Rising Fascism USA - Right Now

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner the variants stop and the sooner we get back to "normal".
By not getting vaccinated you are playing "Russian Roulette" with the virus, and if a drug resistant strain develops it would be horrible. Vaccinations have nothing to do with fascism. If everyone gets vaccinated everyone would be asymptomatic.
Get vaccinated, get your papers, or stay home.

Your "transmission" concern reminds me of the term "viral load". Some transmissions are strong, and others are weak. So vaccinated people apparently do "weak transmissions" that would only hurt the unvaccinated. "Transmission" isn't the issue, hospitalizations and deaths are.
Transmission is the only issue per mandates.
You be stupid and I'll be the control group.

That way if there's serious side effects one, five, ten, or twenty, years down the road from your non-FDA approved and health industry is faultless (<can't be held liable) vaccine we'll see who was really stupid.


Have you seen the guys who just before dying say, "I wish I'd have taken the damn vaccine"? The Delta variant is very contagious and is making a spike in infections. The deaths are spiking too but slower. Your odds of getting very sick or dying are small for the vaccinated, but significant for the unvaccinated. So GET VACCINATED.

I most likely had both already.

The other week I felt sick so I did what you're supposed to do with a viral infection. I took some ibuprofen, laid down with a bunch of blankets, and sweated my a$$ off for a few hours. When I got up I felt a little light headed but after eating something I was fine.

Then I did what Trump advised and drank some disinfectant




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I most likely had both already.

The other week I felt sick so I did what you're supposed to do with a viral infection. I took some ibuprofen, laid down with a bunch of blankets, and sweated my a$$ off for a few hours. When I got up I felt a little light headed but after eating something I was fine.



Sounds like you just had the flu. Covid is an entirely different beast.
In 1940 Americans were drafted into the army to fight Nazis and they did so out of duty to save the lives of others.

In 2020 Americans were asked to wear a mask to fight COVID-19 and they pissed in their pants and cried like bitches that it wasn’t their duty to save the lives of others.
Get the vaccine, don't be stupid. It has nothing to do with "freedom" it has to do with stopping the pandemic.
If they ever try to take our guns, sign me up. But for now, just get vaccinated.
Funny that the PMS/DSA Democrat Commies are disenfranchising both Blacks and Hispanics that have refused to take the "vaccine" .

If the vaccine makes everyone asymptomatic
It doesnt do that, either.
From the new CDC report
In addition, researchers found vaccinated New Yorkers accounted for 20% of new infections and 15% of hospitalizations.
Also from the link :
“Vaccines are very, very helpful, but they’re not the end-all, be-all of COVID-19 prevention,” she added, encouraging mask-wearing and other precautions.
TBF, she mentioned masks and they are basically useless. So maybe what she said doesnt stand. lolz
At this present moment (checking my watch) August 18, 2021, the population of these United States appears to be divided, actively, into two main groups: Americans who accept overt, blatant COVID-19 vaccine dictatorships arisen recently in their local governments and private businesses, and Americans (in the minority) who could be preparing to resist this developing tyranny with force of arms or by the sword, so to speak.

How is it that any full-blooded freedom loving American of any background, of any culture or ethnic origin or political slant, would even consider bowing down and kissing the feet of totalitarian rule? That is the question on the minds of many of my fellow countrymen today. If YOU, as an American, love the freedoms you were born entitled to exercise, such as walking or driving anywhere you choose, shopping anyplace you like, or choosing to decline ANY medical procedure without punishment, then there's just no way in Hell YOU can support, promote or stand for taking it up the ass with a public government or private employer/business mandated COVID vaccination. And if YOU are (taking it up the ass, at the point of a forced dripping needle) you can no longer call, classify or think of yourself as a FREE human being, let alone a free citizen of these United States.

New York City and some other places here in the U.S. are forging the way, as we speak, into totalitarian rule and iron fisted enforcement of totalitarian edicts. While there's no way to accurately predict the near future, many of my fellow veterans, close friends and some family members are scared shitless today thinking tomorrow will bring vaccine mandates from their employers, local governments and/or the places they buy food, clothing, etc. Personally, that pisses me off—seeing fear in the eyes of those I care for most.

And what about our children? What about those born and those yet to come? What kind of future do all you parents out there beyond internet land hope your children get to have? A future where some teapot local dictator or Walmart manager forces them to get an experimental injection in order to fucking survive in society on a day to day basis? Do you want your children to live in constant fear of their government, teachers, fast food workers? If that does not seem like a big deal to you . . . or you believe being vaccinated equals an American's patriotic duty, then you are a broken soul and quite possibly beyond the point of no return as a human being fit to live in a free society.

As an American just how much of your waning freedom are YOU willing to surrender in the name of forced compliance? What politician's whim will be too much for you to swallow? What's next? A murder lottery in the name of population control to save the environment? Will YOU willingly participate in that as well? Who else, today, is feeling sickened by the level of his or her fellow Americans kowtowing to rising COVID dictatorships?
vaccines are hell of a lot safer than getting covid.

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