Request for Comment

Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
I'd like everybody on this message board to write and post two essays. The basis for both would be "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future", but the difference between the two are:

Essay 1: "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future, and found that the liberals had overwhelmingly won the political control of the world a hundred and fifty year before. This is what the world would be like:"

Essay 2: "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future, and found that the conservatives had overwhelmingly won the political control of the world a hundred and fifty year before. This is what the world would be like:"

Without nit-picking about how I phrased the above, (you know what I mean), I'd really like to know what you all think is the ultimate end goals of the two strains of political thought.

Liberals- No Posting the lyrics from John Lennons 'Imagine'!

A good rep to the best post!
I know that the word 'essay', may bring traumatic flashbacks to high school, but really try to make an effort....c'mon don't you have anything intelligent to say? Be creative.
Wow, the word 'essay' really scares the hell out of people doesn't it?
I know that the word 'essay', may bring traumatic flashbacks to high school, but really try to make an effort....c'mon don't you have anything intelligent to say? Be creative.

Ok, 200 years in the Future, regardless of conservatives or liberals being in power for the past 150 years, I'd expect to get more than 6 rep points for writing this essay.
Essay one has already been done. I believe you might know it as "1984".

Essay number 2 is difficult to imagine. A world where people are actually responsible for their own actions...Wow.
New York, NY 2210

The Federal Air Department has declared a Category 5 Stage of Emergency as we are projected to have exhausted our supply of air by year end.

"We inherited this mess from Bush," said President Vladamir Obama Marx, "we did the best we could but let's face facts, air does not grow on trees. The Jews and the Capitalists continue to try to thwart our efforts to bring a better life to the workers and in the end they will fail as they always do."
Essay one has already been done. I believe you might know it as "1984".

Essay number 2 is difficult to imagine. A world where people are actually responsible for their own actions...Wow.

O.K. if you think that it's not really possible for a world where people take responsibility for their own actions, why do you keep promoting the idea?

Is it kind of like the Soviet idea that communism was an ideal that can never be achieved but that should be strived for anyway?

Do you have some workable concept of how the world should be?
What homework! While I find the questions interesting, I'll need to see if I can find time to think about it and reply. Meanwhile I have some old stuff that sorta fits the bill.

This can be the liberal world.

This the conservative or lack thereof world.

"Imagine how different dialogue might be with future generations raised on the idea that there are biological constraints on our ability to know what we know. To me, that is our only hope." Robert A. Burton

"The Principle of the Wedge is that you should not act justly now for fear of raising expectations that you may act still more justly in the future -- expectations which you are afraid you will not have the courage to satisfy. A little reflection will make it evident that the Wedge argument implies the admission that the persons who use it cannot prove that the action is not just. If they could, that would be the sole and sufficient reason for not doing it, and this argument would be superfluous." F. M. Cornford

"The Principle of the Dangerous Precedent is that you should not now do an admittedly right action for fear you, or your equally timid successors, should not have the courage to do right in some future case, which, ex hypothesi, is essentially different, but superficially resembles the present one. Every public action which is not customary, either is wrong, or, if it is right, is a dangerous precedent. It follows that nothing should ever be done for the first time." F. M. Cornford

Burton quote from: [ame][/ame]

Google Cornford and quoted here: [ame][/ame]
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I'd like everybody on this message board to write and post two essays. The basis for both would be "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future", but the difference between the two are:

Essay 1: "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future, and found that the liberals had overwhelmingly won the political control of the world a hundred and fifty year before. This is what the world would be like:"

Essay 2: "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future, and found that the conservatives had overwhelmingly won the political control of the world a hundred and fifty year before. This is what the world would be like:"

Without nit-picking about how I phrased the above, (you know what I mean), I'd really like to know what you all think is the ultimate end goals of the two strains of political thought.

Liberals- No Posting the lyrics from John Lennons 'Imagine'!

A good rep to the best post!

Well, this is just about the silliest request. Essays on what the world will be like in 200 years? Pfffft, we all know the world is going to end in 2012, so what's the point? Go eat some chocolate. :D
I'd like everybody on this message board to write and post two essays. The basis for both would be "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future", but the difference between the two are:

Essay 1: "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future, and found that the liberals had overwhelmingly won the political control of the world a hundred and fifty year before. This is what the world would be like:"

Essay 2: "What if I were to travel 200 years into the future, and found that the conservatives had overwhelmingly won the political control of the world a hundred and fifty year before. This is what the world would be like:"

Without nit-picking about how I phrased the above, (you know what I mean), I'd really like to know what you all think is the ultimate end goals of the two strains of political thought.

Liberals- No Posting the lyrics from John Lennons 'Imagine'!

A good rep to the best post!

Well, this is just about the silliest request. Essays on what the world will be like in 200 years? Pfffft, we all know the world is going to end in 2012, so what's the point? Go eat some chocolate. :D


You're gonna give her 7 rep points for that crap and completely ignore my essay???


I'm tellin' my MOM!:(

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