Republican women in Wisconsin have a more unfavorable opinion of Christine Ford than Republican men

Many Republican women are brainwashed by the men in their lives so I'm not got Republican women who think grabbing women by the pussy is ok, so I'm not surprised.

I wonder though, if Brett Kavanaugh was a democrat and an Obama pick, would these Republican women still be slandering Dr. Ford?

Talk about soft sexism.....
The ignorant slut Christine Ford with her fake little girls voice gave a laughable testimony that had more holes in her story than a piece of swiss cheese.

The majority of women could easily see through her lies. ... :cool:

Those lies:

1. Teaching someone to take lie detector test

New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph

2. A separate door in her house

Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door AccountFord testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of “claustrophobia” and “panic attacks" she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

"Is that the reason for the second door — front door -- is claustrophobia?” asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. “Correct,” Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.” https://www.realclearinvestigations...uments_undermine_fords_exit_door_account.html

3.Being afraid to fly, “…it was presented as a terror so overwhelming, so uncontrollable, as to prevent her from traveling by air under any circumstances. No – Professordoktor Ford, we were led to believe, would need to drive from Palo Alto to Washington to testify before the Senate Judicial Committee.

This claim fell apart in short order after it was revealed that Ford had lived for a year in Honolulu, a city effectively unreachable except by air, had vacationed in Tahiti and other areas of the Pacific, and regularly flew from California to the east coast to visit family. In light of all this, the “driving” claim became a running social media joke, with bogus reports of which was the last town she had driven through. “

4. Blasey Ford allowed the public and the committee to believe that she was a psychologist in the full meaning of the term. She specifically told the committee that she was a “research psychologist”. She also made the claim on her university web site page, and in several other cases. The legacy media (for instance, theWashington Post and the Atlantic) dropped the “research’ part and repeatedly asserted that she was a licensed psychologist, with no request for a correction from the Blasey Ford camp.

In fact, she is no such thing. While she has done the course work, and was awarded a doctorate in the field, she still lacks certification. To qualify as a “psychologist” in the state of California (and every other state in the union), an individual must serve a one-year residency and pass several rigorous examinations. Blasey Ford has not done so. She is, ipso facto, not a psychologist.

And, the most obvious lie....attempted groping by Brett Kavanaugh

About that lie detector test, from your link, and I quote:
During her testimony before the committee last week, Ford said under oath that she had never given any tips or advice to anyone who was planning on taking or preparing for a polygraph test.

If Ford’s former boyfriend is telling the truth in his statement, which he submitted under penalty of felony, it could implicate her in perjury.

Grassley says it is not only concerning that Ford may have lied under oath, but also brings into question the reliability of the results of her polygraph.
Many Republican women are brainwashed by the men in their lives so I'm not got Republican women who think grabbing women by the pussy is ok, so I'm not surprised.

I wonder though, if Brett Kavanaugh was a democrat and an Obama pick, would these Republican women still be slandering Dr. Ford?


You’re the brainwashed one if you think Ford’s claims we’re credible.
this has backfired on the demoncats. BIGLY!

Ryan James Girdusky on Twitter
Any woman that favours the pussy grabber party is not a decent woman.

I believe many Democrat women voted for known rapist, Bill Clinton.

And? Is that your defense for voting a pussy grabber? Cheater? Adulterer? Prostitutes addict ? Sexual harasser? Sexual predators nominator ?
this has backfired on the demoncats. BIGLY!

Ryan James Girdusky on Twitter
Any woman that favours the pussy grabber party is not a decent woman.

I believe many Democrat women voted for known rapist, Bill Clinton.

And? Is that your defense for voting a pussy grabber? Cheater? Adulterer? Prostitutes addict ? Sexual harasser? Sexual predators nominator ?

I haven't seen any indication that your charge is true.....but even Democrat elites admit Democrat Clinton is a rapist.
this has backfired on the demoncats. BIGLY!

Ryan James Girdusky on Twitter
Any woman that favours the pussy grabber party is not a decent woman.

I believe many Democrat women voted for known rapist, Bill Clinton.

And? Is that your defense for voting a pussy grabber? Cheater? Adulterer? Prostitutes addict ? Sexual harasser? Sexual predators nominator ?

My defense is that Trump isn't Hillary.

I would have voted for Bernie over Hillary.
this has backfired on the demoncats. BIGLY!

Ryan James Girdusky on Twitter
Any woman that favours the pussy grabber party is not a decent woman.

I believe many Democrat women voted for known rapist, Bill Clinton.

And? Is that your defense for voting a pussy grabber? Cheater? Adulterer? Prostitutes addict ? Sexual harasser? Sexual predators nominator ?

My defense is that Trump isn't Hillary.

I would have voted for Bernie over Hillary.

Beelzebub over Hillary.
Ballsy Ford is either mentally ill or a paid democrat operative. The troubling thing is anyone who supports her is by definition mentally ill or a paid democrat operative. Sadly most are not getting paychecks from Soros and simply "unhinged" idiots or "mentally ill" also. So dims are getting reamed from multiple orifices. :p

She's mentally ill. She's that little girl who reacted in a peculiar way in grade school to attract attention and a desire to adopt the victim role. We all know the type don't we? Irony is she still talks like a little girl.

I believe she believes what she's saying. Democrats are corrupt, they're not necessarily stupid. They lacked a playing card, so they took advantage of Ford. It's interesting to watch how "liberals" have set a precedent that women are always right, men are always wrong and they're guilty until proved innocent. Emphasis on "liberal".

Liberal only stands for one thing today, no exception, and that's liberal meanings.
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