RFK Jr. Warns About China's Takeover of American Farms

Except nothing in there said he didn't know, an aide just completed his thought.
LOL! You bet! What a joke. Is English your second or third language or something? How could you read the transcript and float such a comical spin? You just don't seem to get that everyone else is not as stupid as you seem to think they are. This kind of nonsense is why no one takes you seriously.

Anyway, moving on from this Marxist loon, guess how much land, of any kind, the U.S. owns in China? Answer: Zero. None. Not one inch. This is because China does not allow foreign governments to own Chinese land.

Private foreign citizens can buy land in China, but their "ownership" is really not ownership in the way we think of the term.

It does not take much brilliance to understand that no country should allow another country to own and control over half of its agricultural production.
LOL! You bet! What a joke. Is English your second or third language or something? How could you read the transcript and float such a comical spin? You just don't seem to get that everyone else is not as stupid as you seem to think they are. This kind of nonsense is why no one takes you seriously.
Deranged cultist says what.

I'm sorry, I read that transcript. He knows exactly what day his son died.

Now, keep in mind, while Hack Hur was doing these interviews, that's when the Gaza crisis had just broken out, so who had what piece of paper where wasn't exactly the biggest issue on the President's mind at the moment.

Hur lied because he knew he didn't have a case.

Anyway, moving on from this Marxist loon, guess how much land, of any kind, the U.S. owns in China? Answer: Zero. None. Not one inch. This is because China does not allow foreign governments to own Chinese land.
So what? Here's the problem. We have farmland to spare. China has limited farm land and 1.5 BILLION mouths to feed.

China has also had a history of foreign interests abusing them.

Private foreign citizens can buy land in China, but their "ownership" is really not ownership in the way we think of the term.

It does not take much brilliance to understand that no country should allow another country to own and control over half of its agricultural production.
So, um, let's look at that.

Chinese companies invest in American farm, ensuring the continued employment of Bubba and Cleetus and the rest of the inbreds in Jesusland.

People who get SHITLOADS of government subsidies and STILL can't make their farms turn a profit.

So what devious thing do you think the Chinese are going to do with these Farms, Mormon Mike?

I know you've heard things about sideways hoo-has and you are scared.
Deranged cultist says what.

I'm sorry, I read that transcript. He knows exactly what day his son died.

Now, keep in mind, while Hack Hur was doing these interviews, that's when the Gaza crisis had just broken out, so who had what piece of paper where wasn't exactly the biggest issue on the President's mind at the moment.

Hur lied because he knew he didn't have a case.

So what? Here's the problem. We have farmland to spare. China has limited farm land and 1.5 BILLION mouths to feed.

China has also had a history of foreign interests abusing them.

So, um, let's look at that.

Chinese companies invest in American farm, ensuring the continued employment of Bubba and Cleetus and the rest of the inbreds in Jesusland.

People who get SHITLOADS of government subsidies and STILL can't make their farms turn a profit.

So what devious thing do you think the Chinese are going to do with these Farms, Mormon Mike?

I know you've heard things about sideways hoo-has and you are scared.
If only what you are saying was true. But it's not.

American farmers are being deliberately bankrupted to acquire the farms.

Tyson is indebted to Farm Credit, which then gets farmers to build chicken farms to particular standards. The farmers also go to Farm Credit for loans to build the chicken farms to specific requirements in the regional neighborhood of the processing facilities. (All loans are in the multi millions)

Then Farm Credit then tells Tyson to close certain plants but expand others. The individual contract farmers are then bankrupted by Farm Credit and forced to sell their farms for pennies on the dollar that don't cover the loans. These sales are also covered with non-disclosures....the Highest powered law firms are on retainer for anyone who complains with specific knowledge of wrongdoing.

And the "mystery" continues. Except it isn't a mystery...generational farms are disappearing for nothing more than the whim of the political elite. (Bribery, collusion, and fast money)
If only what you are saying was true. But it's not.

American farmers are being deliberately bankrupted to acquire the farms.

Tyson is indebted to Farm Credit, which then gets farmers to build chicken farms to particular standards. The farmers also go to Farm Credit for loans to build the chicken farms to specific requirements in the regional neighborhood of the processing facilities. (All loans are in the multi millions)

Then Farm Credit then tells Tyson to close certain plants but expand others. The individual contract farmers are then bankrupted by Farm Credit and forced to sell their farms for pennies on the dollar that don't cover the loans. These sales are also covered with non-disclosures....the Highest powered law firms are on retainer for anyone who complains with specific knowledge of wrongdoing.

And the "mystery" continues. Except it isn't a mystery...generational farms are disappearing for nothing more than the whim of the political elite. (Bribery, collusion, and fast money)
Boo, fucking, hoo.

Serves them right for voting Republican.
This isn't a political issue....it's one of corruption that political fighting has caused to happen.
No, actually it's a political issue.

One party represents working folks (the Democrats).

One party represents the investor class (the Republicans).

If you are a farmer or a worker and you vote Republican, I have no sympathy when you get screwed by the investor class. Even if some of those investors are Chinese.

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