Reporter John Solomon Goes On The Warpath Against Liberal Media


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The mainstream media in modern America is nothing more than the liberal propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, a tool in the hands of progressives who are looking to brainwash average Americans into supporting their transformation of this country from a constitutional republic, a beacon of hope and freedom for the world, into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela.

Individuals who work for these major networks are not above lying in order to craft a narrative that suits their agenda, even if it means smearing folks’ good name in the process. However, this is something that investigative reporter John Solomon has apparently had enough of.

Reporter John Solomon Goes On The Warpath Against Liberal Media; Check Out Allegations He’s Making About Who Was Really Involved In Spygate | Tea Party Pac
Solomon has been a respected investigative reporter everywhere he has been -
Which is quite an impressive list.

It is not going to be good for the people that he has exposed.
The mainstream media in modern America is nothing more than the liberal propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, a tool in the hands of progressives who are looking to brainwash average Americans into supporting their transformation of this country from a constitutional republic, a beacon of hope and freedom for the world, into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela.

Individuals who work for these major networks are not above lying in order to craft a narrative that suits their agenda, even if it means smearing folks’ good name in the process. However, this is something that investigative reporter John Solomon has apparently had enough of.

Reporter John Solomon Goes On The Warpath Against Liberal Media; Check Out Allegations He’s Making About Who Was Really Involved In Spygate | Tea Party Pac
Yep. They’ll JoeyB Dolezal up anything to help sell the crap they’re slinging.
Solomon led the media in exposing Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 US presidential elections.

The Obama administration and Hillary campaign and DNC operatives were working with Ukrainian officials to create the Trump-Russia collusion hoax during the 2016 election.

The liberal media attacked Solomon this week for his reports exposing Ukrainian operatives involvement in the 2016 election.

All of these are documented facts -bj
John Solomon: Listen, every fact in every column I wrote on The Hill was vetted by The Hill, by their lawyers and to this day every fact that remains in public confirmed. Adam Schiff’s three witnesses confirm all of the narratives in my columns. Yes, the State Department embassy in Kiev was pressuring Ukrainian authorities to drop certain cases. Yes, there was concerns about Hunter Biden and his conflicts of interest at Burisma. And, yes there was some evidence that Ukrainian officials were trying to stick their fingers in our 2016 election… I’m in consultation with some lawyers right now about bringing some targeted legal action, not because I want to make any money but because I want to correct the public record for the American people.
The mainstream media in modern America is nothing more than the liberal propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, a tool in the hands of progressives who are looking to brainwash average Americans into supporting their transformation of this country from a constitutional republic, a beacon of hope and freedom for the world, into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela.

Individuals who work for these major networks are not above lying in order to craft a narrative that suits their agenda, even if it means smearing folks’ good name in the process. However, this is something that investigative reporter John Solomon has apparently had enough of.

Reporter John Solomon Goes On The Warpath Against Liberal Media; Check Out Allegations He’s Making About Who Was Really Involved In Spygate | Tea Party Pac
Soloman is not a reporter, he's an entertained.
Solomon is going to see that this filth can't hide behind the 1st amendment any more!

The first amendment (or posing as a "journalist") does NOT protect you from committing treason against our country!

The mainstream media in modern America is nothing more than the liberal propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, a tool in the hands of progressives who are looking to brainwash average Americans into supporting their transformation of this country from a constitutional republic, a beacon of hope and freedom for the world, into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela.

Individuals who work for these major networks are not above lying in order to craft a narrative that suits their agenda, even if it means smearing folks’ good name in the process. However, this is something that investigative reporter John Solomon has apparently had enough of.

Reporter John Solomon Goes On The Warpath Against Liberal Media; Check Out Allegations He’s Making About Who Was Really Involved In Spygate | Tea Party Pac
Soloman is not a reporter, he's an entertained.

Least informed person in the group
The mainstream media in modern America is nothing more than the liberal propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, a tool in the hands of progressives who are looking to brainwash average Americans into supporting their transformation of this country from a constitutional republic, a beacon of hope and freedom for the world, into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela.

Individuals who work for these major networks are not above lying in order to craft a narrative that suits their agenda, even if it means smearing folks’ good name in the process. However, this is something that investigative reporter John Solomon has apparently had enough of.

Reporter John Solomon Goes On The Warpath Against Liberal Media; Check Out Allegations He’s Making About Who Was Really Involved In Spygate | Tea Party Pac
Nobody knows about or cares about that guy
Another Trumper circle jerk.....

The media is blatantly dishonest and untrustworthy, hence their abysmal approval rating from the public. Anyone who can't see that has their buried deep into the sand.
Simply saying "the media is biased" doesn't address what this post is about...Solomon is a hack....

Trump owes his very existence to the media -- wasn't anyone thinking about Trump being president until the media propped him up and gave him more free pub than any candidate in history....

The media was who waved poms poms and cheered for an Iraq war instead of scrutinizing it, the media attacked anyone who spoke out against the Iraq War -- and after the Bush years were over and everyone had to admit the Iraq War was bullshit -- its the people who cheerlead for the Iraq war who are still in the media, not the ones who spoke against it...

The media has a bias, but it damn sure aint liberal...….the bias the media has is this insistence that "both sides do it" --- the insistence that the GOP just suddenly became what they are the minute Trump came along -- all bullshit...
Nothing John Salami prints is ever true!
All documented -
You POS liar.
Absolutely nothing documented.

Everything single fucking thing documented - quit looking up your own ass though, you are not going to find it there.
Ask Solomon to come in and testify under oath and I guarantee you this is the expression he will give you....

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Nothing John Salami prints is ever true!
All documented -
You POS liar.
Absolutely nothing documented.

Everything single fucking thing documented - quit looking up your own ass though, you are not going to find it there.
Nothing is documented and testimony UNDER OATH completely contradicts Salami's lies!

Listen son
The evidence is not going to be up your ass (though plenty probably is)
Pull your head out-
Get out of your bubble
or - don't
But it seems stupid not to.

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