Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Dont spread your legs to any Tom, Dick, or Harry and you wont have to worry about carrying a baby. Abstinence works, but then most Democrats couldnt get laid then.

I have to agree that American women have used legal abortion as license to copulate indiscriminately. That's largely what the abortion issue is really about - the right of women to copulate indiscriminately without bearing the natural consequences.

However, in my experience republican women are just as guilty as liberal women. They just don't want to admit it.

If abortion is illegal women still have a choice - they can choose to not copulate. They'll have to think twice about what men they choose to copulate with.
Showing pictures of full term babys in the womb IS a LIE.
When you know that abortions (except in Very rare cases) are preformed before 12 weeks.
Why do you need to LIE?
I have to agree that American women have used legal abortion as license to copulate indiscriminately. That's largely what the abortion issue is really about - the right of women to copulate indiscriminately without bearing the natural consequences.

However, in my experience republican women are just as guilty as liberal women. They just don't want to admit it.

If abortion is illegal women still have a choice - they can choose to not copulate. They'll have to think twice about what men they choose to copulate with.
whats your experience that would bring you to that conclusion??

did you work at a PP and asked each women what her political affiliation is??
The answer is simple. Abortion is a political issue and the overwhelming majority in the media is in the business of promoting democrat party agendas like the murder of the unborn. It's not hard to find graphic depictions of executions directed at the anti-capital punishment crowd but you will never see a video of the horrific killing of a full term human baby by stabbing it in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out until it stops squirming and it's face puckers up like a cabbage patch doll.
1. Worry about my own offspring? You sound pro-choice. The opposite of Republican.
2. True about inflation. But Democrats will do something about the growing wealth gap between rich and rest of us. We keep getting poorer and they keep getting richer. Somethings not right with this economy.
3. There is a federal ban on marijuana. Pot is legal in some states but the feds could come down on law breakers.
4. abortion isn't settled. Republicans made great gains last year but they're not done. Wake up. You must be a Republican. No Democrat would spread the lie you are spreading.
1. I am a pro-choice Republican. Now that RvW was overturned each state can regulate abortion. If you dumb pro-lifers don't STFU we will keep losing elections to the perverts.

2. Democrats are running the country for the last 4 years. If you like how they run things we disagree.

3. I don't care about marijuana

4. Abortion is settled Law via Dobbs, its now a state responsibility. I am Republican, and don't want to keep losing elections because of pro-life morons. Fewer democrats is a good thing.
NotfooledbyW said: NFBW: Because we are discussing the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Abortion Rights you must be opposed to the Texas Heartbeat abortion ban because it is harmful to women like Amanda Zurawski who can afford to pay for an abortion no matter the reason for her decisions or her doctor’s diagnosis. nf.23.03.26 #7,940

Mikeoxenormous said: There is nothing in the Constitution that says women can murder their babies. mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948

Amanda Zurawski wanted to have a Baby. Her baby could not survive birth, but it had a heartbeat in the state of Texas so her doctors could not provide proper medical treatments until toxic condition set in and she was on the verge of death. She could not travel to another state because she had to be within minutes of her doctors or die.

She may not be able to have a baby in her future thanks to every Republican voter in America the Land of the Free unless you are a Woman in white male Christian dominated Texas.

nf.23.11.22 #127
Having a baby and raising a child takes a lot of hard work and money.
Some women decided its easier to terminate the pregnancy.
State laws regulate how abortions are managed.
Terminating a pregnancy before 15 weeks is legal in the EU, after 15 weeks the fetus becomes more developed.
8 democrat states allow late term abortions.
Voters in each state determine the limits on abortion., if any.
Abortion is terminating a pregnancy, the fetus isn't officially a child until when the voters (not you) say it is.

Lot of hard work and expensive for the man as well. So? Point?
Lot of hard work and expensive for the man as well. So? Point?
It's amusing how all the pro abortion advocates won't touch that issue with a ten foot pole. They just pretend they didn't hear it, and continue on with their sob story...
1. I am a pro-choice Republican. Now that RvW was overturned each state can regulate abortion. If you dumb pro-lifers don't STFU we will keep losing elections to the perverts.

2. Democrats are running the country for the last 4 years. If you like how they run things we disagree.

3. I don't care about marijuana

4. Abortion is settled Law via Dobbs, its now a state responsibility. I am Republican, and don't want to keep losing elections because of pro-life morons. Fewer democrats is a good thing.

1. Yes the nuts need to stop dictating policy in your party. Don't forget the new nut Speaker just said if you want to know his politics, pick up a bible, and he will make no apologies. That's a fucking quote.

2. Being a pro choice Republican is like being a Republican who believes in evolution. Unicorn.

3. You don't care about pot? Then you're a Libetarian?

4. You want us to think abortion is settled. Is that the tactic you're going to use in hopes women don't crush you next year? Good luck liar.
Abortion wasn’t regulated at all until the 1810. The founders didn’t even consider it, because it had always been a matter between a woman and her doctor.
And Republicans before Roe V Wade weren't nearly as conservative as they are today. They certainly didn't want to throw the mother in jail for murder.
You have no heart
We interfere with murder all the time.
Don't switch the subject

The fact that a majority of the States, reflecting after all the majority sentiment in those States, have had restrictions on abortions for at least a century seems to me as strong an indication there is that the asserted right to an abortion is not ‘so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental’.
Believing that a fetus is a baby is a subjective, personal opinion – it is neither the role nor responsibility to government to enforce that which is subjective and personal through force of law.

Again, the issue is the appropriate role of the state, to oppose government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty; abortion ‘bans’ are an example of government excess and overreach hostile to individual liberty.

Conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right once believed in limited government and individual liberty – clearly that’s no longer the case, such is the right’s hypocrisy.
Believing that a fetus is a baby is a subjective, personal opinion – it is neither the role nor responsibility to government to enforce that which is subjective and personal through force of law.

Again, the issue is the appropriate role of the state, to oppose government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty; abortion ‘bans’ are an example of government excess and overreach hostile to individual liberty.

Conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right once believed in limited government and individual liberty – clearly that’s no longer the case, such is the right’s hypocrisy.
False. There is nothing subjective about it. A "fetus" is a human at a particular stage in its life. A stage we all went through. A simple DNA test can bear this out.
I have to agree that American women have used legal abortion as license to copulate indiscriminately. That's largely what the abortion issue is really about - the right of women to copulate indiscriminately without bearing the natural consequences.

However, in my experience republican women are just as guilty as liberal women. They just don't want to admit it.

If abortion is illegal women still have a choice - they can choose to not copulate. They'll have to think twice about what men they choose to copulate with.

And you would be WRONG. The abortion issue is largely about poverty and a lack of protection or support for poor pregnant women.

75% of the women getting abortions live below, or slightly above the poverty line and cite financial reasons for getting an abortion, even thought the 60% of all women seeking abortions are married or in a committed relatioinship.

You talk about "copulating indiscriminately", and both conservative and liberal women being "guilty" of this supposed crime. No woman ever got pregnant without a man also being "guilty" of "copulating indiscriminately".

Slut shaming women in this manner is disgusting and you're a vile asshole for even suggesting it. I suggest you check you hatred of women at the door when commenting on our medical needs.
And Republicans before Roe V Wade weren't nearly as conservative as they are today. They certainly didn't want to throw the mother in jail for murder.

Believing that a fetus is a baby is a subjective, personal opinion – it is neither the role nor responsibility to government to enforce that which is subjective and personal through force of law.

Again, the issue is the appropriate role of the state, to oppose government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty; abortion ‘bans’ are an example of government excess and overreach hostile to individual liberty.

Conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right once believed in limited government and individual liberty – clearly that’s no longer the case, such is the right’s hypocrisy.

Is a fetus a living being?

Watch Jones go limp
Is a fetus a living being?

Watch Jones go limp
Yes and abortion should be considered murder right? So don't try telling me that Republicans are happy now that abortion has become a states rights issue. That's a fucking lie. Especially when they realized way too many states made it legal. And the women in red states just come spend their disposable income in our states to get their abortions. Rather than go on Carnival Cruise or Disney, they spend their vacation money in blue states getting medical procedures.

Republicans are not happy. Not yet.
Believing that a fetus is a baby is a subjective, personal opinion – it is neither the role nor responsibility to government to enforce that which is subjective and personal through force of law.

Again, the issue is the appropriate role of the state, to oppose government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty; abortion ‘bans’ are an example of government excess and overreach hostile to individual liberty.

Conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right once believed in limited government and individual liberty – clearly that’s no longer the case, such is the right’s hypocrisy.
Life begins at conception.

Science. Try it sometime.
And you would be WRONG. The abortion issue is largely about poverty and a lack of protection or support for poor pregnant women.

75% of the women getting abortions live below, or slightly above the poverty line and cite financial reasons for getting an abortion, even thought the 60% of all women seeking abortions are married or in a committed relatioinship.

You talk about "copulating indiscriminately", and both conservative and liberal women being "guilty" of this supposed crime. No woman ever got pregnant without a man also being "guilty" of "copulating indiscriminately".

Slut shaming women in this manner is disgusting and you're a vile asshole for even suggesting it. I suggest you check you hatred of women at the door when commenting on our medical needs.
Abstinence is 100% effective, vermin.
25 million women live in states with abortion bans or restrictions. They say 1 in 4 women will get an abortion. That's a lot of tourism coming to IL and MI.

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