Right Wing Rep Ken Buck Serves Up New Spin On The Big Lie. Google Stole It


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money
No one can count all the people scamming you!

The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power
Probably because the moment Trump took office, the Left was conspiring on how to undo the 2016 you let slip through your fingers. When four baseless investigations and two debunked impeachments didn't work by the end of 2019, you figured it was time just to steal the election.

But don't worry, Screwed, the cat has been out of the bag for a long time.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.

I very rarely use Google and I voted for Biden. I'll bet Google wished they had that power.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money
No one can count all the people scamming you!

The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power
Probably because the moment Trump took office, the Left was conspiring on how to undo the 2016 you let slip through your fingers. When four baseless investigations and two debunked impeachments didn't work by the end of 2019, you figured it was time just to steal the election.

But don't worry, Screwed, the cat has been out of the bag for a long time.

Nothing was debunked. The investigations were more than justified.
Daily Kooks...

Nothing was debunked.
I know, I know. Doubts about the 2020 election linger on as the Dems try to sweep it under the rug.

The investigations were more than justified.
Funny how ALL of your investigations are ALWAYS justified even when they go belly up while NONE of the GOP's investigations ever are.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.

Advice you should seriously take to heart.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Dyldo was/is a goof. Sinatra x 2
Suckless makes decent software. I know. You never heard of it.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Well. . . yeah, that did happen, this is just sort of an out in the open now, a common sense. . . DUH thing. All intelligent folks know the establishment rigged the election, the dumb uninformed masses were led astray, lied to and propagandized, while real news, and pertinent electoral issues were buried.

The establishment already admitted this skews13.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​


Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election​

Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.

I very rarely use Google and I voted for Biden. I'll bet Google wished they had that power.
The information warfare extended far beyond Google.

You must have missed that article in Time when the establishment admitted to their conspiracy of deception.
What is the most galling, and dystopian thing about all this, you don't even need to like Trump, even if you are in the middle, or an independent. . . if you at all are rational, you will be disgusted by the system at this point if you understand what has all transpired.

. . . but? The compulsory education and propaganda of this nation has so done a number on this population, so few are left that are able to use critical thinking. . . it seems, all is lost. . .

This really isn't about politics anymore, it is about the process, and that PROCESS? It has been hopelessly corrupted by the ruling kleptocracy.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Well. . . yeah, that did happen, this is just sort of an out in the open now, a common sense. . . DUH thing. All intelligent folks know the establishment rigged the election, the dumb uninformed masses were led astray, lied to and propagandized, while real news, and pertinent electoral issues were buried.

The establishment already admitted this skews13.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​


Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election​

Changing rules, steering media coverage and controlling information, isn't that exactly what commie regimes do?

Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Well. . . yeah, that did happen, this is just sort of an out in the open now, a common sense. . . DUH thing. All intelligent folks know the establishment rigged the election, the dumb uninformed masses were led astray, lied to and propagandized, while real news, and pertinent electoral issues were buried.

The establishment already admitted this skews13.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​


Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election​

Changing rules, steering media coverage and controlling information, isn't that exactly what commie regimes do?

It is what all authoritarian governments have done, from monarchies, and authoritarian dictatorships, to the new 21st century technocracies.

It is time for the old Boomers and GenXers to let go of our old notions of "communism," as the old boogieman. . . b/c the establishment parties that rule the globe now, won't be wearing the clothing of "commies," they will be taking our civil rights and civil liberties with the self-same global corporations that we all grew up with, and the governments and oligarchs of the planet are going to let them. . .

And the ruling bureaucrats that run these Deep State agencies will be the benefactors, not the families that try to live their lives, run their small business and farms, or live their lives in peace. IN several places on this forum, I have already documented their future plans to restrict water usage to the point, where families and small farmers will no longer be able to grow their own food. . . think on the implications of that for a moment. . .

Not a whole lot will be nationalized, but nothing will, none the less, be "free," or fair.
the same twats who believe buck's theory are those who deny that russian propaganda (ZOMG WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL!!!!1111) might have shifted votes from hillary to their fat fucking troll.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Well. . . yeah, that did happen, this is just sort of an out in the open now, a common sense. . . DUH thing. All intelligent folks know the establishment rigged the election, the dumb uninformed masses were led astray, lied to and propagandized, while real news, and pertinent electoral issues were buried.

The establishment already admitted this skews13.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​


Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election​


They'd go to all those lengths to usurp the eeeevil Orange Man, but stuffing ballot boxes and rigging the tabulation machines would be totally beyond the pale!

The coincidence theorists are the ones who need the tin foil hats.
Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
Well. . . yeah, that did happen, this is just sort of an out in the open now, a common sense. . . DUH thing. All intelligent folks know the establishment rigged the election, the dumb uninformed masses were led astray, lied to and propagandized, while real news, and pertinent electoral issues were buried.

The establishment already admitted this skews13.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​


Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election​

Changing rules, steering media coverage and controlling information, isn't that exactly what commie regimes do?

It is what all authoritarian governments have done, from monarchies, and authoritarian dictatorships, to the new 21st century technocracies.

It is time for the old Boomers and GenXers to let go of our old notions of "communism," as the old boogieman. . . b/c the establishment parties that rule the globe now, won't be wearing the clothing of "commies," they will be taking our civil rights and civil liberties with the self-same global corporations that we all grew up with, and the governments and oligarchs of the planet are going to let them. . .

And the ruling bureaucrats that run these Deep State agencies will be the benefactors, not the families that try to live their lives, run their small business and farms, or live their lives in peace. IN several places on this forum, I have already documented their future plans to restrict water usage to the point, where families and small farmers will no longer be able to grow their own food. . . think on the implications of that for a moment. . .

Not a whole lot will be nationalized, but nothing will, none the less, be "free," or fair.

Commies and Marxist are what they are, regardless of what they're wearing. There will come a time when the people will have to take this country back by force, I just hope I don't live to see it.

Buck, like the rest of the Republican Party, now taking up the mantle of scamming its constituents out of money by fully sublimating itself to Donald Trump, is simply retreading on Trump’s authoritarian attempts to undermine our democracy. The moment Trump took office, his entire administration was spent trying to figure out ways to retain power, being in the truly unenviable position of feeling imposter syndrome while actually being an imposter of a person.

No. You lost Ken, because you suck. But there is some advice that can help you. In the words of a song writer, the great Bob Dylan, suck less.
He's gods gift to my progressive relative in Colo. Him and babe rep from the bar and gunstore. Those two ROCK.
the same twats who believe buck's theory are those who deny that russian propaganda (ZOMG WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL!!!!1111) might have shifted votes from hillary to their fat fucking troll.
You really are this dumb, aren't you?


You make me laugh.


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