Rep. Jim Jordan on Biden Mask Surrender: ‘Worst Start to Any Administration in History’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Rep. Jim Jordan on Biden Mask Surrender: ‘Worst Start to Any Administration in History’​

27 Jul 2021 ~~ By Sean Moran

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s mask mandate surrender represents the latest instance of Biden’s “worst start of any administration in history.”
Jordan, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee and House Freedom Caucus cofounder, spoke to Breitbart News after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that they will recommend Americans, even fully vaccinated people, should wear masks indoors again in places with high coronavirus infection rates.
This stands as a stark reversal of the CDC’s decision to lift the national mask mandates in May, in which Biden declared that his administration had made substantial progress on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
Jordan told Breitbart News that this serves as the latest instance of Biden’s faltering administration seven months into his four-year term. The Ohio conservative explained that Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Biden administration have continually shifted their stance on if masks effectively guard against the coronavirus and if the federal government funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
“I think everything hurts his favorability, and the American people are smart. They see that this is the worst start to any administration in history. Twelve people killed in Chicago — murdered,” Jordan said. “So, crime is up everywhere. You got a border crisis … I mean, the border crisis out of control. So, it was looking like March was the highest month on record for illegal crossings until April, and April was the highest month on record until May, and then there was the highest month on record until June. So that’s what you call a bad trend. So, you know, Americans see that they see the price of everything.”
“And, frankly, Republicans lots of independents, see this relentless attack on President Trump. So I think his numbers are gonna continue to go down; it’s just the nature of being having a bad start to your presidency,” Jordan added.

They're scrambling to cover their seeding a new wave of Covid-19 infections by using unvaccinated and contagious illegal aliens as super spreaders throughout America.
The evidence of voter fraud and a stolen election is a spike that is going to be much more harmful to the communists than their manipulation of a story about face diapers, slave collars, vaccinations and diseases will ever be to us.
The only direction from the Bai Dung Admin is DOWN and its a HARD DOWNWARD SPIRAL of CONFUSION, Corruption, and into a Marxist Socialist Communist State.
... the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that they will recommend Americans, even fully vaccinated people, should wear masks indoors again in places with high coronavirus infection rates.
This stands as a stark reversal of the CDC’s decision to lift the national mask mandates in May, in which Biden declared that his administration had made substantial progress on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

That's because the red states have turned red (high delta variant infection rate) with positivity and hospitalizations skyrocketing.
Of course republicans are only slowly coming around to recognizing the need for vaccination. Or as Tucker Carlson would say … giving up their freedom.

Rep. Jim Jordan on Biden Mask Surrender: ‘Worst Start to Any Administration in History’​

27 Jul 2021 ~~ By Sean Moran

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s mask mandate surrender represents the latest instance of Biden’s “worst start of any administration in history.”
Jordan, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee and House Freedom Caucus cofounder, spoke to Breitbart News after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that they will recommend Americans, even fully vaccinated people, should wear masks indoors again in places with high coronavirus infection rates.
This stands as a stark reversal of the CDC’s decision to lift the national mask mandates in May, in which Biden declared that his administration had made substantial progress on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
Jordan told Breitbart News that this serves as the latest instance of Biden’s faltering administration seven months into his four-year term. The Ohio conservative explained that Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Biden administration have continually shifted their stance on if masks effectively guard against the coronavirus and if the federal government funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
“I think everything hurts his favorability, and the American people are smart. They see that this is the worst start to any administration in history. Twelve people killed in Chicago — murdered,” Jordan said. “So, crime is up everywhere. You got a border crisis … I mean, the border crisis out of control. So, it was looking like March was the highest month on record for illegal crossings until April, and April was the highest month on record until May, and then there was the highest month on record until June. So that’s what you call a bad trend. So, you know, Americans see that they see the price of everything.”
“And, frankly, Republicans lots of independents, see this relentless attack on President Trump. So I think his numbers are gonna continue to go down; it’s just the nature of being having a bad start to your presidency,” Jordan added.

They're scrambling to cover their seeding a new wave of Covid-19 infections by using unvaccinated and contagious illegal aliens as super spreaders throughout America.
The evidence of voter fraud and a stolen election is a spike that is going to be much more harmful to the communists than their manipulation of a story about face diapers, slave collars, vaccinations and diseases will ever be to us.
The only direction from the Bai Dung Admin is DOWN and its a HARD DOWNWARD SPIRAL of CONFUSION, Corruption, and into a Marxist Socialist Communist State.
The regime thinks that we out in flyover country are too stupid to see what they're doing....They're tragically mistaken.
That's because the red states have turned red (high delta variant infection rate) with positivity and hospitalizations skyrocketing.
Of course republicans are only slowly coming around to recognizing the need for vaccination. Or as Tucker Carlson would say … giving up their freedom.
Links, please.
FYI, blacks and highspanics are highest in unvaccinated. Tens of thousands of unvetted, untested and likely unvaccinated illegals are breaking in, most are black and brown. You must be most fearful of blacks and browns. Wait until your democrat friends find out.

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