Right Wingers Throw Tantrum From Reports The Biggest Terror Threat Is From The Right

Not surprising to see, the DHS has reported the most acts of terror and biggest threat to america come from right wing extremists. Also not surprisingly those on the right are throwing a pissy fit, most notably Boner because the results didn't tell them what they want to hear from their propaganda that it's the muslims.

"The gunman in the shooting at a Sikh temple over the weekend has been labeled a potential domestic terrorist — defined as one who incites politically-motivated violence against his or her own country. In Wade Michael Page’s case, that political motivation was likely white supremacy, a growing problem in the United States."

"But when, in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security reported that white supremacy is the US’s biggest threat for domestic terror, it was met with harsh criticism. Conservatives blasted the department for defining terror threats too broadly, instead of focusing on potential Islamic terrorists. Then-House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) was one of those who berated DHS, saying that they weren’t focusing on the real threats the US faces"

"The report’s findings were congruous with previous studies that indicate right wing extremism is responsible for more instances of violence every year (with the exception of 2001, when the September 11th attacks happened) in the United States than Islamic extremist. It also tracks with the rise of hate groups in the US since 2000."

Republicans Blasted Obama Administration For Warning About Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism | ThinkProgress

I didn't realize nazi's were right wing? I didn't realize they were left wing.
The right wing is pro Israel nazi's aren't. Give it a fuckings extreme right break trying to pin something on the right.

Nazis are extreme right wing. Key word: extreme.

And WNs actually hold up Israel as an example of a successful separatist nation. They want their own.

People call Nazis right wing, that doesn't make them right wing though. What would make them right wing is if the right wing agreed with their basic philosophy. Why don't you point out which right wing politicians are calling for an end to all debt, that we be completely self sufficient in energy, and an end to materialism and greed. Once you do that you are free to classify the American Nazi Party as right wing, until then you are just going to look stupid.
I didn't realize nazi's were right wing? I didn't realize they were left wing.
The right wing is pro Israel nazi's aren't. Give it a fuckings extreme right break trying to pin something on the right.

Nazis are extreme right wing. Key word: extreme.

And WNs actually hold up Israel as an example of a successful separatist nation. They want their own.

People call Nazis right wing, that doesn't make them right wing though. What would make them right wing is if the right wing agreed with their basic philosophy. Why don't you point out which right wing politicians are calling for an end to all debt, that we be completely self sufficient in energy, and an end to materialism and greed. Once you do that you are free to classify the American Nazi Party as right wing, until then you are just going to look stupid.

No we were just confused. Both the right and left fall under the Democrat party.
Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political views and religious beliefs

McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military,[82] but voted for Libertarian Party candidate, Harry Browne, in the 1996 presidential elections.[83] McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[84] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[85] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[86] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[84] In the 2001 book American Terrorist, McVeigh stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[87][88] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying as agnostic.[89] Before his execution, McVeigh took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.[90]

that is clearly right wing

That is clearly left wing.
Not surprising to see, the DHS has reported the most acts of terror and biggest threat to america come from right wing extremists. Also not surprisingly those on the right are throwing a pissy fit, most notably Boner because the results didn't tell them what they want to hear from their propaganda that it's the muslims.

"The gunman in the shooting at a Sikh temple over the weekend has been labeled a potential domestic terrorist — defined as one who incites politically-motivated violence against his or her own country. In Wade Michael Page’s case, that political motivation was likely white supremacy, a growing problem in the United States."

"But when, in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security reported that white supremacy is the US’s biggest threat for domestic terror, it was met with harsh criticism. Conservatives blasted the department for defining terror threats too broadly, instead of focusing on potential Islamic terrorists. Then-House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) was one of those who berated DHS, saying that they weren’t focusing on the real threats the US faces"

"The report’s findings were congruous with previous studies that indicate right wing extremism is responsible for more instances of violence every year (with the exception of 2001, when the September 11th attacks happened) in the United States than Islamic extremist. It also tracks with the rise of hate groups in the US since 2000."

Republicans Blasted Obama Administration For Warning About Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism | ThinkProgress

Not surprising progressives (the real right wing) don't know what "right wing" actually means....

You do know Islamic terrorists are "right wing?" as are other extremists groups like OWS..

Bill Ayers is a "right wing extremist" so are the organizations he belongs to...

You're a right wing extremist...

Anyone that forces another to accept their politics or agenda is a right wing extremist...

It's called fascism you fucking sorry excuse for a rock..

The left and right come from the French. Communism, socialism, etc... are the left. Religion has been used to represent the right but the right was for more individual responsibility. The Islamic terrorists would be left because they want a government to make laws and tell people how to live. Your broad definition of those that “forces another to accept their politics or agenda” would mean that communism is a right winger. The definition is complicated. The far right now is anarchy and the far left is totalitarianism. So the further right you are the less government control you want and the further left you are the more government control you want.



Liberalism (left) and Fascism (right) are total opposites.. Authoritarians and totalitarians are on the right and those who believe in individualism (personal responsibility, less government, less law) are on the left...

Considering your present day progressives believe in big government and their oppressive legislation - that makes them "right wing" by de facto.'

Anyone - or any organization that wants to legislate laws that only benefit their position is certainly a fucking "right wing" pig...

This is why we have democracy in this republic. I cannot say I appreciate our brand of democracy but it is still such.

If people only turned off their blinders for a year and accepted reality, and learned something they would see....

Fascism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism and liberalism aren't that difficult to understand.

Communism is nothing more than sociopolitical concept - socialism is an economic model - communism is just the force...

I would love to know in what universe a state is liberal when they force individuals via law to adhere to certain ideas i.e communism, Sharia, Obamunism .....

The only difference between Stalin and Hitler was the mustache.
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The only thing that fuels terrorism is religion. It's been said before and it's being said now.
The answer is obvious.

No it isnt.................You must take into account what opens the door........POVERTY.....

The only thing that fuels terrorism is religion. It's been said before and it's being said now.
The answer is obvious.

Which religion fuels the people who destroy houses in the suburbs of Seattle to keep people from moving into areas that wildlife habitats?
Nazis is the national socialist party. How is a socialist party right? What is the difference between right and left? Give me a divider. What you are giving me is not the clear difference. I can tell you currently that republican is for less government control and the democrat party is for more. So if everyone is saying republican is right then the right is for less government control. That would have to mean that right is for less government. If your definition is indeed right, then both the left and the right are in the democrat party and the republican party is something new.

It saddens me that the level of ignorance about nazism has come to the point where people think the word "socialism" in National Socialism is all they need to know to indicate whether the Nazis are right or left wing. You remind me of that guy in This Is Spinal Tap whose amp goes to 11.

Glenn Beck has exploited your youthful ignorance to great advantage, so that when the bigoted aspects of nazism rears its head in Beck's tirades and among his parroting followers, his poisoning of the well precludes them from being recognized as having nazi tendencies.

I can't help but wonder at how angry a death camp liberator must feel should they hear some remarkable idiot claim Nazis were/are left wing.

I ask dunderheads like yourself to spend just one week on Stormfront and then come back here and beg forgiveness when you realize the errors of your ways.

No problem because I’m a republican and therefore don’t have to worry about them because they are all democrats anyways. Are you going to argue that if Hitler was in America he would be Republican? All his politics were in line with Democrats and not Republicans. So I have been set straight today. I was wrong about what right and left was. Now I know right and left are both democrats and republicans are neither.

In what world was Hitler allegedly a bleeding heart liberal who supposedly only cared about the poor, the disenfranchised, and minorities and other disenfranchised segments of the population?
It saddens me that the level of ignorance about nazism has come to the point where people think the word "socialism" in National Socialism is all they need to know to indicate whether the Nazis are right or left wing. You remind me of that guy in This Is Spinal Tap whose amp goes to 11.

Glenn Beck has exploited your youthful ignorance to great advantage, so that when the bigoted aspects of nazism rears its head in Beck's tirades and among his parroting followers, his poisoning of the well precludes them from being recognized as having nazi tendencies.

I can't help but wonder at how angry a death camp liberator must feel should they hear some remarkable idiot claim Nazis were/are left wing.

I ask dunderheads like yourself to spend just one week on Stormfront and then come back here and beg forgiveness when you realize the errors of your ways.

No problem because I’m a republican and therefore don’t have to worry about them because they are all democrats anyways. Are you going to argue that if Hitler was in America he would be Republican? All his politics were in line with Democrats and not Republicans. So I have been set straight today. I was wrong about what right and left was. Now I know right and left are both democrats and republicans are neither.

In what world was Hitler allegedly a bleeding heart liberal who supposedly only cared about the poor, the disenfranchised, and minorities and other disenfranchised segments of the population?

That would be the one in which he was convicted of treason, wrote Mein Kampf, was elected after the Great Depression devastated the economy, and became president of Germany.

Which world do you live in?
No problem because I’m a republican and therefore don’t have to worry about them because they are all democrats anyways. Are you going to argue that if Hitler was in America he would be Republican? All his politics were in line with Democrats and not Republicans. So I have been set straight today. I was wrong about what right and left was. Now I know right and left are both democrats and republicans are neither.

In what world was Hitler allegedly a bleeding heart liberal who supposedly only cared about the poor, the disenfranchised, and minorities and other disenfranchised segments of the population?

That would be the one in which he was convicted of treason, wrote Mein Kampf, was elected after the Great Depression devastated the economy, and became president of Germany.

Which world do you live in?

1) Hiter was never elected to the highest office in the land

2) Germany does not have a president
In what world was Hitler allegedly a bleeding heart liberal who supposedly only cared about the poor, the disenfranchised, and minorities and other disenfranchised segments of the population?

That would be the one in which he was convicted of treason, wrote Mein Kampf, was elected after the Great Depression devastated the economy, and became president of Germany.

Which world do you live in?

1) Hiter was never elected to the highest office in the land

2) Germany does not have a president

Oh really - please elaborate your aforementioned stupidity....
That would be the one in which he was convicted of treason, wrote Mein Kampf, was elected after the Great Depression devastated the economy, and became president of Germany.

Which world do you live in?

1) Hiter was never elected to the highest office in the land

2) Germany does not have a president

Oh really - please elaborate your aforementioned stupidity....

The only one stupid here is yourself for not knowing basic history :up:
In what world was Hitler allegedly a bleeding heart liberal who supposedly only cared about the poor, the disenfranchised, and minorities and other disenfranchised segments of the population?

That would be the one in which he was convicted of treason, wrote Mein Kampf, was elected after the Great Depression devastated the economy, and became president of Germany.

Which world do you live in?

1) Hiter was never elected to the highest office in the land

2) Germany does not have a president

  1. I never said he was.
  2. President of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1) Hiter was never elected to the highest office in the land

2) Germany does not have a president

Oh really - please elaborate your aforementioned stupidity....

The only one stupid here is yourself for not knowing basic history :up:

Actually, the problem here is you think the US is the only country that has a president, and that presidents are the most powerful officials in the government. That has nothing to do with history, but it does show an incredible lack of understanding of basic civics.
In what world was Hitler allegedly a bleeding heart liberal who supposedly only cared about the poor, the disenfranchised, and minorities and other disenfranchised segments of the population?

That would be the one in which he was convicted of treason, wrote Mein Kampf, was elected after the Great Depression devastated the economy, and became president of Germany.

Which world do you live in?

1) Hiter was never elected to the highest office in the land

2) Germany does not have a president
He was Weimar Germany's second president, after Ebert, and he led the nation through the catastrophe of the Wall Street Crash. Hindenburg dismissed the last hope Weimar really had - Heinrich Brüning - and he appointed Hitler chancellor on January 30th 1933, as the constitution allowed him to do.
Paul von Hindenburg

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