Resolution introduced to expell Nancy Pelosi from the house

Nancy Pelosi, um say Kamala Harris wealthy living apart from most Americans . Then there is Elizabeth Warren. Then tada! Bernie Sanders. His and my great grand parents fled from Communism, so we aren't buying that malarkey. Shame on them.
Oh I think it is only fair after all there have been three votes to impeach Trump which if I remember correctly failed miserably... It is time Pelosi got some of the same medicine . Let’s see if she can handle it...Quite frankly who can keep up with the political shenanigans going on as they attempt a fourth vote possibly in the not to distant future.. Surely most people should be able to see through all this nonsense and see how politicians like Pelosi are wasting the taxpayers money and railroading the country to suit their own agendas which don’t jibe with the countries best interests...

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