Republicans inching closer to 'wave election' in November, former Clinton pollster says

Ordinary Guy

Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2021
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During an interview on "Mornings with Maria" on Friday, Fox News contributor Mark Penn, a former top adviser to the Clintons, argued the latest midterm polls show voters who just vote on the issues are tipping the scales in favor of Republican candidates.

How could it not be a sweep, lower 401ks, lower wages due to inflation, higher fuel prices. We are a joke among all the power hungry countries. _OG
Such are most mid-presidential term elections. The parties take turns turning people off, and the people go with the alternative. Then they do the same thing. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Too bad the parties just don't learn. Claiming a mandate and shoving your agendas down our throats is idiotic.
Such are most mid-presidential term elections. The parties take turns turning people off, and the people go with the alternative. Then they do the same thing. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Too bad the parties just don't learn. Claiming a mandate and shoving your agendas down our throats is idiotic.
And there it is....The shills start the excuses. :laughing0301:
It’s funny how, if the poll went the other way, we’d be hearing what sh*t it is.
You're welcome to point out the errors.

I won't be holding my breath, shill.
How are those Biden Boosters working out for you, what number covid infection you on??? Oh well, your planetary departure looms, no later than 2025, perhaps this winter, think how safe you'll be from infection after you shed that body, mask up.... :banana:
Fox News contributor Mark Penn, a former top adviser to the Clintons, argued the latest midterm polls show voters who just vote on the issues are tipping the scales in favor of Republican candidates.

A Fox News Contributor said that?

Color me shocked

Republicans inching closer to 'wave election' in November​


Such are most mid-presidential term elections. The parties take turns turning people off, and the people go with the alternative.
Yeah, that's it, monkeybrains. It was just the left's turn to turn people off, which is saying that Trump was not elected through no fault of his own, Covid, J6, etc. It was just the democrat's "turn."

Then they do the same thing. Wash, rinse, repeat.
:WooHooSmileyWave-vi: :thewave:
A Fox News Contributor said that?

Color me shocked
Not only that, this dude was the chief strategist and pollster for the Hillary Clinton campaign. LOL. Him believing Republicans are going to sweep is about the best news I have heard all day considering he totally missed things before.

Yeah, that's it, monkeybrains. It was just the left's turn to turn people off, which is saying that Trump was not elected through no fault of his own, Covid, J6, etc. It was just the democrat's "turn."

:WooHooSmileyWave-vi: :thewave:
Don’t count your chickens, Miss Hillary!
Not only that, this dude was the chief strategist and pollster for the Hillary Clinton campaign. LOL. Him believing Republicans are going to sweep is about the best news I have heard all day considering he totally missed things before.

A Clinton advisor from 20 years ago said that?
Such are most mid-presidential term elections. The parties take turns turning people off, and the people go with the alternative. Then they do the same thing. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Too bad the parties just don't learn. Claiming a mandate and shoving your agendas down our throats is idiotic.

Red Wave crashes on Ol' Mac's head
Don’t count your chickens, Miss Hillary!

See the source image
Red Wave crashes on Ol' Mac's head
Your red wave is going to turn out to be a red fart. And God knows I can't wait to hear the belly aching afterwards. You might win the House, but you are going to lose ground in the Senate and you can thank none other than Donald, dumbshit, self-absorbed, Trump for that.

You want to see the future of the conservative movement you only have to look across the pond. How they faring in Great Britain? Their taxcut proposals just blew up in their face as markets tanked. Blood is in the water, and if elections were held today, three out of four conservative party members would lose their seats. They are running scared, and after the midterms you can bet the same thing is going to happen here.
The new House should investigate Pelosi's involvement in the Jan 6 insurrection sham.
We need to read all of her emails and texts.
Question anyone who has ever talked to Pelosi.
Make the investigation drag out for years.
That would be fun.
The Left loves doing that crap.
Don’t count your chickens, Miss Hillary!
From 2008, and he was forced to resign because he put his business interest ahead of the country. Sounds like the perfect Trump shill to me.
A Clinton advisor from 20 years ago said that?
Not trying to pee in your corn flakes or anything, but the fact that so many races with these craven GQP clowns selling their souls and playing along with the rigged election scam are even within 40% says a lot about the condition of this country.

Even if the Dems manage to hold on to the Senate, Congress is gonna be fully stocked with the Qanon Caucus. As little as I think of politicians, I would never have thought we'd get to this. Not here.
Not trying to pee in your corn flakes or anything, but the fact that so many races with these craven GQP clowns selling their souls and playing along with the rigged election scam are even within 40% says a lot about the condition of this country.

Even if the Dems manage to hold on to the Senate, Congress is gonna be fully stocked with the Qanon Caucus. As little as I think of politicians, I would never have thought we'd get to this. Not here.
LOL....For someone that thinks little of politicians you sure seem weighted towards one side.....Dem shill much? ;)
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