be a record.

Do you know how completely and totally ignorant you have to be to embrace the nonsensical "ideas" of the Jakes?
I know that you are a nonsensical clown, who keeps trying and loosing this argument. Facts are facts, me boy. Lies are lies. And only you are lying.

"The first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency was a time in the history of the United States in which Roosevelt planned to put an end to the Great Depression that was thought to have been caused by the policies of his predecessor, Herbert Hoover. When FDR took office on March 4, 1933, he immediately addressed the effects of the depression. His main four priorities were to get Americans back to work, protect their savings and create prosperity, provide relief for the sick and elderly, and get industry and agriculture back on their feet."

First 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What you are trying to conflate is bills passed versus bills action taken. Bills enacted in 1933 took a year to get moving, and so results of bills were 1934 on.

Instead of putting an end to the policies of Hoover, FDR embraced them, doubled down and actually had an economy so bad, his average unemployment was fully 6% higher and lasted 3 years longer; 1933-1940 is the FDR Depression and there's nothing Great about it.

And, being a con troll, you simply continue to lie. No one but con trolls tries to say that the president coming in March of 1933 is responsible for a depression that is raging, and already over 24% ue. Only a fool, like CF, would try that ignorant trick. But it does not pass the giggle test. What was great about FDR's administration was that FDR increased GNP and brought ue under control, to near zero. What was wrong was created by the previous republican presidents, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, and was that they created the most immense downturn in the history of the United states, and did nothing to slow it down, allowing the ue rate to go from 3% to 25%. Over twice as bad as any other downturn in modern history. Now, while everyone with a brain understands that is a problem, Crusader does not see it that way. He says the problem is only that fdr did not fix the colossal mess as fast as he, CR the con troll, would have preferred. Because CF is an idiot, FDR took 8 years to end the highest unemployment rate in the history of the US. The fastest decrease ever. From his first budget year of 1934 thru 1941. A fantastic record, with FDR being seen as one of the greatest presidents of all time.
So, crusader rabbit thinks FDR should be held responsible for not eliminating the great republican depression of 1929 fast enough. That it was already at 25% when he got the mess dumped in his lap by republicans was obvious to all, that it was not his budget until 1934 is known by all, except C rabbit, who is an idiot. Got it. Nothing new here. Just republicans being unable to take responsibility for their own fuck ups. Very, very low in integrity. No class at all, and no concern about lying your ass off.

Jake, I never said that FDR was responsible for 1929-1933, I'm saying the took a bad situation and made it much worse for 7 whole years and was only bailed out by Hitler conquering France and invading FDR's hometown, the USSR

What did FDR do that was dramatically different from Hoover?

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