Reuters Poll: High Confidence Of Trump Win In VERMONT


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
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Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Looks like the Hildebeast lost Maine, now Vermont.... seems the NE is no longer a LOCK for you fucking Socialist/DemocRATS!!!

Daily Caller ^ | 09/17/2016 | Alex Pfeiffer
The Reuters polling of the nation as of Thursday shows “high confidence” in a win by Republican candidate Donald Trump in Vermont. Reuters did not give a margin for Trump’s victory but instead said it has “high confidence” in a GOP win. According to their polling standards, “a state is reported as ‘high confidence’ for a candidate if they win 95 percent or more of the simulated elections.”
And 11 DAYS ago when that poll was taken, Clinton was up what 7% nationally.... today the average is UNDER 2%!!!!!! Well within the MoE!!!!
It seems like... Hillary has collapsed!

The beast has been defeated!
This is why I love the USMessageboard's system, which allows threads (no matter how old) to be kicked to the top of the list with a reply.
I'm going to have lots of fun with this one on November 8th! Vigilante, be ready to be the butt of the joke for quite while.
After this weekend's mall attacks in Minnesota, that state may just go for Trump.
Looks like the Hildebeast lost Maine, now Vermont.... seems the NE is no longer a LOCK for you fucking Socialist/DemocRATS!!!

Daily Caller ^ | 09/17/2016 | Alex Pfeiffer
The Reuters polling of the nation as of Thursday shows “high confidence” in a win by Republican candidate Donald Trump in Vermont. Reuters did not give a margin for Trump’s victory but instead said it has “high confidence” in a GOP win. According to their polling standards, “a state is reported as ‘high confidence’ for a candidate if they win 95 percent or more of the simulated elections.”
as goes maine so goes vermont...
The Reuters polling of the nation as of Thursday shows “high confidence” in a win by Republican candidate Donald Trump in Vermont.

So why did you not use Thompson Reuters as your source?
And 11 DAYS ago when that poll was taken, Clinton was up what 7% nationally.... today the average is UNDER 2%!!!!!! Well within the MoE!!!!

There isn't a chance in hell of Trump winning Vermont, dumb ass. It's more likely Clinton would win Texas before that happened.
The Reuters polling of the nation as of Thursday shows “high confidence” in a win by Republican candidate Donald Trump in Vermont.

So why did you not use Thompson Reuters as your source?

Exactly. Strangely, I go to that link and the links to the link and can find anything to support the OP's claim.
The Reuters polling of the nation as of Thursday shows “high confidence” in a win by Republican candidate Donald Trump in Vermont.

So why did you not use Thompson Reuters as your source?

Exactly. Strangely, I go to that link and the links to the link and can find anything to support the OP's claim.

I can't help you with your low IQ! Now do you have anything constructive to add?...And I am GLAD that you CAN FIND anything!
Because....WAIT FOR wasn't my source....TA DA!!!!!

Your OP relates to a statement that Reuters made.

So why not just source the statement directly from Reuters?
Because....WAIT FOR wasn't my source....TA DA!!!!!

Your OP relates to a statement that Reuters made.

So why not just source the statement directly from Reuters?
That way YOU can do something instead of jerking off! Try Google, they always give you a million links to investigate, shouldn't take you more that a week or 2 to check them all out!
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Unless Vermont has done something serious about voter identification this report cannot be true. I'll be there before the election and will ask around - there is still a residue of family there so I have to be careful lest they be victims of retaliation.

Vermont has been leaning Democrat in recent years due to these factors:

1. New York is as easy drive away.
2. New Yorkers have been buying up Vermont farms and converting them to private playgrounds.
3. Native Vermonters are tired of winter (beyond a certain age skiing is no longer much fun) so are taking the money and moving South.
4. New Yorkers are largely Democrat Party Adherents, hence amoral.

The combination of factors 1 and 4 have made it easy for dedicated liberals to vote early in the day in New York, have a relatively easy drive (there are Interstate highways created primarily for their convenience) to Vermont where they stop by the town hall or school and cast their second ballot before going to "the farm" for an evening in front of the fireplace.

The remaining real Vermonters frequently use words like "colonized". But, at the local level, the elections are not of sufficient interest to the New York Limo Liberals to get them on the road to vote. So it is NOT impossible that something might have been done to fix the problem.

Tell ya better in about 3 weeks.
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