Republicans and Roosevelt


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Republicans should thank Roosevelt in their prayers. Without him going for a 3rd term and an eventual 4th term we would more than likely still have no amendment stating on 2 terms are allowed...imagine Obama for a 3rd or 4th term! For me it would depend on who was running against him but I think he would win easily. Kept us out of war with Iran,Freed a POW after years being kept captive,fixed economy after Bush's screw up,got us out of Iraq and is now having to clean up more of Bush's mess and creation of ISIS,Took giant step towards helping all Americans with healthcare,on and on and on. Not as great as Roosevelt IMO but pretty close. :)
Republicans should thank Roosevelt in their prayers. Without him going for a 3rd term and an eventual 4th term we would more than likely still have no amendment stating on 2 terms are allowed...imagine Obama for a 3rd or 4th term! For me it would depend on who was running against him but I think he would win easily. Kept us out of war with Iran,Freed a POW after years being kept captive,fixed economy after Bush's screw up,got us out of Iraq and is now having to clean up more of Bush's mess and creation of ISIS,Took giant step towards helping all Americans with healthcare,on and on and on. Not as great as Roosevelt IMO but pretty close. :)

You're giving all the liberal turds in here a bad name, you realize.
Republicans should thank Roosevelt in their prayers. Without him going for a 3rd term and an eventual 4th term we would more than likely still have no amendment stating on 2 terms are allowed...imagine Obama for a 3rd or 4th term! For me it would depend on who was running against him but I think he would win easily. Kept us out of war with Iran,Freed a POW after years being kept captive,fixed economy after Bush's screw up,got us out of Iraq and is now having to clean up more of Bush's mess and creation of ISIS,Took giant step towards helping all Americans with healthcare,on and on and on. Not as great as Roosevelt IMO but pretty close. :)

You're giving all the liberal turds in here a bad name, you realize.
Not a liberal by a long shot. I am economically a Socialist. Socially I am very conservative.
I can see it now. Headlines of all major newspapers on November 9th 2016. MASS SUICIDE OF REPUBLICANS AFTER OBAMA WINS 3RD TERM!

Well you're right about one thing, we can thank FDR for the 22nd Amendment, the rest not so much.
Two more notches in FDR's record book: only president elelcted four times, and only president to inspire the creation of a Constitutional amendment regarding number of terms.
Obama too seems to be on his way to making records: only president that inspired Republicans to name a medical program for him.
Well you're right about one thing, we can thank FDR for the 22nd Amendment, the rest not so much.
Two more notches in FDR's record book: only president elelcted four times, and only president to inspire the creation of a Constitutional amendment regarding number of terms.
Obama too seems to be on his way to making records: only president that inspired Republicans to name a medical program for him.

Too bad maobamacare won't last as long as the 22nd Amendment. And if only he would do us the same favor FDR did and die in office of natural causes.
You would have never heard of Obama, Regan would have been president till the say he died

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