Republicans: A little perspective


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Dear Republicans - Before you get too upset about the incoming Biden administration (and there will be one) Please consider in 2008 Republicans sounded many dire warnings about the incoming Obama administration.

* America would be turned into a muslim dominated, socialist hellhole.
* Passage of Obamacare would cause "death panels" "grannies being wheeled into the streets to die" and the "ruination of the American economy"
* Free enterprise would be outlawed in favor of a total socialist system
* All guns would be outlawed and confiscated
* Muslim terrorists would destroy the America we know and love
* Obama would open the borders and allow all foreign criminals sanctuary in America

So what really happened? 30 million people acquired badly needed healthcare coverage that previously had none, gun ownership increased, illegal border crossings dropped to an all time low, the economy and financial markets recovered from the great recession, and Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid ordered by Obama, and his organization badly crippled due to the confiscation of multiple computers and data rich discs allowing American special forces to conduct additional raids on terrorist organizations. ---All this despite the GOP fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way!

So please tone down the scary stories Republicans, the Liberals are not the villains you'd like to believe. :bye1:
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Dear Republicans - Before you get too upset about the incoming Biden administration (and there will be one) Please consider in 2008 Republicans sounded many dire warnings about the incoming Obama administration.

* America would be turned into a muslim dominated, socialist hellhole.
* Passage of Obamacare would cause "death panels" "grannies being wheeled into the streets to die" and the "ruination of the American economy"
* Free enterprise would be outlawed in favor of a total socialist system
* All guns would be outlawed and confiscated
* Muslim terrorists would destroy the America we know and love
* Obama would open the borders and allow all foreign criminals sanctuary in America

So what really happened? 30 million people acquired badly needed healthcare coverage that previously had none, gun ownership increased, illegal border crossings dropped to an all time low, the economy and financial markets recovered from the great recession, and Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid ordered by Obama, and his organization badly crippled due to the confiscation of multiple computers and data rich discs allowing American special forces to conduct additional raids on terrorist organizations. ---All this despite the GOP fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way!

So please tone down the scary stories Republicans, the Liberals are not the villains you'd like to believe. :bye1:
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....
Dear Republicans - Before you get too upset about the incoming Biden administration (and there will be one) Please consider in 2008 Republicans sounded many dire warnings about the incoming Obama administration.

* America would be turned into a muslim dominated, socialist hellhole.
* Passage of Obamacare would cause "death panels" "grannies being wheeled into the streets to die" and the "ruination of the American economy"
* Free enterprise would be outlawed in favor of a total socialist system
* All guns would be outlawed and confiscated
* Muslim terrorists would destroy the America we know and love
* Obama would open the borders and allow all foreign criminals sanctuary in America

So what really happened? 30 million people acquired badly needed healthcare coverage that previously had none, gun ownership increased, illegal border crossings dropped to an all time low, the economy and financial markets recovered from the great recession, and Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid ordered by Obama, and his organization badly crippled due to the confiscation of multiple computers and data rich discs allowing American special forces to conduct additional raids on terrorist organizations. ---All this despite the GOP fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way!

So please tone down the scary stories Republicans, the Liberals are not the villains you'd like to believe. :bye1:
4 out of 6 ain't bad
Dear Republicans - Before you get too upset about the incoming Biden administration (and there will be one) Please consider in 2008 Republicans sounded many dire warnings about the incoming Obama administration.

* America would be turned into a muslim dominated, socialist hellhole.
* Passage of Obamacare would cause "death panels" "grannies being wheeled into the streets to die" and the "ruination of the American economy"
* Free enterprise would be outlawed in favor of a total socialist system
* All guns would be outlawed and confiscated
* Muslim terrorists would destroy the America we know and love
* Obama would open the borders and allow all foreign criminals sanctuary in America

So what really happened? 30 million people acquired badly needed healthcare coverage that previously had none, gun ownership increased, illegal border crossings dropped to an all time low, the economy and financial markets recovered from the great recession, and Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid ordered by Obama, and his organization badly crippled due to the confiscation of multiple computers and data rich discs allowing American special forces to conduct additional raids on terrorist organizations. ---All this despite the GOP fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way!

So please tone down the scary stories Republicans, Biden and the Liberals are not the villains you'd like to believe. :bye1:
Lol. An incoming Harris Biden administration. I don’t care who you are that there is funny.
Who do you think are looting and burning? Who do you think called Trump xenophobic for trying to shut down air travel?
As far as 44 that was the worst administration we have ever had. They spied on the American people, Congress and even Trump. ACA gave people healthcare that they can’t use, and those that had healthcare couldn’t afford it anymore. It put more people out of work and on part time instead of full time because ACA.
They sold firearms to drug cartels. Confiscated computers from journalists. 44 was spending like a drunken sailor until the Republicans slowed him down.
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....
Actually Trump is the only one telling horror stories. His rallies don't talk about what he's going to do in a second term, but instead about how bad America would become if he isn't re-elected.

Trump has no vision for the future, only stories of gloom and doom.
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....
Actually Trump is the only one telling horror stories. His rallies don't talk about what he's going to do in a second term, but instead about how bad America would become if he isn't re-elected.

Trump has no vision for the future, only stories of gloom and doom.

Yes he is, what you meant is that CNN is not telling you about it.

Meanwhile Biden's plan is to... hate Trump!
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....
Actually Trump is the only one telling horror stories. His rallies don't talk about what he's going to do in a second term, but instead about how bad America would become if he isn't re-elected.

Trump has no vision for the future, only stories of gloom and doom.

Yes he is, what you meant is that CNN is not telling you about it.

Meanwhile Biden's plan is to... hate Trump!

After 47 years of failure in government Biden doesn't have anything but hate Trump.
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....

Doesn’t it bother republicans Trump isn’t even talking about what he’ll do in his second term?

are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....
Actually Trump is the only one telling horror stories. His rallies don't talk about what he's going to do in a second term, but instead about how bad America would become if he isn't re-elected.

Trump has no vision for the future, only stories of gloom and doom.
sure he is.....the 2 parties love people like you.....only one side does or says shitty things......
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....

Doesn’t it bother republicans Trump isn’t even talking about what he’ll do in his second term?

There are threads in this very forum establishing the very available - and American agenda.

I see plenty of villains and criminals in the streets screaming for the destruction of America...and they aren't Trump supporters

It's all happening in "TRUMPS AMERICA"

Didn't used to happen under Obama.
we never had riots because of something a cop did under obama?...dam they sure stuck a flag in your ass....
Trump has no vision for the future, only stories of gloom and doom.
sure he is.....the 2 parties love people like you.....only one side does or says shitty things......
Trump stopped "keep america great" and went back to "make america great"

Which means Trump failed at making America great, and in fact, reversed it to worse than what he inherited.
Dear Republicans - Before you get too upset about the incoming Biden administration (and there will be one) Please consider in 2008 Republicans sounded many dire warnings about the incoming Obama administration.

* America would be turned into a muslim dominated, socialist hellhole.
* Passage of Obamacare would cause "death panels" "grannies being wheeled into the streets to die" and the "ruination of the American economy"
* Free enterprise would be outlawed in favor of a total socialist system
* All guns would be outlawed and confiscated
* Muslim terrorists would destroy the America we know and love
* Obama would open the borders and allow all foreign criminals sanctuary in America

So what really happened? 30 million people acquired badly needed healthcare coverage that previously had none, gun ownership increased, illegal border crossings dropped to an all time low, the economy and financial markets recovered from the great recession, and Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid ordered by Obama, and his organization badly crippled due to the confiscation of multiple computers and data rich discs allowing American special forces to conduct additional raids on terrorist organizations. ---All this despite the GOP fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way!

So please tone down the scary stories Republicans, the Liberals are not the villains you'd like to believe. :bye1:
Our nation is not in a good way. The Republicans need this more then you. And you may find that the new Justice to be voted on will be a calming and not a extremist. The nation is moving leftward. We have open socialists now. Now in front of us all. This was not the way we were supposed to go with all of the Social Justice advances and inclusion that was blended into our nation since the 1960's. So one party is 80% of the issues for near 60 years while the other is 20% and is the one brandished for that. Progs saw the top of the mountain at the Federal level in 2016. And blew it. The greatest choke job in American history. It was a total Politician/Media/Entertainer/Elitist blowback that has driven them even more insane. We are not taxed at low levels. We are a much higher taxed nation today then many decades ago. You will get it from the proletariat as you always do.
are the democrats going to tone down their horror stories too?.....
Actually Trump is the only one telling horror stories. His rallies don't talk about what he's going to do in a second term, but instead about how bad America would become if he isn't re-elected.

Trump has no vision for the future, only stories of gloom and doom.
Lol, Biden is running on promises he started 50 years ago. Guess what he hasn’t solved them yet.

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