Residents in 2 Vermont Towns Vote to Arrest Bush and Cheney


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007

"Two Vermont towns called their residents to endorse a measure that wound (sic) direct the police to arrest President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for “crimes against our Constitution,” Reuters informs.

Vermont is a state known for taking liberal positions regarding national issues. The voters in Brattleboro and Marlboro voted for the enforcement of the measure allowing police to arrest both Bush and Cheney if it ever occurs to them to visit Brattleboro or nearby Marlboro. Moreover, the measure instructs town police to “extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them.”
I agree with the National Republican Committee spokesman (which is an uncomfortable position to be in).

These people are idiots. Like the town in Colorado whose city council drafted articles of impeachment. Morons.

"Two Vermont towns called their residents to endorse a measure that wound (sic) direct the police to arrest President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for “crimes against our Constitution,” Reuters informs.

Vermont is a state known for taking liberal positions regarding national issues. The voters in Brattleboro and Marlboro voted for the enforcement of the measure allowing police to arrest both Bush and Cheney if it ever occurs to them to visit Brattleboro or nearby Marlboro. Moreover, the measure instructs town police to “extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them.”

Yeah, good luck on that. Unless there are two other towns full of idiots in Vermont, this is old news and was already posted a couple months ago or so.
I would say this qualifies as Treason. The town officials should be arrested and tried for treason and Cheney should visit so that any police or citizens dumb enough to try and arrest him can also be arrested for Treason.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Since the only real "powers" that would try Bush and or Cheney are our enemies the bolded part applies.
The voters in Vermont, as part of the United States of America, have spoken. While symbolic it is a powerful indictment of the worst administration in the history of modern times. Those who voted for the Cheney/Bush administration will one day tell their children, "I was sick and didn't vote that year." "But Grandpop he was elected twice." "Yes, strange but I was sick both times." :rofl:

"In Brattleboro, the vote was 2,012-1,795. In Marlboro, which held a town meeting on the issue, it was 43-25 with three abstentions."
The voters in Vermont, as part of the United States of America, have spoken. While symbolic it is a powerful indictment of the worst administration in the history of modern times. Those who voted for the Cheney/Bush administration will one day tell their children, "I was sick and didn't vote that year." "But Grandpop he was elected twice." "Yes, strange but I was sick both times." :rofl:

"In Brattleboro, the vote was 2,012-1,795. In Marlboro, which held a town meeting on the issue, it was 43-25 with three abstentions."

No one with any knowledge of the elections will ever be ashamed to admit they voted for Bush. The two people that ran against him ensured his victory.If Gore were President when 9/11 happened a couple tomahawks would have been launched at a couple empty training camps and we would have faced even more attacks.

If Kerry had been elected we would have depended on France to tell us what our foreign policy should be.
The voters in Vermont, as part of the United States of America, have spoken. While symbolic it is a powerful indictment of the worst administration in the history of modern times.

It's not a powerful anything. All but other partisans will take it for exactly what it is - a bunch of partisan nonsense.
RGS, you need to use that crystal ball to get lottery numbers. Your reasoning is the typical negative baloney. Now be man enough to admit this is the worst administration in history. We don't know the other story it didn't happen.

Steerpike, I disagree as it speaks to actions that were dishonest at the minimum, and it writes into history how some people felt about the C/B admin. The fact the vote happened at all is a powerful statement.
"Two Vermont towns called their residents to endorse a measure that wound (sic) direct the police to arrest President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for “crimes against our Constitution,” Reuters informs.

Vermont is a state known for taking liberal positions regarding national issues.
Which means they, like most liberals, only care about (supposed) violations of the Constitution when Republicans do it.
Which means they, like most liberals, only care about (supposed) violations of the Constitution when Republicans do it.

And when do conservatives care? Oh, yes, personal stuff is unconstitutional in their world, sorry, I forgot.
I'm not sure why this is considered bad by some of you.

The first paragraph of the Dec. of Independence clearly states that processes like this are not only granted to the people, but encouraged as well.

Bush and Cheney have violated the constitution. They have signed into law several bills since being in office that CLEARLY violate the constitution. We've all been over that a million times on here already. RGS refuses to open his eyes and see it, but it's right there in front of your face.

Military Commissions Act 0f 2006
John Warner Defense Authorization of 2007

Just to name a few BIG ones. If they sign into law the Thought Crimes bill, you can add that to the list as well.

Forget about the Iraq war issue, that can be debated until rapture. But the bills these 2 men have signed into law are clear and present.

They take an oath to defend the constitution. That's their NUMBER ONE JOB. They've been pissing on it and wiping their asses with it since they've been in the oval office.

Why SHOULDN'T towns like that in Vermont do what they did? I'd say the REAL problem is that not ENOUGH towns have people who care enough to do what they did in Vermont.

I mean, seriously, if presidents shouldn't be held legally accountable for what Bush and Cheney have done to the constitution, then where exactly does that accountability process begin? Where do we draw the line as "the people"?
Why SHOULDN'T towns like that in Vermont do what they did? I'd say the REAL problem is that not ENOUGH towns have people who care enough to do what they did in Vermont.
If I were GWB, I'd show up in those towns just to see what they'd do.

But, to your point:
-Did the congressmen/senators from VT vote for those bills?
-If so, did the town vote to indict those people?
-If not, why not?

Hint: Its not abut the Contituion, its about partisanship.
If I were GWB, I'd show up in those towns just to see what they'd do.

But, to your point:
-Did the congressmen/senators from VT vote for those bills?
-If so, did the town vote to indict those people?
-If not, why not?

Hint: Its not abut the Contituion, its about partisanship.

I'm not sure if they did vote for them, but I'll look it up and see. It would certainly validate your questions if they did.

I don't know about the whole partisanship thing. There are plenty of Republicans who feel the same way as the Democrats do. I'm one of them.
What a surprise -- you can't address the issue, so you try to deflect the conversation. Typical partisan hackery.

Au Contraire, I did answer. You want my bedroom activities made unconstitutional, my life choices made unconstitutional - wait maybe you're not a conservative!? So you don't want these things?
Au Contraire, I did answer.
Your answer was nothing but defelction.

You didnt address the issue of liberals ignoring their own violations of the Constitution in any way shape of form -- not that I thought you would -- you simply defended their doing so with "oh yeah, well republicans do it too!"

So, tell me what you think about Democrats/Liberals that violate the Constitution:
-Should these tows indict and arrest them as well?
-Why haven't they?

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