Republicans need to refocus!!


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
For me to know and you not to find out.
Instead of hyping up Trump being "reinstated" or a possible candidacy ala Grover Cleveland, Republicans need to focus on the following:

1. 2022 midterms-Democrats are especially vulnerable in the House, and with their "president" a bumbling moron who's every decision winds up a complete trainwreck, this is a golden opportunity to trounce the Democrats just like in 1994 and 2010.
2. 2024-I have serious reservations about Trump, especially in the way he is considered damaged goods at this point and I don't think it would be a good idea for him to run again. I do believe that there are candidates, Ron DeSantis for one, who shares Trump's "America First" agenda, would be ideal, especially with either Allen West or Tim Scott as his running mate.
The demoncrats cheated so blatantly that nothing will stop them.

You'll need to address and remedy all the avenues for cheatery before any talk of "strategy" is worth the mental bandwidth.
Oh, you won't get any argument from me on that one. This is why the Left are balking at the audits! Because they're scared shitless that they'll be exposed. I don't believe the purpose of the audits is to nullify the 2020 ballot and "reinstate" Trump, but to expose the flaws and fix them.
Honestly we need them to be the adults that come in and say "allright Ive had enough of all this foolishness. It stops now".

This is a country of millions. When you're dealing that many people the ones in charge don't have the luxury of trying to sit each person down and make them feel special. You need someone who will say "this is what's best for the country and this is what's best for the most people. Now here are the rules".
Honestly we need them to be the adults that come in and say "allright Ive had enough of all this foolishness. It stops now".

This is a country of millions. When you're dealing that many people the ones in charge don't have the luxury of trying to sit each person down and make them feel special. You need someone who will say "this is what's best for the country and this is what's best for the most people. Now here are the rules".
Trump may have absolutely had the right message, but he was absolutely the wrong messenger. Hillary was so disliked even a dead parrot would have beat her.
The demoncrats cheated so blatantly that nothing will stop them in '22 or '24.

You'll need to address and remedy all the avenues for cheatery before any talk of "strategy" is worth the mental bandwidth.
What happened in 2020 wont be easy to repeat.. They designed an attack on the election law using Covid as a teaser to favorable courts who dont respect their own legislatures.

What the Dems WANTED was H.R.1 -- a bill that would FEDERALIZE all those bad changes like ballot harvesting and not checking the identity and chain of custody of mail-ins.. That's not likely to happen because of many things that have happened. Their excuses about voter ID being racist fell flat.. They lost the argument. And the idea that ANY 3rd party stranger should be farming or harvesting ballots is a non-starter. Doubt this coup de grace will ever happen.. Even tho that Bill was already written and registered before this session of Congress began..

SO -- MOST of those holes are being patched. The problem always was the courts and the last minute end around of the State and Federal Constitution that they manufactured in the courts of a few states. Those were "emergency" measures that could only be resurrected if they can can continue the Covid messaging of imminent doom.
The demoncrats cheated so blatantly that nothing will stop them in '22 or '24.
I see you're getting your whiny sore-loser-bitch excuses for a humiliating loss in ahead of time. That's very smart of you.

I mean, you Republicans tried every known cheating strategy in 2020, and you still lost big. Your cheating failed big time, and now the whole planet knows you're cheaters. And if you can't even win by cheating, what hope do you have? It's not like you can run on issues, or run against someone as good as Biden. You're screwed, so whining about losing is really the only option left to you. Along with trying another violent fascist coup.
I see you're getting your whiny sore-loser-bitch excuses for a humiliating loss in ahead of time. That's very smart of you.

I mean, you Republicans tried every known cheating strategy in 2020, and you still lost big. Your cheating failed big time, and now the whole planet knows you're cheaters. And if you can't even win by cheating, what hope do you have? It's not like you can run on issues, or run against someone as good as Biden. You're screwed, so whining about losing is really the only option left to you. Along with trying another violent fascist coup.
And you really think you Communists are going to rule America in perpetuity?
The Rats are demonic and they will do anything to stay in power, ANYTHING!

And they are doing it....if they find it harder to steal an election the way they did in 2020...they will try other venues, one of which is allowing million of illegals into the country, leaving the southern border open..... come on in! everybody welcome to vote demonRat! :mad-61: bringing them in, in planeloads from all over the world, 30,000 Afghans now, just to start with....

Never underestimate the evil of the Left.
Instead of hyping up Trump being "reinstated" or a possible candidacy ala Grover Cleveland, Republicans need to focus on the following:

1. 2022 midterms-Democrats are especially vulnerable in the House, and with their "president" a bumbling moron who's every decision winds up a complete trainwreck, this is a golden opportunity to trounce the Democrats just like in 1994 and 2010.
2. 2024-I have serious reservations about Trump, especially in the way he is considered damaged goods at this point and I don't think it would be a good idea for him to run again. I do believe that there are candidates, Ron DeSantis for one, who shares Trump's "America First" agenda, would be ideal, especially with either Allen West or Tim Scott as his running mate.
I do want Trump to run again because we need to show you can't steal an election and get away with it.
The Rats are demonic and they will do anything to stay in power, ANYTHING!

And they are doing it....if they find it harder to steal an election the way they did in 2020...they will try other venues, one of which is allowing million of illegals into the country, leaving the southern border open..... come on in! everybody welcome to vote demonRat! :mad-61: bringing them in, in planeloads from all over the world, 30,000 Afghans now, just to start with....

Never underestimate the evil of the Left.
Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Omar, Schiff, and Nadler are common criminals.
The thing of it is that nobody seems to be focused on Trump except the left. What democrats need to do is focus on the guy they elected instead of pretending that Trump is the enemy
They can't. They are now too deeply into the disease and have become insensible to anything but their hatred.

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