Reverse Transcription And Vaxxing--Is This A Threat?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This is a lengthy read if you don't skip lines. It is thought provoking concerning the possible long term effects of corona virus vaccines and their ability to permanently alter our DNA. In some cases, the immunity to future infection by a corona virus may be reversed making the consequences of the next infection worse than if no vaccine had been received.

As expected, there are those that support being cautious and delaying vaccinations and those who promote immediate vaccination of entire populations. Many of the latter of these have financial interests in the game. They are promoting use of vaccines that have not been subjected to long range testing.

Well, there have been no 'immediate vaccinations', so that claim doesn't stand; they have been tested, and if there was some Big Giant Plot To Kill Everybody, the establishements merely have to poison water supplies or release airborne toxins from, you know, big ass aircraft.
Well, there have been no 'immediate vaccinations', so that claim doesn't stand;
My claim is that immediate vaccinations are PROMOTED, not that the supply is such that they are immediately available.

...they have been tested,...
They have not been subjected to LONG TERM a 5-year study.

Did you bother to read the article?
Well, there have been no 'immediate vaccinations', so that claim doesn't stand;
My claim is that immediate vaccinations are PROMOTED, not that the supply is such that they are immediately available.

...they have been tested,...
They have not been subjected to LONG TERM a 5-year study.

Did you bother to read the article?

They were over a year in development, and lab equipment and practices are more than good enough to speed up the process, most of which was already studied years ago with the first COVID viruses appeared. So no, this stuff didn't just appear a week ago out of nowhere.

Did you ever read anything but the conspiracy sites? Coronaviruses were around in 2003, and probably much earlier.
This is a lengthy read if you don't skip lines.

Agreed, a very good read. I skipped a few lines, but read most of it. I had already heard that these Covid vaccines could well make the problem worse, but I didn't really have much of an idea as to how. This article definitely works on the how of it. I think some of Ph.D. biochemist and molecular biologist Dr. Doug Corrigan's concluding remarks in his Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb? article were quite good. To whit:
Right now, the fatality rate of the virus is estimated to be approximately 0.26%, and this number seems to be dropping as the virus is naturally attenuating itself through the population. It would be a great shame to vaccinate the entire population against a virus with this low of a fatality rate, especially considering the considerable risk presented by ADE. I believe this risk of developing ADE in a vaccinated individual will be much greater than 0.26%, and, therefore, the vaccine stands to make the problem worse, not better. It would be the biggest blunder of the century to see the fatality rate of this virus increase in the years to come because of our sloppy, haphazard, rushed efforts to develop a vaccine with such a low threshold of safety testing and the prospect of ADE lurking in the shadows. I would hope (and this is a big hope), that this vaccine WILL NOT BE MANDATORY.
I thought I'd point out that a separate thread here, linking to a separate article that references Doctor Corrigan's writings has been posted in a separate USMB forum:
meaning in history blog lol.

Did you actually read the article or is the name of the blog as far as you got?
Stupid is as stupid does.

The less educated among us often shoot the messenger without reading the message. Bless his heart.

BTW, some of the comments below the article are also interesting.
Did you ever read anything but the conspiracy sites? Coronaviruses were around in 2003, and probably much earlier.

Apparently any site that questions the official narrative is now a "conspiracy site". Nineteen Eighty-Four, your time has come -.-

Apparently any crank who spouts stuff conspiracy theorists love to wet themselves with and feeds their contrarian paranoia is valid, no matter what or how silly it is, because the game is to make yourself feel all special and making others think you're extra knowledgable without actually knowing anything and get attention anyway.
It's posts like Dudley's last that I've stopped making threads outside of the Clean Debate Zone. All insults, no discussion content -.-
Well, there have been no 'immediate vaccinations', so that claim doesn't stand;
My claim is that immediate vaccinations are PROMOTED, not that the supply is such that they are immediately available.

...they have been tested,...
They have not been subjected to LONG TERM a 5-year study.

Did you bother to read the article?

They were over a year in development, and lab equipment and practices are more than good enough to speed up the process, most of which was already studied years ago with the first COVID viruses appeared. So no, this stuff didn't just appear a week ago out of nowhere.

Did you ever read anything but the conspiracy sites? Coronaviruses were around in 2003, and probably much earlier.
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