Well, here we go again guys, remember the TRANSPERENCY Obama promised, remember the no stimulus stimulus bill that was signed before ANYONE had a chance to read it. Remember a week later after the bill was signed into law, the Failed AIG bonuses that were written into the plan. Chris Dodd with egg all over his face. Had any of these idiots read the bill they would have seen the bonuses. The democratic senate voted today to post a summary of the health care bill instead of the entire document, they say in order not to confuse us dummies that voted them in there. Do you trust that?? because I sure as hell don't. The republicans voted against this and want FULL DISCLOSURE. Time to e-mail your senators?? I already did.
Senators Debate Transparency of Health Care Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Senators Debate Transparency of Health Care Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News