Retired generals, admirals thank Trump for announcing ban on transgender troops

Lol, you're the one that supports the trans movement. I guess it's because you cant get a real woman.

Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.


You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

I support a business being required to treat all customers fairly. I support our laws being enforced equally.

So basically "bake that fucking cake, peasant."

You try to make government force sound so banal.

And free exercise of religion is the law of the land as well.
So much for the claim that the generals oppose Trump's transgender policy. When they are retired and can say what they think, they support it:

I don't have a strong opinion on the matter (likely to side with Trump) but I'm curious, did you read beyond the headline?

More than a dozen retired generals and admirals have signed a letter to President Trump thanking him for his announced policy to ban transgender people from the armed forces.

“We write today to express our gratitude to you for making the extremely courageous decision to reverse President Obama’s transgender social experiment,” the conservative retired flag officers wrote. “There may be an enormous amount of vitriol directed at you for making this policy correction, but please know that overturning this policy may have done more in the long-term to save the culture and war-fighting capacity of the U.S. military than perhaps any other military policy you will adopt as president.”

The letter came as the Palm Center, a research nonprofit that promotes the LGBT agenda, released a competing statement from 56 retired admirals and generals who say reimposing the ban will hurt readiness, not help it.
so 12 retiree generals said it was bad AND 56 retiree generals and admirals said it was good to leave them in the military, looks like leaving them in, wins.
Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.
You believe in letting people with a mental disease chop up their bodies. So basically you're an asshole. You support their high rate of suicide to?

By your reasoning we should ban black Americans from the military because of the high crime rate among young black males.
You're an idiot. You support the crimes they commit. Being a criminal isn't a mental disease. Wanting to chop your dick off to try to become something you can't become, is. But keep supporting a mental diseased people that are more likely to kill themselves, if they don't get help.

Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
A black conservative? Or someone that is against abortion? Democrat party chairman Tom Perez says that anyone that doesn't support abortion isn't welcomed in the Democrat party. On April 20, 2017.

Each woman having the right to make that decision for themselves is a Democratic belief. Is this complicated for you?

You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

I support a business being required to treat all customers fairly. I support our laws being enforced equally.
The baker sold the queer couple everyday things, but didn't want to cater their wedding. Which he should have the right to do. Your party doesn't want anyone that doesn't support abortion in it. So much for diversity, huh?

You're the perfect example of my point that conservatives in great numbers simply want to bring back all the discrimination they can,

as long as it isn't discrimination against conservatives.
Lol, I support freedom, and if a Christian tell a gay couple sorry I cannot by my faith cater your wedding, has the right to do so. He sold them things off the shelf every time they came in. I guess you think a black man that owns a catering service should be forced to cater a kkk event?
Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
There is no right to serve; rather it's a privilege. The military can discriminate.

Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.
You believe in letting people with a mental disease chop up their bodies. So basically you're an asshole. You support their high rate of suicide to?

By your reasoning we should ban black Americans from the military because of the high crime rate among young black males.
You're an idiot. You support the crimes they commit. Being a criminal isn't a mental disease. Wanting to chop your dick off to try to become something you can't become, is. But keep supporting a mental diseased people that are more likely to kill themselves, if they don't get help.

Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
A black conservative? Or someone that is against abortion? Democrat party chairman Tom Perez says that anyone that doesn't support abortion isn't welcomed in the Democrat party. On April 20, 2017.

Show me the law that allows the DNC to prohibit you from registering as a Democrat.
Lol, you're the one that supports the trans movement. I guess it's because you cant get a real woman.

Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.


You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

1. The thing is the courts had no right to prevent slavery because the constitution endorsed it via the 3/5th compromise. It took amendments to fix that. If you want to make abortion a right, or a wedding cake a right, or SSM a right you can use the amendment process as well.

2. Stop being an idiot. Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia. The 19th amendment is explicit in the right of women or men to vote. As stated above the proper process was used.

3. This is just stupid.
You believe in letting people with a mental disease chop up their bodies. So basically you're an asshole. You support their high rate of suicide to?

By your reasoning we should ban black Americans from the military because of the high crime rate among young black males.
You're an idiot. You support the crimes they commit. Being a criminal isn't a mental disease. Wanting to chop your dick off to try to become something you can't become, is. But keep supporting a mental diseased people that are more likely to kill themselves, if they don't get help.

Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
A black conservative? Or someone that is against abortion? Democrat party chairman Tom Perez says that anyone that doesn't support abortion isn't welcomed in the Democrat party. On April 20, 2017.

Each woman having the right to make that decision for themselves is a Democratic belief. Is this complicated for you?

lol, these are the same people who are attacking John McCain every way they can think of because he cast ONE vote they didn't like.
Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.


You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

1. The thing is the courts had no right to prevent slavery because the constitution endorsed it via the 3/5th compromise. It took amendments to fix that. If you want to make abortion a right, or a wedding cake a right, or SSM a right you can use the amendment process as well.

2. Stop being an idiot. Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia. The 19th amendment is explicit in the right of women or men to vote. As stated above the proper process was used.

3. This is just stupid.

Abortion was made a right by Supreme Court case law, which is a constitutional process.
No, it was when your gal told me she had a bigger one than you do.
Lol, you're the one that supports the trans movement. I guess it's because you cant get a real woman.

Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.
You believe in letting people with a mental disease chop up their bodies. So basically you're an asshole. You support their high rate of suicide to?

By your reasoning we should ban black Americans from the military because of the high crime rate among young black males.
You're an idiot. You support the crimes they commit. Being a criminal isn't a mental disease. Wanting to chop your dick off to try to become something you can't become, is. But keep supporting a mental diseased people that are more likely to kill themselves, if they don't get help.
What's really cool is, in the military they can take their whole squad down with them when they do decide to kill themselves!
Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.


You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

I support a business being required to treat all customers fairly. I support our laws being enforced equally.

So basically "bake that fucking cake, peasant."

You try to make government force sound so banal.

And free exercise of religion is the law of the land as well.

If you're too dumb to understand after havng it explained to you so many times,, then you need to just shut up and bake the damn cake. I've explained it to you too many times already.
See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.
Lol, I don't remember being handicapped being a sin. How about your party rejecting people for no supporting abortion?

I don't remember that either. Your point?
Well you don't pay attention, the vagina March didn't allow democrats that didn't support abortion. You have a short memory. They weren't welcomed, remember. Oh and how you treat blacks that don't think the way they are supposed to. I think you call them house nig#ers. Democrat is another word for hate and intolerance.

Wow. You jump from handicap to vaginas. Trouble staying on subject?
Nobody is going to force someone to have an abortion. We feel a person has the right make that decision for themselves.
Just pointing out your party has no intolerance for someone who disagrees with you. Democrat party chairman said no support for any Democrat that doesn't support abortion on April 20, 2017. Tolerance at it's finest.
You believe in letting people with a mental disease chop up their bodies. So basically you're an asshole. You support their high rate of suicide to?

By your reasoning we should ban black Americans from the military because of the high crime rate among young black males.
You're an idiot. You support the crimes they commit. Being a criminal isn't a mental disease. Wanting to chop your dick off to try to become something you can't become, is. But keep supporting a mental diseased people that are more likely to kill themselves, if they don't get help.

Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
A black conservative? Or someone that is against abortion? Democrat party chairman Tom Perez says that anyone that doesn't support abortion isn't welcomed in the Democrat party. On April 20, 2017.

Each woman having the right to make that decision for themselves is a Democratic belief. Is this complicated for you?
If your against abortion you get no support from your party, hypocrite. Think like I want you too, or go on your way. You fucking sheep.
I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.
Lol, I don't remember being handicapped being a sin. How about your party rejecting people for no supporting abortion?

I don't remember that either. Your point?
Well you don't pay attention, the vagina March didn't allow democrats that didn't support abortion. You have a short memory. They weren't welcomed, remember. Oh and how you treat blacks that don't think the way they are supposed to. I think you call them house nig#ers. Democrat is another word for hate and intolerance.
Or how about when those uber-enlightened university students drove a gay speaker off campus, just shut him down, because he happens to have conservative views.
Yes, I do support the trans movement because I believe in basic human dignity for all people.


You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

1. The thing is the courts had no right to prevent slavery because the constitution endorsed it via the 3/5th compromise. It took amendments to fix that. If you want to make abortion a right, or a wedding cake a right, or SSM a right you can use the amendment process as well.

2. Stop being an idiot. Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia. The 19th amendment is explicit in the right of women or men to vote. As stated above the proper process was used.

3. This is just stupid.

I'm not discussing the validity of slavery with you. That's stupider than you usually are.
Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
There is no right to serve; rather it's a privilege. The military can discriminate.

You believe in letting people with a mental disease chop up their bodies. So basically you're an asshole. You support their high rate of suicide to?

By your reasoning we should ban black Americans from the military because of the high crime rate among young black males.
You're an idiot. You support the crimes they commit. Being a criminal isn't a mental disease. Wanting to chop your dick off to try to become something you can't become, is. But keep supporting a mental diseased people that are more likely to kill themselves, if they don't get help.

Since when do we discriminate against an individual because he or she falls into a certain group that as a group might have a high average of some bad characteristic?
A black conservative? Or someone that is against abortion? Democrat party chairman Tom Perez says that anyone that doesn't support abortion isn't welcomed in the Democrat party. On April 20, 2017.

Show me the law that allows the DNC to prohibit you from registering as a Democrat.
Your party will not support anyone who doesn't support abortion. Your chairman says so, party of tolerance. Lol

You only care about the rights of people you agree with, stop pretending otherwise.

I admit I care less about what RWNJs might want.

See, that's the difference between believing in individual freedom and liberty and being a selfish partisan hack.

I support SSM, but only if its not forced via the courts. I don't want to ban abortion, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose. I would never deny service to a gay couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

You don't support freedom or liberty, you support everyone acting like you and thinking like you OR ELSE.

Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.

1. The thing is the courts had no right to prevent slavery because the constitution endorsed it via the 3/5th compromise. It took amendments to fix that. If you want to make abortion a right, or a wedding cake a right, or SSM a right you can use the amendment process as well.

2. Stop being an idiot. Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia. The 19th amendment is explicit in the right of women or men to vote. As stated above the proper process was used.

3. This is just stupid.

I'm not discussing the validity of slavery with you. That's stupider than you usually are.

it's not the validity it was the legality, and before the 13th amendment banned it it was legal where the States allowed it.
Similar remarks have been said a lot of times in the past
(1.) I support the abolition of slavery, but only if its not forced via the courts.
(2.) I don't want to ban women from voting, but I fail to see how the constitution bans places like Alabama from doing it if they so choose.
(3.) I would never deny access to a handicapped couple if I owned a business, but I can't see why we have to force others to do so without any real harm.
Lol, I don't remember being handicapped being a sin. How about your party rejecting people for no supporting abortion?

I don't remember that either. Your point?
Well you don't pay attention, the vagina March didn't allow democrats that didn't support abortion. You have a short memory. They weren't welcomed, remember. Oh and how you treat blacks that don't think the way they are supposed to. I think you call them house nig#ers. Democrat is another word for hate and intolerance.

Wow. You jump from handicap to vaginas. Trouble staying on subject?
Nobody is going to force someone to have an abortion. We feel a person has the right make that decision for themselves.
Just pointing out your party has no intolerance for someone who disagrees with you. Democrat party chairman said no support for any Democrat that doesn't support abortion on April 20, 2017. Tolerance at it's finest.

difference between tolerance and changing a plank in the platform. The right to choose is a basic Democratic belief.

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