Remember when the fake news referred to the TEA Party as dangerous and extremist?


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
In 2010, the TEA Party was in full swing, there were peaceful protests nation-wide. Yet, the fake news media which is nothing more than a communist propaganda machine for the America-hating Democrats referred to the TEA Party as dangerous, extremist and other absurd labels as well. During the TEA Party protests there was no looting, no buildings be burned, no molotov cocktails being thrown, no bricks being thrown. The TEA Party was such a violent extremist group, they cleaned their areas of protest up, often leaving it cleaner than before the arrived.

The Tea Party movement sought to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This is our right as citizens. What we are seeing now is acts of terrorism from the communist parties, and yes antifa and black lives matter are both communist terror groups. Yet, in spite of people being murdered by these terrorists, along with a long list of extremely violent acts, the communist media calls these protests, or even "peaceful" protests. This is proof that these shitbags are completely fucked in the head. And the America-hater party, the American Communist party - the democrats, are just as guilty, and actually even worse. Make no mistake about it, there is no greater enemy of America than the democrat party.

There have been some idiots who have stated: "Imagine how the right would've reacted if Barack Obama had deployed the military to the streets". Well, people on the right never did anything that would've pushed him to do so. Duh!

In closing, please don't mistake these piles of shit committing acts of terror as liberals, they are not liberals, they are communists. The communists bastardized the term liberal to hide what they really are.
Remember Occupy Wall Street?

They are all the same dung.

These socialist hating Jews I guess are living up to the National Socialist name.

Hitler would be proud
Don't have to look back that far. Just go back a few weeks ago to peaceful protests in Michigan demanding that Witchmer reopen the state. The fraud media attacked them repeatedly.
Remember that they were endangering us all by spreading COVID. Have not heard anything about these protests putting us all in danger. No, these ones are good even when they are burning businesses and killing people.
In 2010, the TEA Party was in full swing, there were peaceful protests nation-wide. Yet, the fake news media which is nothing more than a communist propaganda machine for the America-hating Democrats referred to the TEA Party as dangerous, extremist and other absurd labels as well. During the TEA Party protests there was no looting, no buildings be burned, no molotov cocktails being thrown, no bricks being thrown. The TEA Party was such a violent extremist group, they cleaned their areas of protest up, often leaving it cleaner than before the arrived.

The Tea Party movement sought to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This is our right as citizens. What we are seeing now is acts of terrorism from the communist parties, and yes antifa and black lives matter are both communist terror groups. Yet, in spite of people being murdered by these terrorists, along with a long list of extremely violent acts, the communist media calls these protests, or even "peaceful" protests. This is proof that these shitbags are completely fucked in the head. And the America-hater party, the American Communist party - the democrats, are just as guilty, and actually even worse. Make no mistake about it, there is no greater enemy of America than the democrat party.

There have been some idiots who have stated: "Imagine how the right would've reacted if Barack Obama had deployed the military to the streets". Well, people on the right never did anything that would've pushed him to do so. Duh!

In closing, please don't mistake these piles of shit committing acts of terror as liberals, they are not liberals, they are communists. The communists bastardized the term liberal to hide what they really are.
In all reality, that's when people started realizing how full of shit they are and it helped Trump get elected.

By all means, let them keep shooting themselves in the foot!
Remember Charlottesville?
I do. I remember how stark the reaction was to a single person killing an innocent. How the president was (rightfully so) ripped up and down for the 'good people on both sides' statement. I remember how the entire event was dragged through the mud and the people there called out over and over again in the media. I remember how the protest was characterized.

Now, you see the media giving cover to these protesters who have killed more than 1 person. A protest where they are actually violent and looting. A protest where many buildings have been burned down. What do you hear now? We hear the media and the same ass hats enraged over the Charlottesville protest giving these guys cover. There are constant statements about how most of the protesters here are peaceful.

The comparison is stark - there is a clear agenda and the looting be damned.

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