Republicans spending millions at Trump resorts


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Between 2012 and 2014, campaigns and political groups spent a combined $69,000 at Trump businesses, according to the report. But since June 2015, when Trump announced he was running for the White House, political spending at the president’s properties has topped $19 million. Some of the initial surge was related to the Trump campaign’s using a Trump company plane during the 2016 election, but much of the uptick comes from conservative candidates and groups.

And the left is screaming about it. Claiming he’s making money from his position as president.

So what?

President Trump has perfected the financial shakedown of people seeking political influence as a way of life,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the House Oversight Committee. “This is now standard operating procedure in Washington. It’s pay-to-play all day.”

How does he know who stays there? He has nothing to do with the day-to-day operation.

At least another 179 foreign governments, businesses, trade associations and religious entities — some with interests before the federal government — have frequented Trump properties, according to Public Citizen, which gathered data from Federal Election Commission records, social media and news reports.

That includes 28 foreign governments — including Azerbaijan, India, Kuwait, Turkey, Ukraine, Malaysia, Romania and Saudi Arabia — as well as 41 conservative advocacy organizations, 51 businesses or business groups, 16 charities, 16 religious groups, 12 state or local groups, nine foreign businesses or business groups and six police or fire organizations. For example, T-Mobile executives stayed at Trump International Hotel in Washington while seeking a green light from the federal government for a merger with Sprint.

Do you think it could possibly be that they’ve learned just how good the properties are? With outstanding food and service?

Trump Organization properties are world-class venues in destination locations that our supporters want to visit and are excited to attend events at,” said Kelly Sadler, spokeswoman for America First Action, a pro-Trump super PAC. “The staff is always respectful, professional and provides best-in-class service.”

Sadler said America First Action, which spent $545,000 at Trump properties since Trump’s election, pays fair market value for its events in compliance with FEC rules and guidance.

A lot more about Leftist Dim whining @ Republicans used to ignore Trump’s resorts. Now they’re spending millions.
People spending their own money voluntarily. Outrageous. Next thing you know they will want another tax cut, so they can spend MORE money at Trump's properties!
Democrats would have spent money at Obama and Clinton's resorts but guess what, Bill Clinton lived in a double wide and Barry Hussein flopped in store fronts.

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