Rep tracking?

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So is there any way the mods or admin can see, and post, who the top reppers are?

Maybe over the last year, month and week?

Top 5 neg reppers, top 5 positive reppers?

Inquiring minds want to know!
So is there any way the mods or admin can see, and post, who the top reppers are?

Maybe over the last year, month and week?

Top 5 neg reppers, top 5 positive reppers?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Shouldn't that remain private? Some people will be repped in expectation to be repped back.
Some people don't rep back. Some people rep in (I guess) expectation to be repped back.
If users exceed their rep, there really won't be a top five.
Inquiring minds want to know because one of the highest neg reppers is musing that someone else is probably the highest neg repper.

I don't know why it should be private. If you aren't abusing it, what's the problem? The messages wouldn't be shared...just the numbers.

I know I'm interested in it.
Inquiring minds want to know because one of the highest neg reppers is musing that someone else is probably the highest neg repper.

I don't know why it should be private. If you aren't abusing it, what's the problem? The messages wouldn't be shared...just the numbers.

I know I'm interested in it.

You would have to keep that information for years. My own personal history of repping disappears after a while which means the board doesn't keep track of it. I think an added module to do that would slow down the board. I already have to wait 30 seconds between searches and ten seconds or more between replies. With hundreds of users using the board, I think it would create more overhead for the board software.

Rep points are make believe points. They don't mean anything other than giving someone a red scarlet letter. The only reason people strive for rep is because they don't want to be bullied by people with more rep or by being in the red. I only want to see like minded people to do good which is why I seek to rep them.
Good for you. Now I'll wait to see if a mod can answer the question...if it's possible.

I'm not interested in doing it myself. My question is whether or not the admin can, or would be interested in, doing it.
I never give rep for rep, positive or negative.
I rep when I agree with what is said by a poster, even if they have negged me in the past.
I never red brick anyone.
But can you do it, [MENTION=19170]Coyote[/MENTION]? Have you a way to compile the total neg/pos reps that people have given out in a given period of time?
Still fuzzy on the rep system. What's the diff between Thanks, and Thanked? Do the Thanked in threads as warranted, but how dya do a Thanks?

Or is it, now that I see and think about it, the Thanks is the number of times I've given a Thanks, and Thanked the number I've received?
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Damn, and I thought Righties were all for personal liberty, but now KG wants to go snooping around in other peoples' business. Fucking nanny-state Righties they are!!!

Overturn the Nanny-state!! Overturn the Nanny-State!!!

That's interest was piqued because Boop and some of the other haggers are running around blabbing about who they think gives out the most negs.

I can understand why they wouldn't want anyone to know the reality. Could be awkward to have someone look at how many, how often, and for what purpose they're repping..given the fact that the rules state that concerted and organized rep abuse is against the rules. Right, stat? I see you're throwing your oar in already. Apparently you're one of the *in* crowd too.

Go figure. Boop never learns, either.
Damn, and I thought Righties were all for personal liberty, but now KG wants to go snooping around in other peoples' business. Fucking nanny-state Righties they are!!!

Overturn the Nanny-state!! Overturn the Nanny-State!!!

That's interest was piqued because Boop and some of the other haggers are running around blabbing about who they think gives out the most negs.

I can understand why they wouldn't want anyone to know the reality. Could be awkward to have someone look at how many, how often, and for what purpose they're repping..given the fact that the rules state that concerted and organized rep abuse is against the rules. Right, stat? I see you're throwing your oar in already. Apparently you're one of the *in* crowd too.

Go figure. Boop never learns, either.

It's not interest on your part, but rather, thirst for revenge.

I don't look for an "in" crowd. I am who I am. And thank G-d I am not you. You love to attach attributes to people whom you don't even know. Is that a sickness with you, or what?

Boop and a couple of others were merely speculating. So, stick that in your speculum.
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Ooh..a vagina reference! Awesome! You obviously respect females a LOT!
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