Roger Ailes and the rise of Fox News


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The Guardian, as seen through the eyes of Fark.

"The typical viewer of Sean Hannity's show is a pro-business, Tea Party-backer with no college degree, who is over 50, supports the NRA, doesn't back gay rights and thinks government 'does too much'." Dad?

Roger Ailes and the rise of Fox News | Media | The Guardian

Roger Ailes and the rise of Fox News

"Even Rupert Murdoch is afraid of Roger Ailes, the paranoid boss of Fox News. But 'the Chairman' is using his power to make Americans more rightwing, more ignorant and ever more terrified."

Oh, thank you. We've been praying someone would notice.

In the fable Ailes tells about his own life, he made a clean break with his dirty political past long before 1996, when he joined forces with Murdoch to launch Fox News. "I quit politics," he has claimed, "because I hated it." But an examination of his career reveals that Ailes has used Fox News to pioneer a new form of political campaign – one that enables the Republican party to bypass sceptical reporters and wage an around-the-clock, partisan assault on public opinion. The network, at its core, is a giant soundstage created to mimic the look and feel of a news operation, cleverly camouflaging political propaganda as independent journalism.

The result is one of the most powerful political machines in American history. One that plays a leading role in defining Republican talking points and advancing the agenda of the far right. Fox News tilted the electoral balance to George W Bush in 2000, prematurely declaring him president in a move that prompted every other network to follow suit. It helped create the Tea Party, transforming it from the butt of late-night jokes into a nationwide insurgency capable of electing US senators. Fox News turbocharged the Republican takeover of the House last autumn, and even helped elect former Fox News host John Kasich as the union-busting governor of Ohio – with the help of $1.26m in campaign contributions from News Corp. And by incubating a host of potential Republican contenders on the Fox News payroll – including Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum – Ailes seems determined to add a fifth presidential notch to his belt in 2012. "Everything Roger wanted to do when he started out in politics, he's now doing 24/7 with his network," says a former News Corp executive. "It's come full circle."
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From the same story.

According to recent polls, Fox News viewers are the most misinformed of all news consumers. They are 12 percentage points more likely to believe the stimulus package caused job losses, 17 points more likely to believe Muslims want to establish Sharia law in America, 30 points more likely to say that scientists dispute global warming, and 31 points more likely to doubt President Obama's citizenship. At the height of the healthcare debate, more than two-thirds of Fox News viewers were convinced Obamacare would lead to a "government takeover", provide healthcare to illegal immigrants, pay for abortions and let the government decide when to pull the plug on grandma. In fact, a study by the University of Maryland revealed that ignorance of Fox viewers actually increases the longer they watch the network. That's because Ailes isn't interested in providing people with information, or even a balanced range of perspectives. Like his political mentor, Richard Nixon, Ailes traffics in the emotions of victimisation.
From the same story.

According to recent polls, Fox News viewers are the most misinformed of all news consumers. They are 12 percentage points more likely to believe the stimulus package caused job losses, 17 points more likely to believe Muslims want to establish Sharia law in America, 30 points more likely to say that scientists dispute global warming, and 31 points more likely to doubt President Obama's citizenship. At the height of the healthcare debate, more than two-thirds of Fox News viewers were convinced Obamacare would lead to a "government takeover", provide healthcare to illegal immigrants, pay for abortions and let the government decide when to pull the plug on grandma. In fact, a study by the University of Maryland revealed that ignorance of Fox viewers actually increases the longer they watch the network. That's because Ailes isn't interested in providing people with information, or even a balanced range of perspectives. Like his political mentor, Richard Nixon, Ailes traffics in the emotions of victimisation.

Does Maryland's study mean anything like the old say, "Stupid is as stupid does"?
How about Soros and the rise of Media Matters etc? Or are they ok cuz they're left wing.

Stop trying to silence people. Idiot. Don't like Fox? Turn the fucking channel. Seems simple enough... except for the more moronic lefties who seem to think that 'freedom of speech' translates to 'freedom from any speech I disagree with'.
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From the same story.

According to recent polls, Fox News viewers are the most misinformed of all news consumers. They are 12 percentage points more likely to believe the stimulus package caused job losses, 17 points more likely to believe Muslims want to establish Sharia law in America, 30 points more likely to say that scientists dispute global warming, and 31 points more likely to doubt President Obama's citizenship. At the height of the healthcare debate, more than two-thirds of Fox News viewers were convinced Obamacare would lead to a "government takeover", provide healthcare to illegal immigrants, pay for abortions and let the government decide when to pull the plug on grandma. In fact, a study by the University of Maryland revealed that ignorance of Fox viewers actually increases the longer they watch the network. That's because Ailes isn't interested in providing people with information, or even a balanced range of perspectives. Like his political mentor, Richard Nixon, Ailes traffics in the emotions of victimisation.

Does Maryland's study mean anything like the old say, "Stupid is as stupid does"?

Seems so. And they're so freakin rabid! Some of my high school classmates are big into Fox, and it's ... like talking to zombies, really.
From the same story.

Of course your telling the same old lies;

{“Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers?” The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart asked Chris Wallace this weekend on Fox News Sunday. “The most consistently misinformed? Fox, Fox viewers, consistently, every poll.”

Actually, though, he was the one misinforming the viewers.

PolitiFact looked at three different surveys, which showed mixed results. One June 2010 survey showed that “Fox actually scored better than its two direct cable-news rivals — MSNBC, which is a liberal counterpoint to Fox, and CNN, which is considered more middle-of-the-road. Also scoring lower than Fox were local television news, the evening network news shows and the network morning shows.”}

Read more: PolitiFact: Jon Stewart’s claim that Fox News viewers are ‘misinformed’ is false | The Daily Caller

Hey though, lying through your fucking teeth is just what you leftists do....
The claim that the stimulus didn't cause >>>NET<<< job losses is a staple of leftwing propaganda, and is only supported by the type of simplistic analysis that is sufficient to impress the typical obamabot moron. :lol:

Tirades like the OP are merely more of the huge sewage pour of defamation toward conservatives that is the stock in trade of the left, which shows that their leaders (as opposed to the legions of dupes) are not without at least enough intelligence to grasp that in a free marketplace of actual debate of competing ideas, they wouldn't stand a chance, so keeping their defamation machine running night and day is their only chance to retain political power.

As for Fox News itself, its creation is one of the landmark events in american journalism, whereby the decades-old liberal media monopoly on news, with its censorship, bias, and distortion, was at last broken.
How about Soros and the rise of Media Matters etc? Or are they ok cuz they're left wing.

Just 3 posts before the ‘Soros Deflection, ‘ a record.

It's not 'deflection'. It's a genuine inquiry in an effort to understand the impressive hypocrisy from 'the left'.

I don't like Maddow. Guess what I do about that? I don't watch. Revolutionary idea, I know. I certainly would not start a campaign to have her removed.... only those who hate freedom do that.
Oh boy, another Fox news viewers are STUPID THREAD..

Just HOW MANY TIMES do we have to have this posted. The only stupid ones I see are people who can't do a damn search on this board to see if things have been posted at least 100 times.
Oh boy, another Fox news viewers are STUPID THREAD..

Just HOW MANY TIMES do we have to have this posted. The only stupid ones I see are people who can't do a damn search on this board to see if things have been posted at least 100 times.

Does that mean they are Fox new viewers? ;)
Oh boy, another Fox news viewers are STUPID THREAD..

Just HOW MANY TIMES do we have to have this posted. The only stupid ones I see are people who can't do a damn search on this board to see if things have been posted at least 100 times.

Does that mean they are Fox new viewers? ;)

They are no news viewers, they just gobble up and belive every dumb shit they read without question.
From the same story.

Of course your telling the same old lies;

{“Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers?” The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart asked Chris Wallace this weekend on Fox News Sunday. “The most consistently misinformed? Fox, Fox viewers, consistently, every poll.”

Actually, though, he was the one misinforming the viewers.

PolitiFact looked at three different surveys, which showed mixed results. One June 2010 survey showed that “Fox actually scored better than its two direct cable-news rivals — MSNBC, which is a liberal counterpoint to Fox, and CNN, which is considered more middle-of-the-road. Also scoring lower than Fox were local television news, the evening network news shows and the network morning shows.”}

Read more: PolitiFact: Jon Stewart’s claim that Fox News viewers are ‘misinformed’ is false | The Daily Caller

Hey though, lying through your fucking teeth is just what you leftists do....

I saw that exchange and was impressed by one glaring point of misinformation presented by Stewart:

He based his conclusion on what the viewership understood by what the viewership held as conclusions.

It is one thing to ask if a person understands both sides of a question and can define them. It is wholly another to ask what side of a question one comes down on and judge their knowledge of the issue from that. Stewart was using the latter method.

If we use agreement with our position as the litmus test for understanding the issue, this is just a bit close minded, is it not?

I was surprised that Wallace did not point this out.

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