Road rage.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Just wanted to throw out a little friendly reminder to everyone
about staying calm while you're out driving during these extra-stressful times.

It's very easy to lose your temper, most of us know, especially with so many inconsiderate bad drivers around almost everywhere you go. ( Try driving through NYC sometime) But I'm telling you right now, especially if you're travelling with a weapon -make sure you have a CC license, first, know the laws of each state you're in and second, it's your responsibility to be 'the adult in the room' out there okay ? Don't be one of these off-duty cop cowboys out looking for trouble with a chip on your shoulder, and most of all don't forget that there are off-duty cop cowboys out me......don't fuck with these guys.

Not to mention drug abuse and alcoholism are on the rise with people out of work during the China pandemic, so obviously don't drink and drive. Stay home and party or have a designated sober person behind the wheel. It's common sense. And watch for crazy people out there. Don't flip anyone off or slam your breaks on a tailgater....and if someone flips you off, just take a deep breath, look the other way and let them go on. The rest of your life is much more important than something bad happening you easily could have avoided. Be cool out there. Be smart. Learn the art of fighting without fighting.

Would you rather be 5 minutes late for work or downtown at the precinct explaining why you had to shoot some drunk dude in a pick up truck on his way home from losing his ass at the casino ? ( Wouldn't it be fun now and then though ? Oh I've had some close ones before. )
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Just wanted to throw out a little friendly reminder to everyone
about staying calm while you're out driving during these extra-stressful times.

It's very easy to lose your temper, most of us know, especially with so many inconsiderate bad drivers around almost everywhere you go. ( Try driving through NYC sometime) But I'm telling you right now, especially if you're travelling with a weapon -make sure you have a CC license, first, know the laws of each state you're in and second, it's your responsibility to be 'the adult in the room' out there okay ? Don't be one of these off-duty cop cowboys out looking for trouble with a chip on your shoulder, and most of all don't forget that there are off-duty cop cowboys out me......don't fuck with these guys.

Not to mention drug abuse and alcoholism are on the rise with people out of work during the China pandemic, so obviously don't drink and drive. Stay home and party or have a designated sober person behind the wheel. It's common sense. And watch for crazy people out there. Don't flip anyone off or slam your breaks on a tailgater....and if someone flips you off, just take a deep breath, look the other way and let them go on. The rest of your life is much more important than something bad happening you easily could have avoided. Be cool out there. Be smart. Learn the art of fighting without fighting.

Would you rather be 5 minutes late for work or downtown at the precinct explaining why you had to shoot some drunk dude in a pick up truck on his way home from losing his ass at the casino ? ( Wouldn't it be fun now and then though ? Oh I've had some close ones before. )
Nice post, Angelo. Thank you.
Last week I fucking lost it. I was pulling into a 7Eleven parking lot to get some water and there were two cars in front of me where the drivers had the audacity to be talking to each other and blocking me from entering and parking. I started honking my horn like a mad man and these assholes just ignored me. I got out of the car and went up to the driver nearest me and I screamed what the fuck is your problem. He looked at me, then looked away, said goodbye to his friend and drove off while I was giving him the finger. I’m not a violent man or a tough guy, but at that time I was ready to throw down. I couldn’t believe how inconsiderate those assholes were. I still can’t.
Most people drive with just one thought, get ahead of the person in front of them, and so on and so on all day every day
Most people drive with just one thought, get ahead of the person in front of them, and so on and so on all day every day
I thought that was just in Dallas.
The weird thing here is..
In town, people drive like they have a good clip, though.
Out here? Pssht..they're firing off texts halfway through a green light or arrow, never use blinkers, sway all over the road, drive so they hit every single road reflector in the middle for miles, don't let people merge. GRRRR! :eusa_wall:
Most people drive with just one thought, get ahead of the person in front of them, and so on and so on all day every day

I've found driving etiquette worse now under the current situation than before.

More people double parking, more people doing the 3 lane "whoops that's my exit" shift, more people trying to sneak into a backed up exit by waiting until the last minute and going over a median, more median driving in traffic.

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