Ron Paul On Compromise & Democracy...

Message Boards can be so hilarious. She's too dumb to realize she actually just described herself perfectly. Oh Obamabots, they soo craaazy. :cuckoo:

You're the biggest bot in USMB. No matter what, your "great teacher" or whatever you call him is ALWAYS right. Seldom are their facts or studies to back him up, but who needs facts when you're always right, right?

If the voting age were 21 Paul wouldn't even be in politics.


Yes. His voting constituency in texas consisted of 21 or younger. It's pretty funny to listen to some people's babble.

It's pretty well known Paul's core base are very liberal college students.
For his presidential run, perhaps. He's been a politician in the house for 12 years or so. In the 14th district in texas. So again, the assertion he'd not even be a politician without the 21 or younger crowd is assinine.

But certainly not new to be repeated.
For his presidential run, perhaps. He's been a politician in the house for 12 years or so. In the 14th district in texas. So again, the assertion he'd not even be a politician without the 21 or younger crowd is assinine.

But certainly not new to be repeated.

Paul's district is a bright red area of Texas. They will vote for anyone, just as long as they have an (R) next to their name (as to what Paul ran as a republican, not a libertarian)
For his presidential run, perhaps. He's been a politician in the house for 12 years or so. In the 14th district in texas. So again, the assertion he'd not even be a politician without the 21 or younger crowd is assinine.

But certainly not new to be repeated.

Paul's district is a bright red area of Texas. They will vote for anyone, just as long as they have an (R) next to their name (as to what Paul ran as a republican, not a libertarian)


OK there, guy. You just got through with one reading comprehension fail. Do we need to go another round?
Meddling kids.

Stated differently, young adults standing against meddlers in an effort to get them to stop meddling.
But it doesn't quite have the Scooby-Doo effect. Don't get me wrong, it's more correct and certainly more serious than some conservative idiots are giving them.

You are trying to rationalize to them (conservatives) at the moment, I'm trying to make fun of them. *shrugs* Just the mood I'm in.
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Let's parse Rep. Paul's comments.

1. We live in a democratic republic;

2. Our form of democracy is not pure, it is a republican form wherein we elected those who make the laws;

3. Our form of government isn't perfect, but the best human beings have been able to create;

4. Radicals will always seek to change our form of government to suit their own purpose;

5. And, radicals will always manipulate a rule of law to justify their ends.

So what's your point?

BTW, #5 describes you and all the other leftwing nitwits in this forum to a 'T'
why does he hate the founders?

Your ignorance never ceases...

But what the hell, just for shits and giggles, tell us exactly why you believe Dr Paul hates the founders. This ought to be a hoot.

ronnie probably doesn't hate them... just what they created.

actually, not even... he's using weak people suseptible to simplistic messages to advance himself.

He's not trying to use you, Jillian. You're a lost cause.
no one takes mises and the austians seriously...

except for paulian idiots.

truth hurts, sorry, little boy.

Well by all means, show us how we're wrong...seeing how you have the 'truth'. Please be specific, use logic and reason, and tell us in your own words why we should not take the Austrian School of Economics seriously.

This ought to be quite revealing...

More like quite hilarious. She's right. No one does take the guys in the room that have been adding profound knowledge to the field, or predicting it right for 100 years or more serious. It demolishes the states central planning controls to listen to those guys.

Look how they ostricized Schiff and Paul when they called the housing bubble burst right in the early 2000s. Laughed them off almost every media slot they got. Even though they were 100% accurate.

She obviously isn't aware of the fact that the Austrians invented marginal analysis, the foundation of all modern economics. It's easy to make sweeping idiot pronouncements when you're so profoundly ignorant on so many subjects.
Well by all means, show us how we're wrong...seeing how you have the 'truth'. Please be specific, use logic and reason, and tell us in your own words why we should not take the Austrian School of Economics seriously.

This ought to be quite revealing...

More like quite hilarious. She's right. No one does take the guys in the room that have been adding profound knowledge to the field, or predicting it right for 100 years or more serious. It demolishes the states central planning controls to listen to those guys.

Look how they ostricized Schiff and Paul when they called the housing bubble burst right in the early 2000s. Laughed them off almost every media slot they got. Even though they were 100% accurate.

She obviously isn't aware of the fact that the Austrians invented marginal analysis, the foundation of all modern economics. It's easy to make sweeping idiot pronouncements when you're so profoundly ignorant on so many subjects.

Well, let's not be too hard on her. Most of the folks around here I've noticed distinctly lack economic knowledge both current and historical. But you're correct. Although, it is argud Mises/Hayeck are really rooted in classical economics of Smith and Hume. Although that is sort of where Austrian school comes from. A slander on those appealing to a more social instead of hard science approach to economics by closely examining history and arguing a hands off approach to the market....i.e - Liberty.
Weak and simple like Hayek, Mises, and Friedman? Whatever you say genius...

no one takes mises and the austians seriously...

except for paulian idiots.

truth hurts, sorry, little boy.

Well by all means, show us how we're wrong...seeing how you have the 'truth'. Please be specific, use logic and reason, and tell us in your own words why we should not take the Austrian School of Economics seriously.

This ought to be quite revealing...

Come on Jill, thrill us with your insight...
Let's parse Rep. Paul's comments.

1. We live in a democratic republic;

2. Our form of democracy is not pure, it is a republican form wherein we elected those who make the laws;

3. Our form of government isn't perfect, but the best human beings have been able to create;

4. Radicals will always seek to change our form of government to suit their own purpose;

5. And, radicals will always manipulate a rule of law to justify their ends.

Paul is a radical

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