Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car

I rode mass transit years ago in my twenties.

The trick was to appear more nuts than the other passengers. Thousand yard stare works wonders.

Saw some unique human behavior and a couple of arrests.

I gladly pay extra to drive my gas guzzling vehicle alone with a nice cup of coffee. Screw mass transit.
"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train

So we can have a man with an assault weapon go in the trains and do a mass killing, we love it. Are the white men going crazy or what hey.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?
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Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
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Penelope, did ever read a history book written before 1965 and or do watch fake news MSNBC and fake news CNN daily? I ask that because you are obviously a clueless idiot.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
but black nationalists/black KILLERS are ok???!!!!!!?????!!
White supremacists murder about 5 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 every DAY
and you worry about/hate WS???
makes NO sense--none--except if you are racist............?
Penelope, did ever read a history book written before 1965 and or do watch fake news MSNBC and fake news CNN daily? I ask that because you are obviously a clueless idiot.

I know the history of the US and no I do not watch faux fox news. Debate what I have said in my post, if you can!
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
but black nationalists/black KILLERS are ok???!!!!!!?????!!
White supremacists murder about 5 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 every DAY
and you worry about/hate WS???
makes NO sense--none--except if you are racist............?

And blacks are mainly gang murders. Not white though. They kill family members and they are mass shooters. A white supremacist just killed 11 jews, so we know that is not true.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?
Whitey is so persecuted, isn't he?
I use ours now and then. From and back to the car guy’s place mostly and it’s always an interesting peek into mostly a different stratum of society with a big accent on whatever the diversity du jour. See and hear some amazing stuff, much like reading in here come to think of it. Lots of stupidity and ignorance.
"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train

So we can have a man with an assault weapon go in the trains and do a mass killing, we love it. Are the white men going crazy or what hey.

I call shenanigans.

Where is any normal person advocating for a crazy person to brandish a chainsaw on public transportation? Link?
"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train
The "left" more mythological bullshit.
Will you put $1 in my Paypal for ever Leftist quote saying they need to push people into using mass transit?
Penelope, did ever read a history book written before 1965 and or do watch fake news MSNBC and fake news CNN daily? I ask that because you are obviously a clueless idiot.

I know the history of the US and no I do not watch faux fox news. Debate what I have said in my post, if you can!

Um.... You're points have already been countered and bested. Not sure if your realize that. In effect you are the fighter who has been knocked cold and you are on the floor of the Ring challenging the person who just knocked you cold to a fight.

My experience with self-deprecating white women is that they try to use a form of Reverse Racism to attract sexual attention from Minority males for whom they have developed a preference for whatever reason.

For more information on this matter you can check out a post in Badlands entitled.

Why is it always fat ugly white women?

I would give you a direct link to it but this Forum doesn't provide a linking tool.


Penelope, did ever read a history book written before 1965 and or do watch fake news MSNBC and fake news CNN daily? I ask that because you are obviously a clueless idiot.

I know the history of the US and no I do not watch faux fox news. Debate what I have said in my post, if you can!

Um.... You're points have already been countered and bested. Not sure if your realize that. In effect you are the fighter who has been knocked cold and you are on the floor of the Ring challenging the person who just knocked you cold to a fight.

My experience with self-deprecating white women is that they try to use a form of Reverse Racism to attract sexual attention from Minority males for whom they have developed a preference for whatever reason.

For more information on this matter you can check out a post in Badlands entitled.

Why is it always fat ugly white women?

I would give you a direct link to it but this Forum doesn't provide a linking tool.


First of all, I'm not fat, and I have been married for over 30 years, so that is not it. What else do you have ? Yes you can link a thread, I have done it, but I do not have to visit the badlands unless I have something to post there, and I have no interest in that topic.
"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train

So we can have a man with an assault weapon go in the trains and do a mass killing, we love it. Are the white men going crazy or what hey.

I call shenanigans.

Where is any normal person advocating for a crazy person to brandish a chainsaw on public transportation? Link?

Obviously a crazy person. I am more interested in the 3 white nationalist getting arrested.
BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train keep listening.
I rode mass transit years ago in my twenties.

The trick was to appear more nuts than the other passengers. Thousand yard stare works wonders.

Saw some unique human behavior and a couple of arrests.

I gladly pay extra to drive my gas guzzling vehicle alone with a nice cup of coffee. Screw mass transit.
Got my thigh felt up by some perv on the bus once. That's about it. I've managed to keep a car most of my life.

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