RFK Jr. Warns About China's Takeover of American Farms


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Here's an informative and troubling video by RFK Jr. about China's continuing effort to buy up and control American farms. He posted the video about nine months ago. It's only 3 minutes long but it's packed with information:


Congressman Mike Collins (R-GA) has raised concerns on this issue:

A UPI news article on the issue:

Politico notes that a number of states have taken or are taking action to halt China's drive to buy up more agricultural land within their boundaries:

Here's an informative and troubling video by RFK Jr. about China's continuing effort to buy up and control American farms. He posted the video about nine months ago. It's only 3 minutes long but it's packed with information:


Congressman Mike Collins (R-GA) has raised concerns on this issue:

A UPI news article on the issue:

Politico notes that a number of states have taken or are taking action to halt China's drive to buy up more agricultural land within their boundaries:

Democrats have already declared RFK crazy which is why Biden won't debate him, so why listen to him?

After all, if you are not a democrat you must either be insane or Hitler, but I think that is only common sense.
Here's an informative and troubling video by RFK Jr. about China's continuing effort to buy up and control American farms. He posted the video about nine months ago. It's only 3 minutes long but it's packed with information:


Congressman Mike Collins (R-GA) has raised concerns on this issue:

Um, so what? Are you afraid they are going to grow rice and soy instead of wheat and corn?

Given how economically depressed the rural parts of the country are (yet they still vote Republican), they should be happy with the investment. The Chinese might buy up a farm, but they will still employ mostly Americans to grow the crops.

In the 1990's, we had the same panic when the Japanese bought up stuff.
In the 1970's, we had the same panic when the Arabs bought up stuff.

This great scene from the Movie Network can put it all in perspective for you.

Democrats have already declared RFK crazy which is why Biden won't debate him, so why listen to him?

After all, if you are not a democrat you must either be insane or Hitler, but I think that is only common sense.

Only person I see acting like Hitler is Trump.

As for RFK, he's a very sad man who has bought into conspiracy theories. He's the crazy uncle who shows up at Thanksgiving.
Only person I see acting like Hitler is Trump.

As for RFK, he's a very sad man who has bought into conspiracy theories. He's the crazy uncle who shows up at Thanksgiving.
in other words we should all have our noses up bidens ass....right joe?...
As I said, the only people that oppose the Democrat party are insane people or Hitler.

Or do you just like restating everything I say because it is so wonderful and correct?
Only person I see acting like Hitler is Trump.

As for RFK, he's a very sad man who has bought into conspiracy theories. He's the crazy uncle who shows up at Thanksgivin
As I said, the only people that oppose the Democrat party are insane people or Hitler.

Or do you just like restating everything I say because it is so wonderful and correct?

Actually, most of what you say is borderline retarded.

No, we should realize he's the only reasonably sane person running.

RFK is a nut. He's always been a nut. I guess that given how he grew up, it was inevitable, even before the Brain Worm got him.
no we shouldnt.....any reasonably sane person should realize the guy is way to old for this job...
Biden and Trump are both too old.

But Trump is the one showing clear signs of senile dementia.

And Brain-worm isn't a viable alternative.
you see what you want to see joe....i see 2 old men both showing signs of mental as well as physical stress.....neither one should be there....
but those are the guys we have.

Sorry, it just is.

So you can vote for the generally nice guy who forgets things or the evil person who had no character before he started losing his mind.
i dont have to vote for either one of them...the VP'S are who should be looked at.....
Oh it's even worse than what the OP is suggesting....
How about deliberately bankrupting American citizens to do it?

Lots of shenanigans at Farm Credit these days.
No, we should realize he's the only reasonably sane person running.

RFK is a nut. He's always been a nut. I guess that given how he grew up, it was inevitable, even before the Brain Worm got him.
How can you, a juvenile Marxist loon and a Democrat bot, dare to call anyone a nut, much less a man with three degrees who has also studied at the London School of Economics? I see lately you've greatly walked back some of your nuttier, obscene claims about Mao Tse Tung and Stalin, but always with discrediting qualifiers that show that you still really do think those two mass murderers deserve admiration and praise.

I'll say it again: You are every bit as bad as a Holocaust denier, if not arguably worse. This is why most people here ignore you.

Biden is "the only reasonably sane person running"??? It figures you would make such a laughable statement. Any honest, rational person can see that Biden is suffering from serious and obvious cognitive decline. From his claiming to have talked with foreign leaders after they had died to his inability to remember when he was vice president when he was interviewed by the special counsel to his disturbing episodes of disorientation and having to be led to or from a podium, the man is clearly mentally unfit to hold office anymore.

And just FYI, even the Biden administration understands why we don't want China buying up farm land near Air Force bases, which is why they took action to bring about bans on Chinese purchases of land near a number of bases. You'd know this if you'd bothered to read the articles linked in the OP, but of course you never read anything that you know challenges your extremist views.
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How can you, a juvenile Marxist loon and a Democrat bot, dare to call anyone a nut, much less a man with three degrees who has also studied at the London School of Economics? I see lately you've greatly walked back some of your nuttier, obscene claims about Mao Tse Tung and Stalin, but always with discrediting qualifiers that show that you still really do think those two mass murderers deserve admiration and praise.

Look, guy, I realize you are profoundly ignorant of history, especially the history of China, when you babble out Bircher conspiracy theories. Talk to a Chinese (not a Taiwanese) about Mao, or a Russian about Stalin, and you might get a different perspective.

But Brainworm Bobby says crazy shit like Covid was engineered to spare Jews and Asians, which should be projected on a wall behind him whenever he speaks, just to give us all perspective.

(For the record, my brother-in-law, who is Chinese, died of Covid. I guess that virus didn't get the memo)

I'll say it again: You are every bit as bad as a Holocaust denier, if not arguably worse. This is why most people here ignore you.

They do? Seems I have a lot of butthurt followers, and a few stalkers.

Biden is "the only reasonably sane person running"??? It figures you would make such a laughable statement. Any honest, rational person can see that Biden is suffering from serious and obvious cognitive decline. From his claiming to have talked with foreign leaders after they had died to his inability to remember when he was vice president when he was interviewed by the special counsel to his disturbing episodes of disorientation and having to be led to or from a podium, the man is clearly mentally unfit to hold office anymore.

Except Hur was caught in more than a few lies when the transcript was released, and it was found Biden had no problem remembering dates, and Hur even complimented him on his memory.

Does he have the occasional memory lapse? Sure. Far better than Trump talking about Hannibal Lector or Bobby Brainworm spouting Conspiracy theories.

And just FYI, even the Biden administration understands why we don't want China buying up farm land near Air Force bases, which is why they took action to bring about bans on Chinese purchases of land near a number of bases. You'd know this if you'd bothered to read the articles linked in the OP, but of course you never read anything that you know challenges your extremist views.

Naw, I'm just not a partisan robot. Biden does a lot of shit I disagree with, because the polls tell him to, like Supporting Zionist Genocide. But frankly, given how poor, depressed and inbred rural areas are, they should be WELCOMING Chinese investment.
Except Hur was caught in more than a few lies when the transcript was released, and it was found Biden had no problem remembering dates, and Hur even complimented him on his memory.

You lie. Actually, I'm sure that, as usual, you're just uncritically repeating what you read in some liberal source. Hur did not lie, and the transcripts prove it. When Hur said that Biden could not remember when he was Vice President, the transcripts confirm this. I quote from the 10/8 transcript, where we see Biden could not remember when he stopped being Vice President:

MR. HUR: Okay. Do you have any idea where this material would ' ve been before it got moved into the garage?
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, if it was 2013 -- when did I stop being Vice President?
MS. COTTON: 2017.
(p. 146, 10/8 transcript, https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/doj-hjc-hur-0000033-0000191.pdf)

So Biden could not remember when his term as Vice President ended. He thought it may have ended in 2013, but then he realized he wasn't certain, and so he had to ask when he stopped being Vice President.

Hur also reported that in the second interview, the one on 10/9, Biden could not remember if he was "still" Vice President in 2009, and the 10/9 transcript confirms this:

MR. KRICKEAUM : - - is that your -- I ' m asking actually. That ' s a question. Do you know that?
PRESIDENT EIDEN: Well, I ' m sure, I ' m sure there were. I don ' t know -- my problem was I never knew where any of the documents or boxes were specifically coming from or who packed them. Just did I get them delivered to me. And so this is -- I'm, at this stage, in 2009, am I still Vice President?
(p. 45, 10/9 transcript, https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/doj-hjc-hur-0000192-0000290.pdf)

So Biden could not remember when his term as Vice President ended and he wasn't sure if he was "still" Vice President in 2009. Good grief. Hur did not lie or exaggerate one bit when he reported on the terrible state of Biden's memory. Let's read what Hur said on this issue in his report:

Mr. Biden's memory also appeared to have significant limitations-both at the time he spoke to Zwonitzer in 2017, as evidenced by their recorded conversations, and today, as evidenced by his recorded interview with our office. Mr. Biden's recorded conversations with Zwonitzer from 2017 are often painfully slow, with Mr. Eiden struggling to remember events and straining at times to read and relay his own notebook entries.

In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?"), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ("in 2009, am I still Vice President?"). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he "had a real difference" of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Eiden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama. (Special Counsel Hur's report, pp. 207-208, https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf)

So, once again, we see that you have no clue what you're talking about. You're a Mao-loving Marxist and a Democrat bot. As recently as a few weeks ago, you actually repeated your obscene claim that Mao deserves admiration for how he governed Red China. You also argued that, gee, Stalin could not have really killed tens of millions of people because, gulp, the Soviet census reports did not show such a drop in population! I mean, how idiotic can you be? I'm guessing it never dawned on you that those census reports were unreliable and fabricated. Nah, a tyrannical regime would never falsify census data to cover up mass murder, right?

You don't belong in decent company. In many forums, you would have long since been banned by now for your vulgarity, your rudeness, and your obscene denials of horrific mass murders that are even worse than Holocaust denial.
You lie. Actually, I'm sure that, as usual, you're just uncritically repeating what you read in some liberal source. Hur did not lie, and the transcripts prove it. When Hur said that Biden could not remember when he was Vice President, the transcripts confirm this. I quote from the 10/8 transcript, where we see Biden could not remember when he stopped being Vice President:

Except nothing in there said he didn't know, an aide just completed his thought.

Hur got caught lying a bunch of times by Congress, and looked like a kid who didn't complete his homework. For instance, he knew the exact date that his son died. Hur lied.

So, once again, we see that you have no clue what you're talking about. You're a Mao-loving Marxist and a Democrat bot. As recently as a few weeks ago, you actually repeated your obscene claim that Mao deserves admiration for how he governed Red China.

Um, no, you stupid Mormon, that's what a Chinese person would say. That's what my wife (Born in Sichuan) says. He took China from being a broken country that had been abused by outside powers for more than century and turned it into a world superpower where even Tricky Dick had to go kiss his ass. There's a reason why Stalin and Hitler aren't admired in Russia and Germany, but Mao still is in China.

You also argued that, gee, Stalin could not have really killed tens of millions of people because, gulp, the Soviet census reports did not show such a drop in population! I mean, how idiotic can you be? I'm guessing it never dawned on you that those census reports were unreliable and fabricated. Nah, a tyrannical regime would never falsify census data to cover up mass murder, right?

Uh, guy, SIMPLE FUCKING MATH. You Birchers claim Stalin killed 20 million or 50 million people, which becomes Absurd when you realize the population of the USSR INCREASED from 1926 to 1954,

The population of the USSR was 147 Million in 1926. by 1959, it had increased to 208 million. That's an increase of 41%! It becomes even more amazing when you realize that the USSR DID legitimately lose 20-26 million people during the war. Now, either those Russian Ladies were fucking like bunnies, or Stalin just didn't kill that many people. I'm sure he killed a lot of people. More importantly, he killed a lot of Nazis and Fascists, and we are all better off for it.

(Full disclosure, I have a first cousin, once removed, who died on the Eastern Front in WWII in the Wehrmacht. Meanwhile, my dad served in the US army during the war.)

You don't belong in decent company. In many forums, you would have long since been banned by now for your vulgarity, your rudeness, and your obscene denials of horrific mass murders that are even worse than Holocaust denial.

Maybe you should take your sissy Mormon ass to one of those forums so your delicate sensibilities aren't offended. Frankly, I find your defense of Japanese atrocities, of racist southerners, and of a murderer like OJ Simpson offensive. But, hey, it's a free country, and only one of us did something to keep it that way.

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