Romney vs Obama


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
I would have thought that this would have been all over this board by now but Romney has topped Obama for the first time in polls. The margin is rather close yet in independents it is pretty large and that is the field that matters. For all you that think this is going to be a cakewalk for Obama, think again. This poll is early and hardly a good indicator of the final outcome but it does indicate that Obama is going to have one hell of a time of he wants to keep his job. At this point, he should not be having problems like this.

2012 Presidential Election: Romney vs. Obama - Rasmussen Reports™
I would have thought that this would have been all over this board by now but Romney has topped Obama for the first time in polls. The margin is rather close yet in independents it is pretty large and that is the field that matters. For all you that think this is going to be a cakewalk for Obama, think again. This poll is early and hardly a good indicator of the final outcome but it does indicate that Obama is going to have one hell of a time of he wants to keep his job. At this point, he should not be having problems like this.

2012 Presidential Election: Romney vs. Obama - Rasmussen Reports™

I like and will support Romney, he has a job plan that took me 4 hours to read and he is the only candidate that will make sure China plays fair with us.
I would prefer him over Perry but I have a strong feeling that Perry is going to be the ticket and that does not bode that well.
I would have thought that this would have been all over this board by now but Romney has topped Obama for the first time in polls. The margin is rather close yet in independents it is pretty large and that is the field that matters. For all you that think this is going to be a cakewalk for Obama, think again. This poll is early and hardly a good indicator of the final outcome but it does indicate that Obama is going to have one hell of a time of he wants to keep his job. At this point, he should not be having problems like this.

2012 Presidential Election: Romney vs. Obama - Rasmussen Reports™

I like and will support Romney, he has a job plan that took me 4 hours to read and he is the only candidate that will make sure China plays fair with us.

I bookmarked his plan. Will it actually take that long to read it? I read like 3 pages and got distracted.

On Romney, I'm unsure about him. Romneycare spooks me. State or national I'm not hip to anyone telling me how to spend my money.
I would prefer him over Perry but I have a strong feeling that Perry is going to be the ticket and that does not bode that well.

Right now, I am still leaning toward Obama. If Romney is the Republican nominee, I might switch. I supported Romney in 08, but I'm not thrilled with him trying to move further and further to the right. I will vote Romney in the primary. So if it is Romney vs. Obama, I'm not sure which way I will go. If it is Perry, I will send Obama as much money as I can to help his campaign.
I would prefer him over Perry but I have a strong feeling that Perry is going to be the ticket and that does not bode that well.

Right now, I am still leaning toward Obama. If Romney is the Republican nominee, I might switch. I supported Romney in 08, but I'm not thrilled with him trying to move further and further to the right. I will vote Romney in the primary. So if it is Romney vs. Obama, I'm not sure which way I will go. If it is Perry, I will send Obama as much money as I can to help his campaign.

What you said. :beer:

I would have thought that this would have been all over this board by now but Romney has topped Obama for the first time in polls. The margin is rather close yet in independents it is pretty large and that is the field that matters. For all you that think this is going to be a cakewalk for Obama, think again. This poll is early and hardly a good indicator of the final outcome but it does indicate that Obama is going to have one hell of a time of he wants to keep his job. At this point, he should not be having problems like this.

2012 Presidential Election: Romney vs. Obama - Rasmussen Reports™

It doesn't mean much. 43 for Mittens, 40 for Barry, which means 17% have no preference at this point.

Again, you have to look at who the liberals on this board and liberals in the MSM are afraid of. THey attack Perry on a daily basis and leave Mittens alone. That should tell you that they are either comfortable that Mittens will be more of the same, or that they think they can beat the snot out of him in the general by going after his goofy religion, his sleazy business practices, etc.
Romney would be horrible candidate for a number of reasons.

1) according to Gallup, 22% will not vote for a Mormon. This includes 18% of Republicans and 19% of independents. While Obama will not make a big deal directly, you can be assured that the MSM will be doing all sorts of exposes on Mormonism just to tell us what it's about.

2) ObamaCare- Kind of hard to run against ObamaCare when you invented it. Giving up your best issue is never a good idea.

3) "He looks like the guy who lays you off" - The main reason this recession has been so bad is that while other countries struggled to keep people employed, this one laid people off like mad. Obama made his fortune as a "turnaround artist" by going into companies, slashing employees, slashing benefits, and closing down plants in small towns that they depended on for jobs.

4) Phonier than silicon breast implants- Which Mitt Romney are we voting for again? The one who says that he's for protecting marriage from gay folks, or the one who said he'd be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy. The one that is pro-life, or the one that is pro-choice? The one that denounced Reagan, or the one that raps himself in Reagan's mantle.

5) He's just not a very good candidate- What everyone forgets is that all the liberals who praise ROmney now will find a reason not to vote for him in November of next year. Just like they did with John McCain. Romney denounces Perry for being a "professional politician", but the fact is, the only reason Romney isn't is because he keeps losing elections.

He lost in 1994 to Ted Kennedy by 17 points. He barely won in 2002 against a non-entity, not even topping 50% of the vote. He opted not to run for re-election when he trailed Devall Patrick by double digits in 2006. In 2008, he lost most of the primaries and caucuses he ran in despite spending millions of his own money.
With Romney we get the global warming scam and EPA tyranny.

That being said, anybody is better than the current guy.

I think in some ways he'd be worse on the "only Nixon can go to China" theory.

When Obama proposes Cap and Trade or Amnesty, Republicans are able to oppose him. If Romney proposes it, some Republicans will say, "Well, he is our president and we have to give him some wins."
I would have thought that this would have been all over this board by now but Romney has topped Obama for the first time in polls. The margin is rather close yet in independents it is pretty large and that is the field that matters. For all you that think this is going to be a cakewalk for Obama, think again. This poll is early and hardly a good indicator of the final outcome but it does indicate that Obama is going to have one hell of a time of he wants to keep his job. At this point, he should not be having problems like this.

2012 Presidential Election: Romney vs. Obama - Rasmussen Reports™

Ahh, the golden age of the Romney candidacy--1 year ago tomorrow.
Romney would be horrible candidate for a number of reasons.

1) according to Gallup, 22% will not vote for a Mormon. This includes 18% of Republicans and 19% of independents. While Obama will not make a big deal directly, you can be assured that the MSM will be doing all sorts of exposes on Mormonism just to tell us what it's about.

2) ObamaCare- Kind of hard to run against ObamaCare when you invented it. Giving up your best issue is never a good idea.

3) "He looks like the guy who lays you off" - The main reason this recession has been so bad is that while other countries struggled to keep people employed, this one laid people off like mad. Obama made his fortune as a "turnaround artist" by going into companies, slashing employees, slashing benefits, and closing down plants in small towns that they depended on for jobs.

4) Phonier than silicon breast implants- Which Mitt Romney are we voting for again? The one who says that he's for protecting marriage from gay folks, or the one who said he'd be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy. The one that is pro-life, or the one that is pro-choice? The one that denounced Reagan, or the one that raps himself in Reagan's mantle.

5) He's just not a very good candidate- What everyone forgets is that all the liberals who praise ROmney now will find a reason not to vote for him in November of next year. Just like they did with John McCain. Romney denounces Perry for being a "professional politician", but the fact is, the only reason Romney isn't is because he keeps losing elections.

He lost in 1994 to Ted Kennedy by 17 points. He barely won in 2002 against a non-entity, not even topping 50% of the vote. He opted not to run for re-election when he trailed Devall Patrick by double digits in 2006. In 2008, he lost most of the primaries and caucuses he ran in despite spending millions of his own money.

Still not sure about he mormon part but you had it dead on 1 year ago tomorrow.
Romney would be horrible candidate for a number of reasons.

1) according to Gallup, 22% will not vote for a Mormon. This includes 18% of Republicans and 19% of independents. While Obama will not make a big deal directly, you can be assured that the MSM will be doing all sorts of exposes on Mormonism just to tell us what it's about.

2) ObamaCare- Kind of hard to run against ObamaCare when you invented it. Giving up your best issue is never a good idea.

3) "He looks like the guy who lays you off" - The main reason this recession has been so bad is that while other countries struggled to keep people employed, this one laid people off like mad. Obama made his fortune as a "turnaround artist" by going into companies, slashing employees, slashing benefits, and closing down plants in small towns that they depended on for jobs.

4) Phonier than silicon breast implants- Which Mitt Romney are we voting for again? The one who says that he's for protecting marriage from gay folks, or the one who said he'd be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy. The one that is pro-life, or the one that is pro-choice? The one that denounced Reagan, or the one that raps himself in Reagan's mantle.

5) He's just not a very good candidate- What everyone forgets is that all the liberals who praise ROmney now will find a reason not to vote for him in November of next year. Just like they did with John McCain. Romney denounces Perry for being a "professional politician", but the fact is, the only reason Romney isn't is because he keeps losing elections.

He lost in 1994 to Ted Kennedy by 17 points. He barely won in 2002 against a non-entity, not even topping 50% of the vote. He opted not to run for re-election when he trailed Devall Patrick by double digits in 2006. In 2008, he lost most of the primaries and caucuses he ran in despite spending millions of his own money.

Still not sure about he mormon part but you had it dead on 1 year ago tomorrow.

For me, the Mormonism was the difference between "Geez, I guess I hold my nose and vote for this loser" (which is what I did with McCain and Dole and Bush-41 the second time) and actually voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life. (For president anyway.)

Also, back in September of last year, I thought Perry held a bit of promise... geez, was that a bad call!

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