Replacing The Stone Mountain Mural With Acceptable Subsitutes

I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

lame. yawn.
I was serious. They contributed more to the nation than those three traitors up on the mountain now.

The Confederates, including the leaders, were all exonerated of "treason", john.

President Lincoln , as well as his successors, looked to HEAL the nation. Why are liberals so hell bent on reopening hostilities in the War of Northern Aggression? Weren't enough people killed?
Lincoln never pardoned the political or military leaders of the confederacy. Yes he wanted to heal the nation, but that does not take away that they engaged in treason against the United States America.

Of course, I will leave it up to the locals to determine what to do with the monument.
Stone Mountain is an abomination. Dr MLK said “let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!” in his “I have a dream” speech and a few years later they decided to make it a monument to hate.

“Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev” was spoken by the right God Reagan. That wall was also a monument to hate. No one said “whoa, the Berlin Wall is History!”

The commie who cheated on his wife all the time, and allegedly with underage girls more than a few times? lol great example for Democrats, certainly. Clinton's role model. Faggots wouldn't approve, though; just too much hetero sex going on in MLK's life.
So let me summarize what you said to verify I understood correctly... You have no intelligible thoughts and can only parrot racist and homophobic slurs?
'Replacing The Stone Mountain Mural With Acceptable Substitutes'

Acceptable by WHOM?

Foreign/Domestic terrorist-supporting? Soros/China/Russia/Iran-traitorous Democrat collaborators? The socialist/communist domestic/imported terrorists undermining local/state/federal authority, destroying our culture/history?

I am sure they would love to see President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson be replaced with Maj. Gen. Benjamin 'Beast' Butler, Maj. Gen. Ambrose 'Bloody' Burnside, and Maj. Gen. George 'Yellow' McClellan.

If Biden goes in, the Democrats can replace George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore with Carter, Clinton, Barry, & Hillary...or their masters, the Shah, Epstein, Putin & Chairman Mao / President Xi.

I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

lame. yawn.
I was serious. They contributed more to the nation than those three traitors up on the mountain now.

The Confederates, including the leaders, were all exonerated of "treason", john.

President Lincoln , as well as his successors, looked to HEAL the nation. Why are liberals so hell bent on reopening hostilities in the War of Northern Aggression? Weren't enough people killed?

Stone Mountain is a part of history and should be left alone.
I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

lame. yawn.
I was serious. They contributed more to the nation than those three traitors up on the mountain now.

The Confederates, including the leaders, were all exonerated of "treason", john.

President Lincoln , as well as his successors, looked to HEAL the nation. Why are liberals so hell bent on reopening hostilities in the War of Northern Aggression? Weren't enough people killed?
Lincoln never pardoned the political or military leaders of the confederacy. Yes he wanted to heal the nation, but that does not take away that they engaged in treason against the United States America.

Of course, I will leave it up to the locals to determine what to do with the monument.

Lincoln of course passed away before he could pardon almost anyone. But his handpicked Vice President, Johnson, did pardon almost everyone. And Liberal Icon Jimmy Carter finished the job by fully exonerating President Davis.

In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.
I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

lame. yawn.
I was serious. They contributed more to the nation than those three traitors up on the mountain now.

The Confederates, including the leaders, were all exonerated of "treason", john.

President Lincoln , as well as his successors, looked to HEAL the nation. Why are liberals so hell bent on reopening hostilities in the War of Northern Aggression? Weren't enough people killed?
Lincoln never pardoned the political or military leaders of the confederacy. Yes he wanted to heal the nation, but that does not take away that they engaged in treason against the United States America.

Of course, I will leave it up to the locals to determine what to do with the monument.

Lincoln of course passed away before he could pardon almost anyone. But his handpicked Vice President, Johnson, did pardon almost everyone. And Liberal Icon Jimmy Carter finished the job by fully exonerating President Davis.

In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.

I Lincoln hadn't of been killed, he would have been impeached, for the same reason Johnson was, implementing his original plan.
I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

lame. yawn.
I was serious. They contributed more to the nation than those three traitors up on the mountain now.

The Confederates, including the leaders, were all exonerated of "treason", john.

President Lincoln , as well as his successors, looked to HEAL the nation. Why are liberals so hell bent on reopening hostilities in the War of Northern Aggression? Weren't enough people killed?

Stone Mountain is a part of history and should be left alone.
Ahhhhh. The history of 1972!
Stone Mountain is an abomination. Dr MLK said “let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!” in his “I have a dream” speech and a few years later they decided to make it a monument to hate.

“Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev” was spoken by the right God Reagan. That wall was also a monument to hate. No one said “whoa, the Berlin Wall is History!”

The commie who cheated on his wife all the time, and allegedly with underage girls more than a few times? lol great example for Democrats, certainly. Clinton's role model. Faggots wouldn't approve, though; just too much hetero sex going on in MLK's life.
So let me summarize what you said to verify I understood correctly... You have no intelligible thoughts and can only parrot racist and homophobic slurs?

Some racist parrot is whining and using made up psychobabble words as if they mean something.

lol why do these gimps now all of sudden can't get behind a George Floyd tribute and other Heroes Of Black Culture? I'm on thier side here, and my suggestions are representative of the current 'Conversation black people are pretending they want to have, but really just want to extort a lot of cash from the governments; they've been hearing about the faux 'Palestinians' and Da EVul Joos a lot lately; see Jeenyus Nick Cannon's latest words of wisdom for a lot more 'black Conversations'.
'Replacing The Stone Mountain Mural With Acceptable Substitutes'

Acceptable by WHOM?

Foreign/Domestic terrorist-supporting? Soros/China/Russia/Iran-traitorous Democrat collaborators? The socialist/communist domestic/imported terrorists undermining local/state/federal authority, destroying our culture/history?

I am sure they would love to see President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson be replaced with Maj. Gen. Benjamin 'Beast' Butler, Maj. Gen. Ambrose 'Bloody' Burnside, and Maj. Gen. George 'Yellow' McClellan.

Yes, it's hilarious how they gush over what those drunken sociopaths in the northern armies did to southerners, including the mass murders of almost a million black people in 'contraband camps', but then turn around and snivel about the 'plight of the native Americans', as if the the two aren't related; one of Pope's first commands was being sent to Minnesota to murder a bunch of indians, and of course after the war the railroads and fake 'homesteaders' needed the savages out of the way, so out went the Army, in yet another big subsidy for all the free land they gave away to the railroads and speculators, the original reason for the illegal war against the South in the first place. The commies and deviants like the wars that killed white people just fine, as long as big companies made lots of free money off the deal.
Don't laugh.
A city in North Carolina just voted to pay slavery reparations.

Now watch the wave spread across the nation like a virus.

Lot of idiots in that city. None of them know anyone who was a slave, and I'm sure none of them know anyone who owned a slave.

More PC bullshit.

Given the black population there, half the money would have to come from ... black people. lol
Mural? Stone Mountain is a gigantic sculpture on private property. Should we replace the Statue of Liberty?

If this cancel culture is not stopped, the Stone Mountain and ALL "disliked" statutes and monument will in fact be demolished.

Real history is already being replaced with fake PC fantasies, which of course renders history completely worthless as a tool for progress or even a sense of progress and cultural evolution.

"And here is what bothers me so much about modern "scholarship." At what point did history become ethics? Why should we subvert the elusive search for facts to moralist concerns? So what if they are on or off the hook? If you want to be a preacher, go preach. If you want to save the world, go into politics. If you want to invent a world free of evil, take prozac. It was said in Ecclesiastes and it still is true today, people suck. They did then, all of them. They do now, all of us. History is the history of self-interested, competing, aggressive, selfish, murderous humans. At what point did it become a morality play?" -Dave WIlliams, George Mason Univ.

Bold added by me.

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