Republicans: It's not going to be enough


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Dear Republicans - I know it's fun to bash the Liberals, but your fighting a political battle with one hand tied behind your back.

Any political strategist from Conservative Karl Rove to Liberal David Axelrod will tell you that in addition to portraying your competition negatively, you also need to give the voters a good reason to vote for you - and you don't have one. Like it or not, Joe Biden is more popular than Donald Trump with voters, and Democrats are more popular than Republicans. To make matters worse, infighting between traditional or moderate Republicans and Trump loyalists have left the GOP fractured, with defections reducing the size of the Conservative voter base.

Ronald Reagan once said: "Thou shall not speak ill of thy fellow Republicans" Today's Republicans would do well to heed this advise, and to find good, solid ideas that will address the needs of all Americans, while adhering to traditional Conservative principals. This will get you elected, because if all you can do is wail about the big government, socialist Liberals, it's not going to be enough-

Those are the facts Jack - just the facts! :bye1:
Did you libs forget that Trump won in 2016?
He wasn't running on the idea that free election don't matter and shouldn't count. That is what the trumpers are effectively running on now. Sorry. We got free elections in a representative republic, constitutional government and we're keeping it. What do you offer that is better than that? Nothing, as it is what we are founded on. You guys will just have to go back to being for the country as it was designed, rather than some strongman usurper of democracy. We reject it hands down.
History says the GOP should win in 2022. The presidents party generally takes a beating in the midterms. If the Republicans lose, they have no one to blame but themselves...
Dear Republicans - I know it's fun to bash the Liberals, but your fighting a political battle with one hand tied behind your back. Any political strategist from Conservative Karl Rove to Liberal David Axelrod will tell you that in addition to portraying your competition negatively, you also need to give the voters a good reason to vote for you - and you don't have one. Like it or not, Joe Biden is more popular than Donald Trump with voters, and Democrats are more popular than Republicans.

WOW. Drink much?
Did you libs forget that Trump won in 2016?
He wasn't running on the idea that free election don't matter and shouldn't count. That is what the trumpers are effectively running on now. Sorry. We got free elections in a representative republic, constitutional government and we're keeping it. What do you offer that is better than that? Nothing, as it is what we are founded on. You guys will just have to go back to being for the country as it was designed

Hey shithead, this country was NOT founded on unrestricted free elections where anything resembling a ballot gets counted, we were founded on legal elections meeting the same rule of law as used for the past 250 years. Sorry we don't offer cheating and breaking laws. If you don't like it or need more, go back under whatever rock you crawled from.
Did you libs forget that Trump won in 2016?
He wasn't running on the idea that free election don't matter and shouldn't count. That is what the trumpers are effectively running on now. Sorry. We got free elections in a representative republic, constitutional government and we're keeping it. What do you offer that is better than that? Nothing, as it is what we are founded on. You guys will just have to go back to being for the country as it was designed

Hey shithead, this country was NOT founded on unrestricted free elections where anything resembling a ballot gets counted, we were founded on legal elections meeting the same rule of law as used for the past 250 years. Sorry we don't offer cheating and breaking laws. If you don't like it or need more, go back under whatever rock you crawled from.

2020 was the most honest and fair election in history

Most people ever cast votes with negligible proven fraud.
There were more recounts, audits and court challenges than any election in history. All pointed to a fair election
Did you libs forget that Trump won in 2016?
That was then.

This is now.

Shrillary was a train wreck of a candidate and deserved to lose - even if it was by Electoral College vote only.

Rump was indeed elected as the Un-Cola-Hillary candidate and by freak-chance actually got a shot at the title.

But he proved to be an existential threat to American representative democracy and the rule-of-law and simply HAD to go.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe was the Un-Cola-Trump candidate which is why HE won, rather than any particular position or agenda element.

Republican retards need to grow some ball$ and stand up to your Orange Baboon-God and field better candidates and better ideas, and that damned soon.

The 2022 mid-terms aren't all that far away and unless the Idiot Dems screw-the-pooch and pi$$-off too many people (always a possibility) Pubs are gonna lose again.

A Chief Executive who incites crowds to turn into a riotous mob storming the Capital Building in open Insurrection does not deserve a second shot at the ring.

The sooner Republican a$$hole$ figure that out the sooner they can hope to return to power.

The country NEEDS a strong Second Party but it will not TOLERATE a treasonous one not committed to the rule of law.

Time to get your heads out of your a$$e$, Rumpian boot-lickers, before it's too late.
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Dear Republicans - I know it's fun to bash the Liberals, but your fighting a political battle with one hand tied behind your back.

Any political strategist from Conservative Karl Rove to Liberal David Axelrod will tell you that in addition to portraying your competition negatively, you also need to give the voters a good reason to vote for you - and you don't have one. Like it or not, Joe Biden is more popular than Donald Trump with voters, and Democrats are more popular than Republicans. To make matters worse, infighting between traditional or moderate Republicans and Trump loyalists have left the GOP fractured, with defections reducing the size of the Conservative voter base.

Ronald Reagan once said: "Thou shall not speak ill of thy fellow Republicans" Today's Republicans would do well to heed this advise, and to find good, solid ideas that will address the needs of all Americans, while adhering to traditional Conservative principals. This will get you elected, because if all you can do is wail about the big government, socialist Liberals, it's not going to be enough-

Those are the facts Jack - just the facts! :bye1:

LOL, I'm thinking he's not as "popular" the MSM is telling you he is.
The country NEEDS a strong Second Party but it will not TOLERATE a treasonous one not committed to the rule of law.

We work better as a two party nation. Even Biden says so

But Republicans need to EARN those votes by giving voters something they can support.
Wild conspiracy theories, lies and bullying does not get you votes.
Dear Republicans - I know it's fun to bash the Liberals, but your fighting a political battle with one hand tied behind your back.

Any political strategist from Conservative Karl Rove to Liberal David Axelrod will tell you that in addition to portraying your competition negatively, you also need to give the voters a good reason to vote for you - and you don't have one. Like it or not, Joe Biden is more popular than Donald Trump with voters, and Democrats are more popular than Republicans. To make matters worse, infighting between traditional or moderate Republicans and Trump loyalists have left the GOP fractured, with defections reducing the size of the Conservative voter base.

Ronald Reagan once said: "Thou shall not speak ill of thy fellow Republicans" Today's Republicans would do well to heed this advise, and to find good, solid ideas that will address the needs of all Americans, while adhering to traditional Conservative principals. This will get you elected, because if all you can do is wail about the big government, socialist Liberals, it's not going to be enough-

Those are the facts Jack - just the facts! :bye1:
The people running as Republicans need to be Republicans. The voters keep getting hoodwinked and people forced on them by the Repub establishment, regional and local political power families, elites and those who have a long family history name. Endless RINOS and what we know as Neo Cons served to us for our consumption. And to often our pain. Usually found out after the fact.
The country NEEDS a strong Second Party but it will not TOLERATE a treasonous one not committed to the rule of law.

We work better as a two party nation. Even Biden says so

But Republicans need to EARN those votes by giving voters something they can support.
Wild conspiracy theories, lies and bullying does not get you votes.
Well, it seems to be getting them enough to turn the GOP into raving lunatics.
Believe it or not . . . unlike this board, most voters aren't hyper-partisan, they vote on REAL things, where the rubber meets the road.

. . . sure, all this free government money is nice, but? When it runs out, prices will still be high.

The DNC is royally screwing things up, b/c they haven't a clue what they are doing.

Or maybe they do and they don't give a shit? :dunno:



. . It really won't be about the GOP giving folks something to vote for, but I honestly believe, it will be a repeat of the Carter days.

Folks didn't necessarily vote for Reagan. . . they voted against Carter.

This current administration has show that it cares very little for small business, and the fundamentals of economics.
The country NEEDS a strong Second Party but it will not TOLERATE a treasonous one not committed to the rule of law.

We work better as a two party nation. Even Biden says so

But Republicans need to EARN those votes by giving voters something they can support.
Wild conspiracy theories, lies and bullying does not get you votes.
The only way folks are going to believe your garbage, is if the Biden administration takes over the internet and requires folks to have an electronic ID to use the internet and restricts which sites users can access.

Otherwise, your opinion is pretty much useless and will only appeal to authoritarians, and no one sane really agrees with your slanderous accusations.

When you have no logical or reasonable arguments. . . the poor debater always sinks to AD Hom., libelous accusations, and defamation of those you disagree with. :113:
The country NEEDS a strong Second Party but it will not TOLERATE a treasonous one not committed to the rule of law.

We work better as a two party nation. Even Biden says so

But Republicans need to EARN those votes by giving voters something they can support.
Wild conspiracy theories, lies and bullying does not get you votes.
The only way folks are going to believe your garbage, is if the Biden administration takes over the internet and requires folks to have an electronic ID to use the internet and restricts which sites users can access.

Otherwise, your opinion is pretty much useless and will only appeal to authoritarians, and no one sane really agrees with your slanderous accusations.

When you have no logical or reasonable arguments. . . the poor debater always sinks to AD Hom., libelous accusations, and defamation of those you disagree with. :113:
What a stupid post
I wasted my time reading it

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