Republicans deserve what they get

Whatever, guy... you all keep pretending that 9 of the last 10 recessions didn't happen when Republicans are in charge.

I'm going to give you a hint. Recessions are a design feature of Republican rule. Guys like your boss LOVE recessions. They know they can screw with you when a recession is going on. They can yank your health insurance and you'll take it like a little bitch.

Here's a hint: most of our recessions happened under a Democrat Congress. When Republicans took over in the 90's, it gave Clinton a great run. It continued until Bush's first term when 911 happened, but we still managed to work our way out of that to a great recovery that sparked a worldwide economy. Democrats took over again in 2006, and once again, things when downhill. In 2010, people got smart and put Republicans back in charge.

If the economy was so great under Ears, why did we have near 0% interest rates until nearly the end of his second term when the price of fuel (no thanks to him) took a nose dive? Why did we have record amounts of people on food stamps during most of his two terms?

Bush gave Obama the worst recession in 80 years.
Obama gave Trump a booming economy that he's probably already fucking up. (GDP and job growth for 2017 are below 2016).

But since we know it would just KILL you to ever say anything nice about a black person, I'll just let you stew.

Far from it. Thanks to Trump, we have the lowest unemployment rate in a half a century, we have rising consumer and corporate confidence. We no longer have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Labor participation rate increasing, food stamp usage decreasing. Tens of thousands of workers receiving raises, bonuses, or both. Kim Dung is shaking in his little boots, Iraq is free of ISIS, the Paris Accord will not have the power to control our economy. Our daughters in school will not have to suffer weirdos in dresses in their school bathrooms and showers. And this is what Trump accomplished with all the attempts of Democrat politicians and commie judges trying to stop his success in just a little over a year. More to come......
Here's a hint: most of our recessions happened under a Democrat Congress.

Again, congress doesn't make the appointments to the regulatory agencies and the fed and the people who are supposed to be watching the store. Republican did.

And 9 of the last ten recessions happened when Republicans were in charge.

The one that didn't, was actually intentionally triggered to control inflation, and it cost Jimmy Carter his job.

ar from it. Thanks to Trump, we have the lowest unemployment rate in a half a century, we have rising consumer and corporate confidence.

Guy, nobody who is an adult sees Trump as a good thing. They are all just nervously planning for the day he fucks it up.

That's why the Stock Market drops like a rock whenever he talks about Tariffs.
t was slow because we had the most anti-business President in our lifetime running the show.

Again- 10 TRILLION dollars vanished.


$33,000 for every man, woman and child in the US.

Yeah, Obama was so anti-business he saved the banks and the auto-industry.

Oh bull. Many banks closed and the auto industry was a gift to his union buddies who contribute greatly to the Dem party every single election. If the auto industry did fail, that's direct money that would have never made it to his reelection campaign for his second term. Ford didn't even want any money, but were pressured by the government to take it just like they pressured banks.

Oh bull. Many banks closed and the auto industry was a gift to his union buddies who contribute greatly to the Dem party every single election. If the auto industry did fail, that's direct money that would have never made it to his reelection campaign for his second term. Ford didn't even want any money, but were pressured by the government to take it just like they pressured banks.

Yup, that bastard, making them take money.

Because all the decisions the banks and Ford had made up to that point were rock solid.
Oh bull. Many banks closed and the auto industry was a gift to his union buddies who contribute greatly to the Dem party every single election. If the auto industry did fail, that's direct money that would have never made it to his reelection campaign for his second term. Ford didn't even want any money, but were pressured by the government to take it just like they pressured banks.

Yup, that bastard, making them take money.

Because all the decisions the banks and Ford had made up to that point were rock solid.

The government is at least partly if not mostly responsible for the banks problems. It's the government (HUD, Fanny, Freddy) that make the lending laws banks have to adhere to for subprime loans.

0% down and no credit checks is what caused the problem. You simply can't lend money to people who have little to no ability to pay those loans back.

All this started with the goal to give more minorities the ability to own a home. But because most had bad or no credit history, they were unable to secure a prime loan. A prime loan is when the banks use their own money to lend. Subprime is exactly that--below prime. Most of those loans are sold off to the market in bundled securities.
The government is at least partly if not mostly responsible for the banks problems. It's the government (HUD, Fanny, Freddy) that make the lending laws banks have to adhere to for subprime loans.

Again, subprimes weren't the problem, the problem was the banks giving middle class folks loans they couldn't afford for McMansions they didn't need, and then taking losses when they failed to flip them.

All this started with the goal to give more minorities

Yeah, Ray brought the Racism again... who brought the Salsa?
The left loves to declare that President Trump has done “nothing” when in fact he has done everything he is constitutionally responsibile for (and very successfully I might add). It has been the Republican Congress that has done nothing.

They talked such a big game in 2010. They promised they would repeal Obamacare (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would pass a budget (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would restore fiscal sanity (they’ve done no such thing). They promised the world and they delivered absolutely nothing.
“Just a few years ago, Speaker Ryan was viewed as the individual in our party, in our country, who was focused on fiscal responsibility, and then you saw what happened last week,” Jordan said, referring to the budget.

“So all I’m saying is we need legislation in every policy area that is consistent with that we told them we were going to do and what they elected us to do,” he continued. “That did not happen last week, but I certainly hope it happens on immigration.”
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

Freedom Caucus issues a stern warning to Paul Ryan on immigration – here’s what they said
The only thing Trump has done in office, is talk a lot of shit and make our government the laughing stock of the planet.
Trump did say one thing that is true...

...that he could walk up to anyone on the street, put a gun to their head, pull the trigger and blow their brains all over the side walk, and the right would just turn their head and say, "What about Hillary!"

There is no line Trump can cross that would outrage the right. He can murder someone in cold blood and they would jump through hoops to defend such action.

Hypocrisy is big on the right. They bitched about what Slick Willie did in the Oral Office, but look the other way when it comes to Stormy Daniels.
Trump did say one thing that is true...

...that he could walk up to anyone on the street, put a gun to their head, pull the trigger and blow their brains all over the side walk, and the right would just turn their head and say, "What about Hillary!"

There is no line Trump can cross that would outrage the right. He can murder someone in cold blood and they would jump through hoops to defend such action.

Hypocrisy is big on the right. They bitched about what Slick Willie did in the Oral Office, but look the other way when it comes to Stormy Daniels.

Did Trump do Stormy in the oval office while his wife was down the hall? Was Stormy his daughters age? Is there any evidence besides this bimbo's testimony that she actually did have sex with Trump like a stained dress or something?

Apples and oranges.
Again, subprimes weren't the problem, the problem was the banks giving middle class folks loans they couldn't afford for McMansions they didn't need, and then taking losses when they failed to flip them.

Yes, subprime were the problem because subprime are ARM's. That stands for Adjustable Rate Mortgage. And when interest rates are 3% or so, there is only one way they can go, and that is up.

Left alone, the banks would never give loans for houses large or small if the borrower was unable to pay. But with subprime, they got paid for processing the loan and sold those loans later on causing the crash.

Yeah, Ray brought the Racism again... who brought the Salsa?

What's racist about it? Would you like to see some quotes from Bill Clinton that loosening the loan requirements were for the purpose of getting minorities homes? I have the links if you like; some dated back to the later 90's.
Did Trump do Stormy in the oval office while his wife was down the hall? Was Stormy his daughters age? Is there any evidence besides this bimbo's testimony that she actually did have sex with Trump like a stained dress or something?

Apples and oranges.

Okay, guy, you are kind of in complete denial here.

First, when Clinton banged Monica, she was 23 at a time when was 16. Stormy was 27 and Ivanka was 25. FUN FACT- TRump said Stormy looks like Ivanka, which makes it even weirder.

Yes, there is evidence. It's a $130,000 payoff to keep quiet. .
Your facts don't match reality. If you have an individual plan that isn't an Obamacare plan, then you have to pay the penalty anyway. Obama says you are under-insured, so pay more. If you make $25K, then you have to start paying the penalty. So you admitted you make less than $25K.

Well, not according to my tax guy...

Again, made 80K last year... Now, that's half the year at the awful job and half the year working for myself, but my plan was just fine as it was.

What the fuck? You think the W recession was worse than the great depression? You're fucked in the head.

Go back and read what I said. I said.

Bush gave Obama the worst recession in 80 years.

Okay, now, when was the Great Depression? WHy it was 80 years before that! Amazing!!!!

And the 9/10 is a lie. Off the top of my head, we had a recession at the end of the Clinton administration and a huge recession under Carter. That's two right there.

Well, you'd be wrong.

Let's review, shall we.

2008 - Bush
2001 - bush (long after Clinton left)
1990- Bush
1982 - Reagan
1980 - Carter- okay you get that one, it's Carter
73-75 Recession- Nixon and Ford
69-71 Recession - Nixon
Recessions in 1960, 1958 and 1953- All under Ike.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

Ah. This is your delusion where when a Republican is in office it's their fault and when a Democrat is in office it's their predecessors fault. Got it
Obama didn't have a recession because he never brought us out of W's recession. It was the longest, slowest recession recovery since the great depression.

It was slow because- once again, 10 TRILLION dollars vaporized in 2008. You don't get that back overnight.

And stop talking about black people, grand wizard. This has nothing to do with race

We elected a black man, and you guys lost your shit. Yes, it is about race.

So you admit you voted for Trump because you're a racist. Good start. Now maybe you can start your recovery. Admitting your issue is the place to start. So next step. Do you realize your racism is wrong?
Um, no, the reason we point it out is that you guys got your private sector solution, and you are whining about it.

The Heritage Foundation didn't have an all night bender one night and come up with their proposal. They came up with it because Hillary proposed a public option that would be paid for by taxing companies like your boss' that don't pay for health insurance. That got the GOP to shit itself, because at some point, that would probably work better than private insurance.

The Private Sector solution does not have government in it, forcing people to buy it, or fining people that don't. That's a government solution--not a private sector solution.

The Heritage Foundation has no more to do with Republican policy than the NRA does on gun policy. it's crap your side makes up. As for HillaryCare, it's what caused the leadership change in Congress for the first time in over 40 years, so Republicans knew they were on the right side of that issue.

No, they didn't. Did you forget Huckabee going out there saying Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers and Mormons weren't really Christians? That was a lot more serious than anything Democrats said.

I never heard of that, and apparently neither did YouTube. The videos I found were Huckabee complimentary towards Romney or saying his religion was irrelevant.

Naw, man, you seem to not get this.

Republican priorities were starting wars, letting the banks fuck the working class, and giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. They only talk about health care when Democrats are in charge and might threaten Big Insurance Profits.

But funny, Trump has forgotten all about repealing ObamaCare. Doesn't even talk about it anymore.

All he can do is try, but when you have one or two commie Republican Senators, there is nothing that can be done. But at least he tried. If we get enough real Republican Senators in 18, watch how fast we get rid of Commie Care. Hell, at least we got rid of those job killing penalties and government confiscating our hard earned income tax refund that the Democrats kept.

Again, 50 First dates, Romney said again and again his plan should be the federal model. Until he realized that bigots like you were tots against it because the Black Guy did it.

Then he kind of disowned his own plan faster than the Mormon CHurch disowned Joe Smith's racism.

First off, Romney is no Republican by any stretch of the imagination. Secondly, because he ran on the Republican ticket means that he doesn't represent the Republican view on government healthcare if it were some sort of national plan. We don't support government healthcare, never have and never will.

Commie Care is your baby. Every single Republican voted against it, the Republicans never even brought it up when they had power of the federal government, and all government plans (like the VA) are nothing more than problems, and we realize that. It's why our vets can now go to private facilities to get treatment they can't get from government.
The Heritage Foundation supported the mandate before the tea party. After W, the grass roots gop changed to become more ant-govt. Just because some republicans didn't choose to change with the grass roots doesn't mean they aren't republicans. Why they bother to remain is maybe a valid question though
Um, no, the reason we point it out is that you guys got your private sector solution, and you are whining about it.

The Heritage Foundation didn't have an all night bender one night and come up with their proposal. They came up with it because Hillary proposed a public option that would be paid for by taxing companies like your boss' that don't pay for health insurance. That got the GOP to shit itself, because at some point, that would probably work better than private insurance.

The Private Sector solution does not have government in it, forcing people to buy it, or fining people that don't. That's a government solution--not a private sector solution.

The Heritage Foundation has no more to do with Republican policy than the NRA does on gun policy. it's crap your side makes up. As for HillaryCare, it's what caused the leadership change in Congress for the first time in over 40 years, so Republicans knew they were on the right side of that issue.

No, they didn't. Did you forget Huckabee going out there saying Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers and Mormons weren't really Christians? That was a lot more serious than anything Democrats said.

I never heard of that, and apparently neither did YouTube. The videos I found were Huckabee complimentary towards Romney or saying his religion was irrelevant.

Naw, man, you seem to not get this.

Republican priorities were starting wars, letting the banks fuck the working class, and giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. They only talk about health care when Democrats are in charge and might threaten Big Insurance Profits.

But funny, Trump has forgotten all about repealing ObamaCare. Doesn't even talk about it anymore.

All he can do is try, but when you have one or two commie Republican Senators, there is nothing that can be done. But at least he tried. If we get enough real Republican Senators in 18, watch how fast we get rid of Commie Care. Hell, at least we got rid of those job killing penalties and government confiscating our hard earned income tax refund that the Democrats kept.

Again, 50 First dates, Romney said again and again his plan should be the federal model. Until he realized that bigots like you were tots against it because the Black Guy did it.

Then he kind of disowned his own plan faster than the Mormon CHurch disowned Joe Smith's racism.

First off, Romney is no Republican by any stretch of the imagination. Secondly, because he ran on the Republican ticket means that he doesn't represent the Republican view on government healthcare if it were some sort of national plan. We don't support government healthcare, never have and never will.

Commie Care is your baby. Every single Republican voted against it, the Republicans never even brought it up when they had power of the federal government, and all government plans (like the VA) are nothing more than problems, and we realize that. It's why our vets can now go to private facilities to get treatment they can't get from government.
The Heritage Foundation supported the mandate before the tea party. After W, the grass roots gop changed to become more ant-govt. Just because some republicans didn't choose to change with the grass roots doesn't mean they aren't republicans. Why they bother to remain is maybe a valid question though

Why do you people keep bringing up Heritage when talking about government healthcare? Heritage doesn't vote in the House. Heritage doesn't vote in the Senate. Heritage doesn't run for President.

As for Romney, he was a RINO his entire life long before he started healthcare coverage for Massholes.
Um, no, the reason we point it out is that you guys got your private sector solution, and you are whining about it.

The Heritage Foundation didn't have an all night bender one night and come up with their proposal. They came up with it because Hillary proposed a public option that would be paid for by taxing companies like your boss' that don't pay for health insurance. That got the GOP to shit itself, because at some point, that would probably work better than private insurance.

The Private Sector solution does not have government in it, forcing people to buy it, or fining people that don't. That's a government solution--not a private sector solution.

The Heritage Foundation has no more to do with Republican policy than the NRA does on gun policy. it's crap your side makes up. As for HillaryCare, it's what caused the leadership change in Congress for the first time in over 40 years, so Republicans knew they were on the right side of that issue.

No, they didn't. Did you forget Huckabee going out there saying Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers and Mormons weren't really Christians? That was a lot more serious than anything Democrats said.

I never heard of that, and apparently neither did YouTube. The videos I found were Huckabee complimentary towards Romney or saying his religion was irrelevant.

Naw, man, you seem to not get this.

Republican priorities were starting wars, letting the banks fuck the working class, and giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. They only talk about health care when Democrats are in charge and might threaten Big Insurance Profits.

But funny, Trump has forgotten all about repealing ObamaCare. Doesn't even talk about it anymore.

All he can do is try, but when you have one or two commie Republican Senators, there is nothing that can be done. But at least he tried. If we get enough real Republican Senators in 18, watch how fast we get rid of Commie Care. Hell, at least we got rid of those job killing penalties and government confiscating our hard earned income tax refund that the Democrats kept.

Again, 50 First dates, Romney said again and again his plan should be the federal model. Until he realized that bigots like you were tots against it because the Black Guy did it.

Then he kind of disowned his own plan faster than the Mormon CHurch disowned Joe Smith's racism.

First off, Romney is no Republican by any stretch of the imagination. Secondly, because he ran on the Republican ticket means that he doesn't represent the Republican view on government healthcare if it were some sort of national plan. We don't support government healthcare, never have and never will.

Commie Care is your baby. Every single Republican voted against it, the Republicans never even brought it up when they had power of the federal government, and all government plans (like the VA) are nothing more than problems, and we realize that. It's why our vets can now go to private facilities to get treatment they can't get from government.
The Heritage Foundation supported the mandate before the tea party. After W, the grass roots gop changed to become more ant-govt. Just because some republicans didn't choose to change with the grass roots doesn't mean they aren't republicans. Why they bother to remain is maybe a valid question though

Why do you people keep bringing up Heritage when talking about government healthcare? Heritage doesn't vote in the House. Heritage doesn't vote in the Senate. Heritage doesn't run for President.

As for Romney, he was a RINO his entire life long before he started healthcare coverage for Massholes.
You'd call Reagan a RINO
Ah. This is your delusion where when a Republican is in office it's their fault and when a Democrat is in office it's their predecessors fault. Got it

Well, almost a good point.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say Republicans brought us recessions and Democrats brought us wars, which from their perspective of 1910 - 1975 was probably about correct.

Now Republicans bring us WARS AND RECESSIONS.

Admitting your issue is the place to start. So next step. Do you realize your racism is wrong?

Do you? Your are still blaming Obama for Bush's fuck up.

Why do you people keep bringing up Heritage when talking about government healthcare? Heritage doesn't vote in the House. Heritage doesn't vote in the Senate. Heritage doesn't run for President.

No, Heritage is just the ones who put together their talking points because most Republicans are dumber than stumps.
Why do you people keep bringing up Heritage when talking about government healthcare? Heritage doesn't vote in the House. Heritage doesn't vote in the Senate. Heritage doesn't run for President.

No, Heritage is just the ones who put together their talking points because most Republicans are dumber than stumps.

We don't march in lockstep to the instructions of the MSM--you do. That's why when there's a school shooting, the puppet masters instruct you to hate an organization that had nothing to do with it. They say--you do. No thought involved.

Heritage to us is what Mother Fn Jones is to you. Your puppet masters searched high and low to find somebody....anybody to blame shift Commie Care on because it was such an utter failure.
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