Revealed: Hillary Campaign Manager Was Board Member Of Firm Linked To Russian ‘Investors’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Podesta — best known as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman and former President Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff — first made contact with the Russian firm in 2011, when he joined the boards and executive committees of three related entities: Boston-based Joule Unlimited; Rotterdam-based Joule Global Holdings; Joule Global Stichting, the company’s controlling interest. All are high-tech renewable energy enterprises.

Three months after Podesta’s arrival, Joule Unlimited accepted a 1 billion ruble investment from Rusnano, amounting to $35 million in U.S. currency. The firm also awarded a Joule board seat in February 2012 to Anatoly Chubais, Rusnano’s CEO, who has been depicted as a corrupt figure.

Podesta has attempted to downplay his relationship with Joule and Rusnano, but it could come to haunt him.

One potential legal problem for him relates to the time he joined former President Barack Obama’s White House staff in 2014 as a senior counselor and failed to reveal his 2011 Joule stock vesting agreement in his government financial
disclosure form.

Further, he failed to disclose 75,000 common shares of Joule stock he received, as disclosed in a
WikiLeaks email.

After Podesta began working at the White House, his lawyer indicated in a Jan. 6, 2014
email that he had not yet finished the legal work on the private transfer of the stock to a family-owned entity called Leonido Holdings, LLC.

“this certainly needs to be reviewed to see if there really is something nefarious going on with these activities.” Gohmert sits on the House Judiciary Committee and is vice chair of its subcommittee on crime, terrorism and homeland security.

The Podesta-Russia connection also could rekindle a new round of questions about Clinton relationships with foreign figures — in this case, Chubais.

Chubais, Russia’s deputy prime minister in the 1990s, owed his personal fortunes to Bill Clinton, who embraced him as a “reformer” in former President Boris Yeltsin’s government. Clinton’s ally instead created a new generation of tycoons who today rule Russia.

Podesta’s role at Joule was largely unknown until last year when the nonprofit Government Accountability Institute (GAI) published a
highly-detailed report on Russian ties to Podesta and the Clintons.

An ongoing federal
lawsuit, Neas Ltd, v. Rusnano, which is now before the U.S. District Court for Northern California, suggests Podesta and others at Joule may have unwittingly assisted Rusnano in a scheme hatched to move billions of weak rubles into valuable U.S. dollars by parking them as “investments” in high-tech companies in Boston and in Silicon Valley."

EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firm Linked To Russian ‘Investors’
The Snowflake / Treasonous Democrats' fake 'Trump-Russian connection plot continues to blow up in their faces.

No criminal evidence of Russians 'hacking the election' has been found.
No criminal evidence of Trump-Russian collusion has been found.
No criminal evidence Flynn committed a crime has been found.
No criminal evidence of Sessions committed a crime has been found.


- Approx 32 Democrats have been found to have 'communications' with Russians
- 2 lied about them
- 1 met with Putin
- 1 has no history of meeting with them in an official capacity but has a history of personally exchanging gifts with Russian Ambassadors
- Hillary Clinton's husband worked for Putin Ex-KGB buddies, taking $50k a speech from them
- Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB BANK and the Russian Spy Agency - the same spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails
- Hillary's campaign manager was working for Russians and failed to report it

Add this to the revelation FBI Director Comey revealed before Congress yesterday - the fact that the ONLY CRIME PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN PERPETRATED SO FAR is the criminal, treasonous acts of ESPIONAGE by Democrats / Obama hold-overs within the Obama-loyal Intel Community in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Despite this being the only crime exposed thus far, after snowflakes have investigated Trump since July 2016, Democrats / Comey announced their 'fishing expedition' of Trump will continue...

The real traitors and seditious spies, however, have already been identified by the Director of the FBI in testimony before Congress.

And the scandal of Democrat-Russian connection continues to Hillary's own campaign manager has now been implicated.

EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firm Linked To Russian ‘Investors’
I am certain NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN will be running stories on all this Russia/D Party connections tonight....LMFAO.

Is it any wonder leftists are clueless?
Joule Elects Former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta to Board of Directors | Red Rock | A Joule Unlimited Company

Press Releases
Joule Elects Former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta to Board of Directors
Cambridge, MA
Joule Unlimited, Inc., pioneer of Liquid Fuel from the Sun™, today announced the election of John Podesta to its board of directors. A veteran of two White House administrations, Mr. Podesta will bring considerable expertise to Joule in the realm of public policy as well as partnering with the public sector.

"Since inception, we've sought the guidance of truly world-class directors and advisors to help Joule convert a promising concept into a successful and potentially industry-changing enterprise. We are thrilled to welcome John to the team, given his extensive experience within the US government and internationally as well," said Bill Sims, President and CEO of Joule. "As a leading expert in technology policy and a known advocate for clean energy, John is an ideal champion for Joule, and we look forward to leveraging his insights as we progress towards international deployment."

Mr. Podesta's accomplished career on Capitol Hill spans 30 years. He is currently President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, a "think tank" organization that he founded in 2003 to help develop and advocate for progressive policy. He was previously White House Chief of Staff to President Clinton, serving in the president's cabinet and as a principal on the National Security Council. He also served as both an assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff, as well as staff secretary and a senior policy advisor on government information, privacy, telecommunications security, and regulatory policy.

Most recently, Mr. Podesta served as co-chair of President Obama's transition, where he coordinated the priorities of the incoming administration's agenda, oversaw the development of its policies, and spearheaded its appointments of major cabinet secretaries and political appointees. His prior positions on Capitol Hill included counselor to Democratic Leader Senator Tom Daschle; chief counsel for the Senate Agriculture Committee; and chief minority counsel for the Senate Judiciary Subcommittees on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks; Security and Terrorism; and Regulatory Reform.

"There is no question that clean energy innovation and adoption are among the top economic and security priorities for our nation, and it's critical that we focus on breakthrough technologies, particularly for liquid fuels, that can sometimes fall through the legislative cracks," said Mr. Podesta. "I have seen and heard many proposals by renewable energy companies, and can unequivocally say that Joule has a technology and a system unlike any other, with industrial viability and a clear path to market within the next several years. It's an honor to join the board of a big-thinking category creator like Joule."

"Joule has an ambitious vision for the future of transportation fuels, with the ability to bring energy security to the US and to other regions around the world," said Noubar Afeyan, Founder and Chairman of Joule, and Managing Partner of Flagship Ventures. "With the valuable addition of John to our board, we've gained the strategic insights and support of a long-time government expert who can help Joule build the lasting relationships needed for long-term success."

About Joule Unlimited, Inc.
Joule is pioneering the production of Liquid Fuel from the Sun™, surpassing today’s barriers to abundant, sustainable, cost-competitive supply. Its transformational Helioculture™ platform converts sunlight and waste CO2 directly into liquid fuels in a continuous process that is not limited by costly biomass intermediates, processing or use of precious natural resources. This platform can yield renewable diesel fuel in unprecedented volumes with a fraction of the land use incurred by current methods, leapfrogging biomass-dependent approaches and eliminating the economic and environmental disadvantages of fossil fuels. Founded in 2007 by Flagship VentureLabs, Joule is privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Additional information is available at

© 2015 Joule Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
website design & development by harbor light interactive
"Podesta — best known as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman and former President Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff — first made contact with the Russian firm in 2011, when he joined the boards and executive committees of three related entities: Boston-based Joule Unlimited; Rotterdam-based Joule Global Holdings; Joule Global Stichting, the company’s controlling interest. All are high-tech renewable energy enterprises.

Three months after Podesta’s arrival, Joule Unlimited accepted a 1 billion ruble investment from Rusnano, amounting to $35 million in U.S. currency. The firm also awarded a Joule board seat in February 2012 to Anatoly Chubais, Rusnano’s CEO, who has been depicted as a corrupt figure.

Podesta has attempted to downplay his relationship with Joule and Rusnano, but it could come to haunt him.

One potential legal problem for him relates to the time he joined former President Barack Obama’s White House staff in 2014 as a senior counselor and failed to reveal his 2011 Joule stock vesting agreement in his government financial
disclosure form.

Further, he failed to disclose 75,000 common shares of Joule stock he received, as disclosed in a
WikiLeaks email.

After Podesta began working at the White House, his lawyer indicated in a Jan. 6, 2014
email that he had not yet finished the legal work on the private transfer of the stock to a family-owned entity called Leonido Holdings, LLC.

“this certainly needs to be reviewed to see if there really is something nefarious going on with these activities.” Gohmert sits on the House Judiciary Committee and is vice chair of its subcommittee on crime, terrorism and homeland security.

The Podesta-Russia connection also could rekindle a new round of questions about Clinton relationships with foreign figures — in this case, Chubais.

Chubais, Russia’s deputy prime minister in the 1990s, owed his personal fortunes to Bill Clinton, who embraced him as a “reformer” in former President Boris Yeltsin’s government. Clinton’s ally instead created a new generation of tycoons who today rule Russia.

Podesta’s role at Joule was largely unknown until last year when the nonprofit Government Accountability Institute (GAI) published a
highly-detailed report on Russian ties to Podesta and the Clintons.

An ongoing federal
lawsuit, Neas Ltd, v. Rusnano, which is now before the U.S. District Court for Northern California, suggests Podesta and others at Joule may have unwittingly assisted Rusnano in a scheme hatched to move billions of weak rubles into valuable U.S. dollars by parking them as “investments” in high-tech companies in Boston and in Silicon Valley."

EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firm Linked To Russian ‘Investors’

Its beginning to look like the FBI should be investigating the Dems instead of Trump.

Wonder what interesting bomb shells they would find??
Hacked: Podesta dumped Kremlin-tied compensation on daughter's company


EQ CAP Signed Package - WikiLeaks


Note "owned wholly by myself or any of my family members". Now, why would he include wholly by myself. More shares out there somewhere, even with transfer conveniently made to his daughter?
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Regarding his brother lobbying for Russia
There is a Russian Scandal. But It's Hillary's Scandal.
Not only did the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager take huge money from the Russians to represent a foreign government’s biggest bank, but his firm accepted over $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it from foreign governments.

Russia's Largest Bank Paid Podesta Group to Lobby Against U.S. Sanctions During 2016 Election - MintPress News
MintPress News › russias-largest-bank-pa...
Mar 13, 2017 - Sberbank, Russia's largest banking institution, paid Tony Podesta - brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair - 170000 dollars from March to September 2016 to lobby against Obama-imposed sanctions ...

Sberbank confirms hiring Podesta Group for lobbying its interests
"The New York office of Sberbank CIB indeed hired Podesta Group," the company has confirmed. ... for lobbying its interests in the United States, press service of the Russian credit institution told TASS on ...

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