Rod Rosenstein at DOJ is 180 degrees from "draining the Swamp"


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Let's face it. The DOJ under Swampy Jeff Sessions and Rosenstein is still pitching a "no hitter" for The Swamp. No indictments, and Sen Menendez was given a deliberately lax "prosecution" that resulted in acquittal.

DOJ today looks like the WH did under W, where Sessions is the idiot face and Rosenstein is really running it, as W was the idiot face and Karl Rove aka AIPAC were really in control of all major decisions.

Both need to go, but Rosenstein is the truly malignant traitor here. All he cares about is getting rid of Donald Trump.

Trump voters and the US were promised The Swamp would drain. In May of 2018, it is now perfectly clear that will not happen with Rod Rosenstein in charge....

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