Currently in vouge among defenders of the Bush regime is the attempt to portay Obama as being in step with the Bush Administration because of the retention of the rendition policy in hopes of legitimizing Bush's use of 'extraordinary rendition'.
The two terms are notably different. Rendition is in fact a tool that has been used by the United States in the past when criminal suspects have fled to countries which have no extradition treaties with the US, or sometimes in cases where there are treaties but for one reason or another the country in question will not extradite the criminal suspect.
'Extrordinary rendition' however is the use of rendition to capture persons, not for criminal trial in the US, but for the relocation to countries which use torture in interogations. It's use is a violation of international laws and treaties which the US has ratified.
Rendition = legitimate. Extraordinary rendition = illegal.
The two terms are notably different. Rendition is in fact a tool that has been used by the United States in the past when criminal suspects have fled to countries which have no extradition treaties with the US, or sometimes in cases where there are treaties but for one reason or another the country in question will not extradite the criminal suspect.
'Extrordinary rendition' however is the use of rendition to capture persons, not for criminal trial in the US, but for the relocation to countries which use torture in interogations. It's use is a violation of international laws and treaties which the US has ratified.
Rendition = legitimate. Extraordinary rendition = illegal.