Rivers Going Empty Due To Green Energy?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Well, doesn't this beat all! We're told Man is bringing about Climate Change. But, this article indicates that, because we are no longer releasing pollutants into the atmosphere, rivers are evaporating faster!

Can't win for losing, can we. :rolleyes:

As I'm no scientist, read the story and decide for yourself @ Clear skies could empty rivers says study Al Jazeera America
Well.....the point is, nobody alive knows dick about how the climate dynamic works. Not the skeptics. Not the AGW crowd. Not anybody. Calling it "science" in 2014 is laughable.
Nice... and they also forget that we are extracting massive amounts of water from the earth to irrigate our crops and service our homes. Those aquafours need to recharge and just where does that come from? The evaporation meme is bunk as it is not manifesting in clouds, if it were happening. IMHO they need to look at other factors..

Why do these alarmist idiots ALWAYS miss the obvious items?
An increase in atmospheric heat results in an increase in evaporation of all bodies of water. Plus, many of the rivers in Europe depend on glacial melt in the summer and fall for part of there flow. And that glaciers have been receding rapidly, so there is less water available in the fall.
Weather and Climate Climate Change US EPA

Summary of Key Points

  • U.S. and Global Temperature. Average temperatures have risen across the contiguous 48 states since 1901, with an increased rate of warming over the past 30 years. Seven of the top 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. Average global temperatures show a similar trend, and the top 10 warmest years on record worldwide have all occurred since 1998. Within the United States, temperatures in parts of the North, the West, and Alaska have increased the most.

  • High and Low Temperatures. Many extreme temperature conditions are becoming more common. Since the 1970s, unusually hot summer temperatures have become more common in the United States, and heat waves have become more frequent—although the most severe heat waves in U.S. history remain those that occurred during the “Dust Bowl” in the 1930s. Record-setting daily high temperatures have become more common than record lows. The decade from 2000 to 2009 had twice as many record highs as record lows.

  • U.S. and Global Precipitation. Total annual precipitation has increased in the United States and over land areas worldwide. Since 1901, precipitation has increased at an average rate of 0.5 percent per decade in the contiguous 48 states and 0.2 percent per decade over land areas worldwide. However, shifting weather patterns have caused certain areas, such as Hawaii and parts of the Southwest, to experience less precipitation than usual.

  • Heavy Precipitation. In recent years, a higher percentage of precipitation in the United States has come in the form of intense single-day events. Nationwide, nine of the top 10 years for extreme one-day precipitation events have occurred since 1990. The occurrence of abnormally high annual precipitation totals (as defined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has also increased.

  • Drought. Average drought conditions across the nation have varied since records began in 1895. The 1930s and 1950s saw the most widespread droughts, while the last 50 years have generally been wetter than average. However, specific trends vary by region. A more detailed index developed recently shows that between 2000 and 2013, roughly 20 to 70 percent of the United States experienced drought at any given time, but this index has not been in use for long enough to compare with historical drought patterns.

    • A Closer Look: Temperature and Drought in the Southwest. The southwestern United States is particularly sensitive to changes in temperature and thus vulnerable to drought, as even a small decrease in water availability in this already arid region can threaten natural systems and society.

Why do people keep posting this shit when they can not determine what is natural variation and what is man caused. They haven't even done the science and your flinging crap..

I know all about the US LYING EPA.. Their endangerment finding is bogus made up from fantasy land crap.

Same pile of shit and Old Crock does it over and over...
An increase in atmospheric heat results in an increase in evaporation of all bodies of water. Plus, many of the rivers in Europe depend on glacial melt in the summer and fall for part of there flow. And that glaciers have been receding rapidly, so there is less water available in the fall.

This shows just how utterly moronic you are. How about you read some real science.. Glaciers on the increase?

The LIE ==>>“The Himalayans will be ice free in 30 years,” IPCC

Wrong AGAIN...

Scientists announce “remarkable” glacier growth on Tibetan plateau that “is challenging to explain.”

A new paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, finds that inner Tibet Plateau glaciers have been gaining “remarkable” quantities of ice over the past decade.

According to the authors, Shuang Yi and Wenke Sun, the “remarkable positive signal (+30 Gt/yr)” … “is challenging to explain.” This growth “almost completely offsets loss of 35Gt/yr elsewhere in the region.”

The authors further reveal that a 5-year cycle found in other Asian high mountain glacier mass “can be explained by the influence of Arctic Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation.”

The paper, which came out just this week (4 Mar 2014), is entitled “Evaluation of Glacier Changes in High Mountain Asia Based on 10-year GRACE-RL05 Models.”


Abstract here:
Evaluation of glacier changes in high-mountain Asia based on 10 thinsp year GRACE RL05 models - Yi - 2014 - Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth - Wiley Online Library

You see it happening here in the US as well. The glacier totally melted away in Mt St Helens has recovered and continues to grow.. Did they ever think to consider that river flows would slow as melt slowed?

The AWG morons cant use their dam heads..
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I'm really glad to see you putting up sources and references, even if SSDD tells us they don't matter.

That's nice that the Tibetan Plateau might be growing more ice. But then there's this:


2012 State of the Climate Glaciers NOAA Climate.gov

Just more bunk from the Obama regime and its failed climate document. You would think you guys would learn that once a document is shown to be fraud you would stop using it? I find it funny they left out all the glaciers which are growing in size from the report... More of that alarmist pal review...
Like Mt St Helen's... which has doubled in size and is now much bigger than prior to the 1988 eruption.
the thing about glaciers, Crater glacier is not the only one in rapid increase. there are some 23 new glaciers in Rockies which are acting just like crater glacier. 14 of them are in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming.
As always, we await your documentation. Oh wait, you're just making crap up again. Never mind.

What Billy fails to mention about Mt. St. Helens is that Crater Glacier didn't exist at all before the eruption because there was no crater. The new crater provides a spot to collect all the snow that tumbles down from the crater walls, and then keeps it shaded so it doesn't melt.

You'd have to be remarkably stupid to declare that means glaciers are growing everywhere, but that's Billy. It's one of the idiot talking points that almost all deniers use now, allowing them to display their complete lack of common sense.
As always, we await your documentation. Oh wait, you're just making crap up again. Never mind.

What Billy fails to mention about Mt. St. Helens is that Crater Glacier didn't exist at all before the eruption because there was no crater. The new crater provides a spot to collect all the snow that tumbles down from the crater walls, and then keeps it shaded so it doesn't melt. You'd have to be remarkably stupid to declare that means glaciers are growing everywhere, but that's Billy.

Poor little mammoth is incapable of simple observation.. I even included pictures for the little biotch. Since the 1988 eruption, which totally melted the glacier, it has double the pre-eruption size today.. Twice a thick and twice as big... Poor little Biotch alarmist... cant even get those facts straight..
There was no crater before 1988.

Hence, there was no Crater Glacier.

Hence, you are pulling crap out of your ass when you claim Crater Glacier is "Twice the pre-eruption size."

Are you deliberately lying, or are you just a moron?
There was no crater before 1988.

Hence, there was no Crater Glacier.

Hence, you are pulling crap out of your ass when you claim Crater Glacier is "Twice the pre-eruption size."

Are you deliberately lying, or are you just a moron?

The cataclysmic eruption of Mount St. Helens May 18, 1980, removed 2.9 km2 (about 0.13 km3) of glacier snow and ice including a large part of Shoestring, Forsyth, Wishbone, Ape, Nelson, and all of Loowit and Leschi Glaciers. Minor eruptions and bulging of the volcano from March 27 to May 17 shattered glaciers which were on the deforming rock and deposited ash on other glaciers. Thick ash layers persisted after the May 18 eruption through the summer on most of the remaining snow and ice, and protected winter snow from melting on Swift and Dryer Glaciers. Melting and recrystalization of snow and ice surviving on Mount St. Helens could cause and lubricate mudflows and generate outburst floods. Study of glaciers that remain on this active volcano may assist in recognizing potential hazards on other volcanoes and lead to new contributions to knowledge of the transient response of glaciers to changes in mass balance or geometry.

Calling me a liar when you haven't a dam clue... Talk about pulling shit out of your ass... Oh and my error, it was the 1980 eruption. And there are multiple glaciers on that mountain...

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What is it about "There was no crater prior to the eruption, hence there was no Crater Glacier" that you don't understand?

You do, of course, understand it. You know full well you made a mistake, because you blindly parroted denier talking points without factchecking.

However, like most denier manchildren, you're pathologically incapable of admitting a mistake. So you keep doubling down on the original stupid claim, turning it into a deliberate lie. Well done. You've cemented your cult credentials.

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