Road To Nowhere: Oklahoma's donald j. trump Highway Runs Through The Dust Bowl


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is a very interesting article.

I find it funny that the road is being put in the middle of nowhere but it makes sense in a way. That county voted for trump. In fact, that county had the highest vote for trump in the nation.

I have not been to that part of Oklahoma but I've been to a lot of the rest of Oklahoma and the panhandle of Texas. I was just in that area in April. My mom is from the panhandle of Texas.

The article talks about what I encountered. The very horrible poverty of the area.

I found it funny that the people blame the government for their problems.

Not themselves or the conditions that originally brought people to that area. It was all a lie and scam. Literally. Those who were smart left when they found out they were scammed but some stayed and helped cause the dust bowl in the 1930s. The government didn't lie to those people and steal their money. The Southwestern Immigration and Development Company lied to them and stole their money.

Now, they are seeing neighboring town trying to make a comeback but the people of Boise City don't like it because the comeback is causing that town to become multicultural.

I drove through so many of towns like Boise City Oklahoma and the county it's in this past April. Boise City sounds like one of the few that didn't become a ghost town but they are barely hanging on.

Yet, they keep voting for and implementing the same economic policies that got them to where they are now in the first place. I don't know about other people but when I know something doesn't work, I stop doing it. Then look for something that works.

As one person in the article said, when the young get old enough to go to college, they leave and don't return. The poverty and no opportunity is crushing rural America. Oklahoma would rather give big tax cuts to the few rich and business in their state instead of properly funding the state and their schools. They are losing teachers because they pay some of the lowest wages in the nation and the working conditions are horrible. I don't blame them. They have done what republicans have been telling the working class of our nation to do since reagan, they quit and found better employment. Meanwhile the state falls farther and farther behind.

This is a very interesting article.

I find it funny that the road is being put in the middle of nowhere but it makes sense in a way. That county voted for trump. In fact, that county had the highest vote for trump in the nation.

I have not been to that part of Oklahoma but I've been to a lot of the rest of Oklahoma and the panhandle of Texas. I was just in that area in April. My mom is from the panhandle of Texas.

The article talks about what I encountered. The very horrible poverty of the area.

I found it funny that the people blame the government for their problems.

Not themselves or the conditions that originally brought people to that area. It was all a lie and scam. Literally. Those who were smart left when they found out they were scammed but some stayed and helped cause the dust bowl in the 1930s. The government didn't lie to those people and steal their money. The Southwestern Immigration and Development Company lied to them and stole their money.

Now, they are seeing neighboring town trying to make a comeback but the people of Boise City don't like it because the comeback is causing that town to become multicultural.

I drove through so many of towns like Boise City Oklahoma and the county it's in this past April. Boise City sounds like one of the few that didn't become a ghost town but they are barely hanging on.

Yet, they keep voting for and implementing the same economic policies that got them to where they are now in the first place. I don't know about other people but when I know something doesn't work, I stop doing it. Then look for something that works.

As one person in the article said, when the young get old enough to go to college, they leave and don't return. The poverty and no opportunity is crushing rural America. Oklahoma would rather give big tax cuts to the few rich and business in their state instead of properly funding the state and their schools. They are losing teachers because they pay some of the lowest wages in the nation and the working conditions are horrible. I don't blame them. They have done what republicans have been telling the working class of our nation to do since reagan, they quit and found better employment. Meanwhile the state falls farther and farther behind.

Have you ever considered a Biden thread, or will Trump always be the one who touched you in the bad place?
Those poor okies..... I'll bet they wish they lived in a more civilized place like baltimore....


Isn't that Mike Obama Middle School in the background?
Yet, they keep voting for and implementing the same economic policies that got them to where they are now in the first place. I don't know about other people but when I know something doesn't work, I stop doing it. Then look for something that works.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are significant contributing factors, along with the religious right’s hostility to privacy rights and the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Indeed, voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are significant contributing factors, along with the religious right’s hostility to privacy rights and the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Indeed, voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
jones your programing is impeccable....
NW Okiehoma has always been poor and has poor soil and a lack of rain it totally differs from the NE part of the state I live next to.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are significant contributing factors, along with the religious right’s hostility to privacy rights and the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Indeed, voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
Then why do Progs leave Prog areas? And then they do the same thing to Non Prog areas that cause them to leave.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are significant contributing factors, along with the religious right’s hostility to privacy rights and the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Indeed, voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.

It's not just voting republican for president.

It's voting republican for all public office.

The president doesn't set state tax rates. The state congress and governor does that.

They have removed proper taxation of the populations of their red states. They heavily depend on federal tax dollars to fund their states. Most of the tax dollars goes to the urban areas of the states leaving the rural areas to fall apart.

They don't upgrade and improve their states with state tax money because they don't have it. They depend on federal dollars for that. They depend on federal dollars to fund their schools because they don't have the money. Which leaves the whole state without the proper taxation to properly maintain and improve their states.

It is completely different in my state. We invested in both the urban and rural areas. Our rural areas aren't dying. They are booming. In fact I was just in Anacortes yesterday and couldn't believe how much that small town has grown. It's like that all over my state. The small towns aren't dying, they are thriving and growing.

While I believe we could and should invest more in education in my state, we do a much better job than the red ones. We put colleges in small towns teaching subjects that apply to that area. Such as horticulture, farming etc. We built Western Washington University in Bellingham and created one of the best environmental education programs in the nation in what was a small quiet town. Along with other investments. Now Bellingham isn't a small, quiet town. It's booming. We built community colleges in small towns like Everett with programs in vocations that feed employees into Boeing and other aerospace companies. Just to name a few.

We have festivals like the Tulip festival in the Skagit Valley where we grow tulips that rival the ones in Holland and are sent all around the world. We have salmon festivals in places like Issaquah and other towns with rivers and streams that salmon spawn. And so many others. Those festivals bring people from all over the state and nation. People spend money. Business makes money. People stay because they have opportunities and aren't living in a dying dump.

Those are just a few examples of what my state has done to not turn our state into the mess that some other states have become.

It takes investment and politicians who are there to serve the public not themselves to create a healthy economy and population.
I think you left fags think that if you denigrate Orange Man, it makes Dementia Man look better. doesn't.
I think you left fags think that if you denigrate Orange Man, it makes Dementia Man look better. doesn't.

It is a great way to determine a liar.

Anyone who won’t admit that Biden is senile is a liar and you can discount anything they ever say.

The left are proving they are a cult of brainwashed clones.
It's not just voting republican for president.

It's voting republican for all public office.

The president doesn't set state tax rates. The state congress and governor does that.

They have removed proper taxation of the populations of their red states. They heavily depend on federal tax dollars to fund their states. Most of the tax dollars goes to the urban areas of the states leaving the rural areas to fall apart.

They don't upgrade and improve their states with state tax money because they don't have it. They depend on federal dollars for that. They depend on federal dollars to fund their schools because they don't have the money. Which leaves the whole state without the proper taxation to properly maintain and improve their states.

It is completely different in my state. We invested in both the urban and rural areas. Our rural areas aren't dying. They are booming. In fact I was just in Anacortes yesterday and couldn't believe how much that small town has grown. It's like that all over my state. The small towns aren't dying, they are thriving and growing.

While I believe we could and should invest more in education in my state, we do a much better job than the red ones. We put colleges in small towns teaching subjects that apply to that area. Such as horticulture, farming etc. We built Western Washington University in Bellingham and created one of the best environmental education programs in the nation in what was a small quiet town. Along with other investments. Now Bellingham isn't a small, quiet town. It's booming. We built community colleges in small towns like Everett with programs in vocations that feed employees into Boeing and other aerospace companies. Just to name a few.

We have festivals like the Tulip festival in the Skagit Valley where we grow tulips that rival the ones in Holland and are sent all around the world. We have salmon festivals in places like Issaquah and other towns with rivers and streams that salmon spawn. And so many others. Those festivals bring people from all over the state and nation. People spend money. Business makes money. People stay because they have opportunities and aren't living in a dying dump.

Those are just a few examples of what my state has done to not turn our state into the mess that some other states have become.

It takes investment and politicians who are there to serve the public not themselves to create a healthy economy and population.
when i lived in california why were they using federal funds to improve their freeway system at a place called the OC crush?...
It is a great way to determine a liar.

Anyone who won’t admit that Biden is senile is a liar and you can discount anything they ever say.

The left are proving they are a cult of brainwashed clones.
The lefties on here are perfect examples of why progressivism is a mental disorder.

No sane person could push such overt horseshit.
The lefties on here are perfect examples of why progressivism is a mental disorder.

No sane person could push such overt horseshit.

I am still trying to figure out WHY these useful idiots lie for their puppet masters.

They are being controlled for money and power for the ruling elite….but what is in it for them?

It is so bizarre. Total cult.

“A woman gives birth” is considered a controversial statement to these brainwashed fools. They are gone.
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It takes investment and politicians who are there to serve the public not themselves to create a healthy economy and population.
And in what alternate universe do these selfless politicians who serve the public and not themselves exist? Ferr Chrissakes Dana wake up. Things may look purty out of your window but the rest of the country is a God awful mess.
They vote for it every single time. Let them suffer.

Yes they voted for it for decades. The result is that they now live in a dump.

I don't want the United States to have places that are a dump.

Every American has the right to a good education, opportunity to advance and to live in a civilized society.

One thing I would do is pass a law that says no state can take more federal tax dollars than they contribute.

Maybe then the red states might start to properly tax and take care of their states. Or they will fall into even worse shape and farther behind.
And in what alternate universe do these selfless politicians who serve the public and not themselves exist? Ferr Chrissakes Dana wake up. Things may look purty out of your window but the rest of the country is a God awful mess.

I have actually traveled around this nation. I have seen what the red states have become. I was shocked and very sad to see what has happened to some red states.

Yes all politicians work for themselves but some also work for the people who represent them.

My state has some politicians like that. Not all of them but enough to be responsible and take care of our state so that we grow in all parts of the state. Not just the urban areas.

If we had politicians like the ones in the red states we would be just like them but we aren't. The reason being is that we do elect enough politicians who also work for the people of our state instead of just themselves.
Not really a current event but more like a little short story by somebody named Russell Cobb of left wing Salon magazine. It beats talking about Biden anyway.

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