Rep. Boebert Takes Cardboard Cutout of Harris to Border Video Hillarous

Harris has not done anything to impress me yet, and she was not my choice for vice, BUT will wait until she has been in office more than a few months before making judgment.
WTF is she VP in training or something? Who's more incompetent at VP Harris or Biden?
And Pence accomplished what? Except give Trump a reach around whenever Rufus Goofus came a calling.
Bang Bang Barbie is a fucking dipshit. An increasing number of Republicans in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
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Has cardboard Harris be taken to Europe yet?

Wow!!! what a circus is this stolen communist Administration!!!:rolleyes:
I like Boebert. Republican Party needs to hold Democrats accountable for the border crisis.
What's next? Sock puppets?

What ever happened to people taking their job responsibilities seriously? What ever happened to the dignity of the position dictating a higher code of conduct, especially when interacting with the general public?

Boebert wasn't hired as the entertainment director of a retirement home where people may need to be distracted from the immediacy of their daily problems. She was elected to be a legislator in the US Congress, and she gets paid $174,000 per year which I bet is a hell of a lot more than she was making running a small restaurant in a small town on the Western Slope of Colorado. Is it too much to ask for conservatives to actually perform their duties without making a mockery of their offices like an organ grinder walking into a public square with a trained monkey to collect coins in a tambourine?

Unfortunately, this is little more than a cry for attention ala MTG. And that's because this performance had nothing to do with trying to solve the problem of border crossings by people who are suffering from gang violence, no jobs, or having endured the destruction of back-to-back hurricanes last year. And it certainly had nothing to to with alleviating human suffering either. It was all a stunt, which will undoubtedly be followed shortly by a letter seeking campaign contributions which was the entire point of the trip to the border.
All I'm going to do is point out how inept the current administration's policies are, TT.
Fair enough.
The border?
The border needs a solution that incorporates equal input from governments of both countries affected. It will be a long-term, likely very hard solution. It will take effort. But it would be a solution befitting a 'first world' nation, and one that would inspire borders globally. There. You're welcome.

Rather than doing that for most of my life, my government, in both parties, seems to be stuck in neutral, in a ditch, and throwing money, and really stupid ideas at it, putting fingers and bandaids into the dyke, wishing for it to fix itself. Dems want softer regulation on immigration, Reps don't. Simple shit.

That's basically immigration in this country: Both parties talk a big game, but neither really want to fix it. I'm no longer passionate about it. I've lived with the reality of illegal immigrants my whole life because that's how effective our government is at combatting it.

Some Orange dip shit rehashing the same old Right wing isolationist talking points doesn't impress. Neither does Obama the former wanting to fast track citizenship for reasons.

Foreign affairs?
Obama like China. Trump like China at first, but get more money from Russia, so, Obama like China, now America hate China!!! Because 0bama, get it?

Biden doesn't hate China quite as much as Mr. Trump. That is a problem for the magaturds.

The Economy?
Just the inflation that Biden and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight are now unleashing on the US is going to hit Americans hard in the wallet and it's going to get worse.
We'll see. Nothing to do but watch and see the current shit show, not to be confused with the previous shit show. :popcorn:
I like Boebert. Republican Party needs to hold Democrats accountable for the border crisis.
One wonders, how are all those illegal immigrants getting past that “big, beautiful” wall spanning the entire border that Mexico paid for? Apparently broken signature campaign promises are a lot easier to skirt than ones that are actually kept.
the answer is simple, like you.....the wall and the administration, that were doing their jobs, got upended by the corrupted xiden regime...anti AMERICA scum demonRATS
mexico did pay, shit stain....illegals stayed there and not in are pathetic
It's simpler than that. Your tribe lost and you're butthurt about it. We got it back in November. Keep crying like the impotent little bitches you are. :auiqs.jpg: It's a super macho look. Trust me.
If Biden keeps pushing a far left agenda...then he's four and done. Republicans are poised to take back both the House and the Senate at this rate. You seem to forget how slim your "majorities" are!
Dem majorities do not belong to me. And Reps are shook.
I like Boebert. Republican Party needs to hold Democrats accountable for the border crisis.
What's next? Sock puppets?

What ever happened to people taking their job responsibilities seriously? What ever happened to the dignity of the position dictating a higher code of conduct, especially when interacting with the general public?

Boebert wasn't hired as the entertainment director of a retirement home where people may need to be distracted from the immediacy of their daily problems. She was elected to be a legislator in the US Congress, and she gets paid $174,000 per year which I bet is a hell of a lot more than she was making running a small restaurant in a small town on the Western Slope of Colorado. Is it too much to ask for conservatives to actually perform their duties without making a mockery of their offices like an organ grinder walking into a public square with a trained monkey to collect coins in a tambourine?

Unfortunately, this is little more than a cry for attention ala MTG. And that's because this performance had nothing to do with trying to solve the problem of border crossings by people who are suffering from gang violence, no jobs, or having endured the destruction of back-to-back hurricanes last year. And it certainly had nothing to to with alleviating human suffering either. It was all a stunt, which will undoubtedly be followed shortly by a letter seeking campaign contributions which was the entire point of the trip to the border.

Don't be surprised if Kameltoe sends a sock puppet to the border.
I like Boebert. Republican Party needs to hold Democrats accountable for the border crisis.
Boebert is such a badass.
Of course you love her. She's the political equivalent of an Instagram model. You meatheads love the vapid and superficial.
With all due respect...have we ever HAD a Vice President that was more vapid and superficial than Kamala Harris?
how about dAs bad as Quayle was...Kamala makes him look like a combination of

I like Boebert. Republican Party needs to hold Democrats accountable for the border crisis.
Boebert is such a badass.
Of course you love her. She's the political equivalent of an Instagram model. You meatheads love the vapid and superficial.
With all due respect...have we ever HAD a Vice President that was more vapid and superficial than Kamala Harris?
how about dan quayle?
Kamala makes Dan Quayle look like the second coming of Lincoln. Just saying...
wow. two attempts. and both shitty.
i take your opinion for what it's worth.
I could care less if you "value" my opinion, LK. You keep right on believing that Kamala Harris ISN'T a vapid, superficial person!
then care less, boomer.
You do realize that you're going to spend the next 3 1/2 years defending Kamala, LK...right? Have fun with that...I know I will... :)
Let's be honest here folks. There is only one reason that Harris is avoiding the border like Superman avoids Kryptonite and that reason is that the Biden Administration's policies towards the border have created a crisis there that they don't know how to deal with. Kamala won't go to the border because the border is a mess and she knows it.
The cardboard cutout has a higher IQ than Commiela Whoris does.
Trump did so well in school that he'll sue any school that releases his grades. If The Stable Genius' grades made him look good they would have been plastered all over Sean & Tucker's mugs. Trump is a fucking moron.
Trump learned from Obama he sealed his records. While bragging about how well he did.
Someone needs to start selling 'I Went To The US/Mexico Border And All I Got Is This Fucking T Shirt' Ts with Cameltoe's face screen printed on them.
Bang Bang Barbie is a fucking dipshit. An increasing number of Republicans in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
An increasing number of scum demonRATS in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
Bang Bang Barbie is a fucking dipshit. An increasing number of Republicans in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
Meanwhile...the barely American foreign filth running Loon York pulls this crazy bullshit.
Bang Bang Barbie is a fucking dipshit. An increasing number of Republicans in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
An increasing number of scum demonRATS in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
What do you think Blowbert's stunt was?
Bang Bang Barbie is a fucking dipshit. An increasing number of Republicans in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
An increasing number of scum demonRATS in DC have no interest in governing, only trolling and photo ops. That's what the brain-dead base wants though.
The old Pee Wee Herman response.

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