Roger Stone asks for a new trial

Wahhhh! Barr is going to investigate the ILLEGAL activities of Dims! See, when you do illegal things to try to nail somebody, it all gets thrown out upon review. Funny how more FBI agents have been fired or “reassigned” since 2016. Mostly to keep them off the witness stand.
1100 former prosecutors ask for Barr to stand down
1100 Dim prosecutors.

Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."

So what you're saying now is that there isn't a single Republican prosecutor in the USA with any principles at all. That they are all prepared to investigate people and prosecute people whose only crime is to oppose the President. That all Republican prosecutors are corrupt hacks, and only Democrats will take a principled stand.

Is that hill you want to die on?
No. What I'm saying is that all the prosecutors who want Trump to stand down are Dims without a single scruple in their entire body. Dim prosecutors are the ones who go after people purely because they are Republicans or Trump supporters. The Roger Stone case proves that beyond all doubt.
1100 former prosecutors ask for Barr to stand down
1100 Dim prosecutors.

Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.
1100 former prosecutors ask for Barr to stand down
1100 Dim prosecutors.

Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.

Not true. A lot of Republican senators say that they can't wait until he's gone but that if they don't vote for him, they'll be primaried because he owns the base. And that they won't get anything for their districts if they don't go along.

Real Republicans hate him as much as Democrats. Not everone is as intellectually lazy, stupid or gullible as you. They're just scared of him.
1100 Dim prosecutors.

Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.
1100 Dim prosecutors.

Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.

Not true. A lot of Republican senators say that they can't wait until he's gone but that if they don't vote for him, they'll be primaried because he owns the base. And that they won't get anything for their districts if they don't go along.

Real Republicans hate him as much as Democrats. Not everone is as intellectually lazy, stupid or gullible as you. They're just scared of him.
Please quote one saying that. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Barr is now investigating the Bidens, the Clintons, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, and all of the prosecutors who put Trump staffers in jail.

He shut down all investigations of Trump and his associates and is having all of the convictions Trump's reviewed.

William Barr is far more Trump's lawyer than is Guliani. Guiliani is out to make himself rich as Trump's lawyer. Barr is the one doing real damage to the nation.

Wahhhh! Barr is going to investigate the ILLEGAL activities of Dims! See, when you do illegal things to try to nail somebody, it all gets thrown out upon review. Funny how more FBI agents have been fired or “reassigned” since 2016. Mostly to keep them off the witness stand.
1100 former prosecutors ask for Barr to stand down
Barr is now investigating the Bidens, the Clintons, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, and all of the prosecutors who put Trump staffers in jail.

He shut down all investigations of Trump and his associates and is having all of the convictions Trump's reviewed.

William Barr is far more Trump's lawyer than is Guliani. Guiliani is out to make himself rich as Trump's lawyer. Barr is the one doing real damage to the nation.

Wahhhh! Barr is going to investigate the ILLEGAL activities of Dims! See, when you do illegal things to try to nail somebody, it all gets thrown out upon review. Funny how more FBI agents have been fired or “reassigned” since 2016. Mostly to keep them off the witness stand.
1100 former prosecutors ask for Barr to stand down

Try to keep up with more than one thread per day, ok? It wasn't 1,100 former "prosecutors." It was 1,100 former ex-Justice department employees. The majority of whom are most likely Obama-appointees, Hillary-supporters, and those who quit or were fired after Trump was elected. In other words, unelected liberal paper-pushers.

There's been a running thread on this since this morning, idiot troll.

More Than 1,100 Ex-Justice Department Officials Call For barr’s Resignation

"Officials" is Prosecutors and above. These aren't secretaries or clerks, or faceless drones. Some are former Attorney Generals or Deputy Attorney Generals.

Federal judges are now complaining about prosecutorial harrasment by the President.

Current Justice Department employees cannot sign such a letter so former employees have to. Their only option is to quit and four of them just did. If Barr keeps up on his current tack, all of the Department of Justice lawyers are going to revolt over this behaviour.

I don't care what their official titles were. 1,100 liberal partisan disgruntled ex-employees don't have any say in this government and if they have a problem, they can go vote just like anyone else.

This may sound like a big breaking bombshell story, but it's not. The Justice Department has over 113,000 employees. Any doubt who 90% of them voted for in the last election? You get one guess and a hint: It wasn’t Donald Trump.

So just how hard would it be for some liberal hack to find 1,100 assholes to sign a piece of paper? Pretty easy, I'd say. How many of those "ex" DOJ officials are sweating bullets right now, in light of Barr's shakeup? Probably more than a few.

How about we get a printout of all of the names? Might be needing that pretty soon, ya know.
Current DOJ employees are the ones who are sweating bullets.
Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.
Will you ever get real??
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.

Not true. A lot of Republican senators say that they can't wait until he's gone but that if they don't vote for him, they'll be primaried because he owns the base. And that they won't get anything for their districts if they don't go along.

Real Republicans hate him as much as Democrats. Not everone is as intellectually lazy, stupid or gullible as you. They're just scared of him.
Please quote one saying that. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Of course it's not possible to quote these people because they're not saying it publically. But notice that Republicans voted for Trump ONLY because they claimed his offences were not impeachable.

As for "shutting the fuck up". Good luck with that. Since I'm stuck at home with the flu, a laptop, and unlimited WIFI, I have nothing but time.
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.
Produce their party affiliations, and we will see who is "real."
You think they're all dems Like the yellow cowards in repub senate that were afraid to impeach the pos in the WH?
"Afraid?" They had no desire to impeach him, dumbass.

Not true. A lot of Republican senators say that they can't wait until he's gone but that if they don't vote for him, they'll be primaried because he owns the base. And that they won't get anything for their districts if they don't go along.

Real Republicans hate him as much as Democrats. Not everone is as intellectually lazy, stupid or gullible as you. They're just scared of him.
Please quote one saying that. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Of course it's not possible to quote these people because they're not saying it publically. But notice that Republicans voted for Trump ONLY because they claimed his offences were not impeachable.

As for "shutting the fuck up". Good luck with that. Since I'm stuck at home with the flu, a laptop, and unlimited WIFI, I have nothing but time.
That's for admitting you have no evidence to support your bullshit claims.
The Left's obsession with Roger Stone just tells us all how profoundly THEY ARE LOSING.

They have nothing else...NOTHING.

Not the economy.

Not impeachment.

No candidates.

They are losing even on social issues.

Even in the culture: PC is cratering, they have no viewers even in entertainment--see the Oscars. Around the world: THEY. ARE. LOSING.

What do they have? Keeping a leftover from the "Russia" fiasco in jail--which btw, even contradicts their "prison reform" mantra--just to save some kind of face. Roger Stone, an old man.

Fellow Patriots, do not for one second lose the forest for the trees here. While they want to wander into the weeds with you about Roger Stone, just point at them and laugh. Think about all the things they CANNOT argue, because they have already lost, and REFUSE to engage.

Let them lose. Don't help them.

Completely wrong. That's why YOUR fake God, trump and his gestapo head, William Barr is trying to press the court to reduce Stones sentence. The fact free world is coming to an end and this will be shown to you during the fall presidential campaign. YOU, are losing.

I am curious to know why you think Trump is going to lose the 2020 presidential election. Do any of those running Democrats have an actual plan on how to deal with the economy, jobs, national defense, foreign and domestic policy, etc.? Do any of those Democrats really think they can top what President Trump has accomplished?

Or is their only platform "beating Trump"? It just doesn't sound to me like revenge is a very good presidential platform to run on.

Let's start with the fact that voters agree with Democrats on nearly every issue. Global warming, the environment immigration policy, border security, healthcare and abortion policy to name a few. Despite the good economy, we do have issues. Affordable housing is becoming a major issue as it is even starting to hit the middle class. The cost of sending children to college continues to skyrocket. Republicans ignore this and help the rich and powerful.
Stone got a fair trial. For some reason Trumpers hate the rule of law. Trump and any politician or other influential Trump supporter believe there is a special kind of extraterritorial status that attaches to them. You know it is the same type of attitude they have in shit hole countries. One set of laws for the elites another for the masses. Dim witted Trumpers don’t realize they are part of the masses.

Why do you call it a "fair trial" when it was obvious the Total Hatred and Prejudice that the jury foreman had for the defendant from the start? IMHO, a new trial where Mr. Stone has a fair chance to get off, is a proper solution to the problem.

There is no evidence that it wasn't a fair trial. There is no evidence of any bias as 11 other jurors agreed with the verdict. We need a new trial because you didn't get the verdict YOU wanted. I suppose we will have to have a new trial until we get the verdict you want. Then it will be a fair trial.
He was convicted by an Obama judge, the Obama prosecutors, and an Obama-loving lead juror. It's time to straighten out this mess or even dismissed the with prejudice and bias.

"Attorneys for Roger Stone on Friday requested a new trial, just a day after saying they were looking at potential bias by a juror who voted to convict the longtime Trump aide of lying to Congress and witness tampering..."

Roger Stone asks for new trial
All the jurors were leftwingers. The judge blocked every attempt by the defense to get a fair jury. That needs to be looked at as well. The judge should be investigated. She's obviously an Obama hack.

You are a crazy kook. You need to be investigated to determine if you should be locked in a looney bin somewhere.
Stone got a fair trial. For some reason Trumpers hate the rule of law. Trump and any politician or other influential Trump supporter believe there is a special kind of extraterritorial status that attaches to them. You know it is the same type of attitude they have in shit hole countries. One set of laws for the elites another for the masses. Dim witted Trumpers don’t realize they are part of the masses.

Why do you call it a "fair trial" when it was obvious the Total Hatred and Prejudice that the jury foreman had for the defendant from the start? IMHO, a new trial where Mr. Stone has a fair chance to get off, is a proper solution to the problem.

There is no evidence that it wasn't a fair trial. There is no evidence of any bias as 11 other jurors agreed with the verdict. We need a new trial because you didn't get the verdict YOU wanted. I suppose we will have to have a new trial until we get the verdict you want. Then it will be a fair trial.
Because of the phoney Mueller investigation and the phoney impeachment it probably wasn't possible for anyone associated with President Trump to get a fair trial so it is reasonable to give him a new trial now that some of the trash leftover from the Obama administration, the Stone prosecutors, is gone.
The OP's legal theory is that every convicted defendant who is affiliated with a political party is entitled to a new trial if the presiding judge at his/her original trial was appointed by a president of the other political party, the prosecutors in the original trial somehow have been shown to have "loved" the president of the other party (I don't know how one shows this), and anyone on the jury who voted to convict was a supporter of the other party.

The OP's theory boils down to an assertion that a defendant with ties to a political party cannot receive a fair trial, and cannot be validly convicted, unless all of those participating in his/her trial belong to or support the defendant's own political party.


The Left's obsession with Roger Stone just tells us all how profoundly THEY ARE LOSING.

They have nothing else...NOTHING.

Not the economy.

Not impeachment.

No candidates.

They are losing even on social issues.

Even in the culture: PC is cratering, they have no viewers even in entertainment--see the Oscars. Around the world: THEY. ARE. LOSING.

What do they have? Keeping a leftover from the "Russia" fiasco in jail--which btw, even contradicts their "prison reform" mantra--just to save some kind of face. Roger Stone, an old man.

Fellow Patriots, do not for one second lose the forest for the trees here. While they want to wander into the weeds with you about Roger Stone, just point at them and laugh. Think about all the things they CANNOT argue, because they have already lost, and REFUSE to engage.

Let them lose. Don't help them.

Roger Stone is a key witness. He knew that Podesta's hacked e-mails would show up on WikiLeaks BEFORE they actually did. He also bragged about having a backchannel which was clearly true. That means he has a backdoor to either WikiLeaks who put up the information illegally or the Russians who hacked the e-mails. He should get the maximum sentence until he starts talking.

The RIGHT to remain silent means nothing to you I guess.

Just because you imagine that Stone knows something, you want to torture him until he confesses to what you think he did

He chose not to remain silent and committed perjury.

There is nothing imaginary. Stone knew Podesta's e-mails would be on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were placed on WikiLeaks. Only 2 groups knew it. WikiLeaks and the Russians who hacked the e-mails. Stone himself said he had a backdoor. He committed a crime and should get the max since he refuses to cooperate.
He is not being tortured.
Stone got a fair trial. For some reason Trumpers hate the rule of law. Trump and any politician or other influential Trump supporter believe there is a special kind of extraterritorial status that attaches to them. You know it is the same type of attitude they have in shit hole countries. One set of laws for the elites another for the masses. Dim witted Trumpers don’t realize they are part of the masses.

Why do you call it a "fair trial" when it was obvious the Total Hatred and Prejudice that the jury foreman had for the defendant from the start? IMHO, a new trial where Mr. Stone has a fair chance to get off, is a proper solution to the problem.

There is no evidence that it wasn't a fair trial. There is no evidence of any bias as 11 other jurors agreed with the verdict. We need a new trial because you didn't get the verdict YOU wanted. I suppose we will have to have a new trial until we get the verdict you want. Then it will be a fair trial.
Because of the phoney Mueller investigation and the phoney impeachment it probably wasn't possible for anyone associated with President Trump to get a fair trial so it is reasonable to give him a new trial now that some of the trash leftover from the Obama administration, the Stone prosecutors, is gone.

That is your excuse and it spares you from talking facts. Like how Stone knew Podesta's hacked e-mails would appear on WikiLeaks BEFORE they did. Maybe he used a Ouija board. Or maybe he is a mind reader.
As he should. Roger should be helping trump in 2020
Russia ,,can you hear me??
Russia scares you huh? Not the 40 million illegal
Latinos influencing our elections?
I'm not happy with illegals either and either are most Dems ..Putin is still overjoyed with your Trump idiot Why do you think that's true?
Lol they aren’t comparable.. Trump is the greatest president this country has ever had

Trump is the worst President. That is why both Obama and Bush's approval ratings are higher than they were when they were President. Everybody looks good compared to Trump.
Russia ,,can you hear me??
The mating call of the American dumbass.
Ukraine, help me get Biden ...China ,want a reduction in tariffs?? Help me get Biden
I rest my case.
You have no case All you have is support for a fn moron in our WH who's made a shambles of our constitution.
Making ad hominems about Trump only proves what a low voltage moron you are.

Trump hasn't done a thing to our Constitution. On the other hand, Dims have launched an all out assault against it.

Trump is shredding the Constitution. He ignores Congress' power of the purse and oversight. Trump thinks he can intervene in criminal prosecutions. He thinks he can make new laws by issuing rule changes.
Stone got a fair trial. For some reason Trumpers hate the rule of law. Trump and any politician or other influential Trump supporter believe there is a special kind of extraterritorial status that attaches to them. You know it is the same type of attitude they have in shit hole countries. One set of laws for the elites another for the masses. Dim witted Trumpers don’t realize they are part of the masses.

Why do you call it a "fair trial" when it was obvious the Total Hatred and Prejudice that the jury foreman had for the defendant from the start? IMHO, a new trial where Mr. Stone has a fair chance to get off, is a proper solution to the problem.

There is no evidence that it wasn't a fair trial. There is no evidence of any bias as 11 other jurors agreed with the verdict. We need a new trial because you didn't get the verdict YOU wanted. I suppose we will have to have a new trial until we get the verdict you want. Then it will be a fair trial.
Because of the phoney Mueller investigation and the phoney impeachment it probably wasn't possible for anyone associated with President Trump to get a fair trial so it is reasonable to give him a new trial now that some of the trash leftover from the Obama administration, the Stone prosecutors, is gone.

That is your excuse and it spares you from talking facts. Like how Stone knew Podesta's hacked e-mails would appear on WikiLeaks BEFORE they did. Maybe he used a Ouija board. Or maybe he is a mind reader.
The fact is no one connected to Trump could have gotten a fair trial during the Mueller scam or the impeachment scam, and judges move trials all the time because opinion in a certain locale was too biased to provide a fair trial. If the trial had been held in a state like Wyoming, then it would have been time to discuss the fact, but your argument that he would have been convicted even if it had been a fair trial is nonsense. Stone should have a new trial prosecuted by unbiased prosecutors in front of an unbiased jury and then we can discuss the facts of the case and what the sentence should be.
And Bill Barr is Trumps Roy Cohen ,,a kiss ass scumbag.

Mr. Barr is the nation's AG, not the president's personal lawyer.

Rudolph Giuliani is Trump's personal lawyer

Barr is now investigating the Bidens, the Clintons, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, and all of the prosecutors who put Trump staffers in jail.

He shut down all investigations of Trump and his associates and is having all of the convictions Trump's reviewed.

William Barr is far more Trump's lawyer than is Guliani. Guiliani is out to make himself rich as Trump's lawyer. Barr is the one doing real damage to the nation.
So you believe all the scum who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president should get off scot free?

How Stalinist of you.

There never has been nor is there a coup.
And Bill Barr is Trumps Roy Cohen ,,a kiss ass scumbag.

Mr. Barr is the nation's AG, not the president's personal lawyer.

Rudolph Giuliani is Trump's personal lawyer

Barr is now investigating the Bidens, the Clintons, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, and all of the prosecutors who put Trump staffers in jail.

He shut down all investigations of Trump and his associates and is having all of the convictions Trump's reviewed.

William Barr is far more Trump's lawyer than is Guliani. Guiliani is out to make himself rich as Trump's lawyer. Barr is the one doing real damage to the nation.

Wahhhh! Barr is going to investigate the ILLEGAL activities of Dims! See, when you do illegal things to try to nail somebody, it all gets thrown out upon review. Funny how more FBI agents have been fired or “reassigned” since 2016. Mostly to keep them off the witness stand.

It is called retaliation.
Stone got a fair trial. For some reason Trumpers hate the rule of law. Trump and any politician or other influential Trump supporter believe there is a special kind of extraterritorial status that attaches to them. You know it is the same type of attitude they have in shit hole countries. One set of laws for the elites another for the masses. Dim witted Trumpers don’t realize they are part of the masses.

Why do you call it a "fair trial" when it was obvious the Total Hatred and Prejudice that the jury foreman had for the defendant from the start? IMHO, a new trial where Mr. Stone has a fair chance to get off, is a proper solution to the problem.

There is no evidence that it wasn't a fair trial. There is no evidence of any bias as 11 other jurors agreed with the verdict. We need a new trial because you didn't get the verdict YOU wanted. I suppose we will have to have a new trial until we get the verdict you want. Then it will be a fair trial.
Because of the phoney Mueller investigation and the phoney impeachment it probably wasn't possible for anyone associated with President Trump to get a fair trial so it is reasonable to give him a new trial now that some of the trash leftover from the Obama administration, the Stone prosecutors, is gone.

That is your excuse and it spares you from talking facts. Like how Stone knew Podesta's hacked e-mails would appear on WikiLeaks BEFORE they did. Maybe he used a Ouija board. Or maybe he is a mind reader.
The fact is no one connected to Trump could have gotten a fair trial during the Mueller scam or the impeachment scam, and judges move trials all the time because opinion in a certain locale was too biased to provide a fair trial. If the trial had been held in a state like Wyoming, then it would have been time to discuss the fact, but your argument that he would have been convicted even if it had been a fair trial is nonsense. Stone should have a new trial prosecuted by unbiased prosecutors in front of an unbiased jury and then we can discuss the facts of the case and what the sentence should be.

Bullshit. Stone had Unbiased prosecutors and an unbiased jury. Bill Barr oversaw the prosecution and he said it was a righteous trial and he agreed with the outcome.

All this bullshit is because he’s guilty. Trump can’t even get a grand jury to indict his enemies because the Democrats have committed no crimes and there is no evidence that they did.

Trump is a criminal and his friends and associates and the people he hires are criminals. That’s why they’re going to jail.

They’re guilty of crimes and the Dems are not. They’ve barely investigated Trump and found hundreds of crimes and nearly a dozen criminals.

They’ve investigate the Clintons for 30 years and the Obama’s for 10 and they still haven't found any crimes. Made no arrests, filed no charges.

The judge in the McCabe case was totally pissed that Justice dicked McCabe around for 18 months, wasting the resources of the courts without producing any evidence of McCabe crimes.

The Justice Department does NOT work for Donald Trump. It works for the American people. As does Donald Trump. He is not a king who gets to punish his enemies and shield his friends.

Stone was found guilty in a legal trial in a court of law. Stone is going to jail.
Stone got a fair trial. For some reason Trumpers hate the rule of law. Trump and any politician or other influential Trump supporter believe there is a special kind of extraterritorial status that attaches to them. You know it is the same type of attitude they have in shit hole countries. One set of laws for the elites another for the masses. Dim witted Trumpers don’t realize they are part of the masses.

What were his actual crimes? He received information that WikiLeaks was going to release Hillary and DNC emails exposing their corruption, that was his crime. The “lies” he supposedly told Congress were inaccuracies with the details within those emails, exactly when he received them and what information was in each. Oh he got a date wrong, or didn’t remember what information was in which email, so he deserves 9 years in prison? It’s ridiculous.
While I don't think he should get 9 yrs, and he definitely will not get 9 yrs. He clearly lied and clearly threatened the witness. A jury clearly and quickly found him guilty. I know you hate facts, facts are kryptonite to a republican, but the evidence is overwhelming. Now man up and take the punishment like a man, and not a little faggot bitch.

The “threat” was to a dog....which wasn’t even taken seriously.

I think he acted stupidity and should had been fined, but prison time is ridiculous.
Dumbfuck. "Prepare to die," was Stone's threat to Credico.

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