Remain-In-Mexico court ruling a threat. Trump sends troops to border

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
The Trump administration is sending military police and other personnel to the border in case the “Remain in Mexico” policy is struck down next week by an appeals court -- amid fears that large groups of migrants could force their way into the U.S. homeland.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week ruled to halt the policy, formally known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which keeps migrants in Mexico while their asylum hearings play out.

Officials say it has been vital in bringing down numbers at the border, shrinks down the time to get cases processed, and has reduced the “pull factor” bringing migrants north. Specifically, it helps end “catch and release” by which migrants were detained and then released into the interior of the U.S. But opponents say keeping migrants in Mexico exposes them to the danger of violence and kidnapping.

The court agreed with that argument and struck it down, but hours later agreed to suspend the decision, as the administration said that thousands of migrants would flood the ports of entry. CBP ended up closing or suspending operations at multiple locations in response. The Justice Department had said Friday that at least 25,000 asylum-seekers subject to the policy are currently waiting in Mexico and expressed “massive and irreparable national-security of public-safety concerns" if it was halted.

Trump administration to send military to border amid fears of migrant surge if court stops ‘Remain-in-Mexico’

Here we go again. Our courts possibly destroying effective policies by President Trump. How many times have they done this over the past three years, at least a half-dozen that I can think of.

Our courts are becoming too political and have way too much power in this country.
I love how proactive our wonderful Pres.Trump is when it comes to protecting the border from hoards of illegal alien invaders. ... :thup:

If these Nazi leftists would stay out of his way, he'd have most of the immigrant problems solved by now. If the Democrats in the House can't stop him, their commie courts do. It's aggravating already. Because even if we take the House, keep the Senate, and Trump wins reelection, these un-American judges will still prohibit Trump from doing great work for our country. As we all know, what's good for our country is not good for the Democrats.
The red FY20 line is showing that the border wall and no "catch and release" is working.

The Trump administration is sending military police and other personnel to the border in case the “Remain in Mexico” policy is struck down next week by an appeals court -- amid fears that large groups of migrants could force their way into the U.S. homeland.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week ruled to halt the policy, formally known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which keeps migrants in Mexico while their asylum hearings play out.

Officials say it has been vital in bringing down numbers at the border, shrinks down the time to get cases processed, and has reduced the “pull factor” bringing migrants north. Specifically, it helps end “catch and release” by which migrants were detained and then released into the interior of the U.S. But opponents say keeping migrants in Mexico exposes them to the danger of violence and kidnapping.

The court agreed with that argument and struck it down, but hours later agreed to suspend the decision, as the administration said that thousands of migrants would flood the ports of entry. CBP ended up closing or suspending operations at multiple locations in response. The Justice Department had said Friday that at least 25,000 asylum-seekers subject to the policy are currently waiting in Mexico and expressed “massive and irreparable national-security of public-safety concerns" if it was halted.

Trump administration to send military to border amid fears of migrant surge if court stops ‘Remain-in-Mexico’

Here we go again. Our courts possibly destroying effective policies by President Trump. How many times have they done this over the past three years, at least a half-dozen that I can think of.

Our courts are becoming too political and have way too much power in this country.

What about sending the military police to the 9th Circuit and arresting the judges. These asses think they can single-handedly thwart both the will of the Administration as well as the will of the people. Offhand, I consider them domestic terrorists more dangerous than the illegals trying to get in.
The Trump administration is sending military police and other personnel to the border in case the “Remain in Mexico” policy is struck down next week by an appeals court -- amid fears that large groups of migrants could force their way into the U.S. homeland.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week ruled to halt the policy, formally known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which keeps migrants in Mexico while their asylum hearings play out.

Officials say it has been vital in bringing down numbers at the border, shrinks down the time to get cases processed, and has reduced the “pull factor” bringing migrants north. Specifically, it helps end “catch and release” by which migrants were detained and then released into the interior of the U.S. But opponents say keeping migrants in Mexico exposes them to the danger of violence and kidnapping.

The court agreed with that argument and struck it down, but hours later agreed to suspend the decision, as the administration said that thousands of migrants would flood the ports of entry. CBP ended up closing or suspending operations at multiple locations in response. The Justice Department had said Friday that at least 25,000 asylum-seekers subject to the policy are currently waiting in Mexico and expressed “massive and irreparable national-security of public-safety concerns" if it was halted.

Trump administration to send military to border amid fears of migrant surge if court stops ‘Remain-in-Mexico’

Here we go again. Our courts possibly destroying effective policies by President Trump. How many times have they done this over the past three years, at least a half-dozen that I can think of.

Our courts are becoming too political and have way too much power in this country.

What about sending the military police to the 9th Circuit and arresting the judges. These asses think they can single-handedly thwart both the will of the Administration as well as the will of the people. Offhand, I consider them domestic terrorists more dangerous than the illegals trying to get in.

I couldn't agree more. Our founders never dreamt that the courts would be governing our country more than the representatives in the future. It simply wasn't designed that way. That goes double for bureaucrats.
I love how proactive our wonderful Pres.Trump is when it comes to protecting the border from hoards of illegal alien invaders. ... :thup:

If these Nazi leftists would stay out of his way, he'd have most of the immigrant problems solved by now. If the Democrats in the House can't stop him, their commie courts do. It's aggravating already. Because even if we take the House, keep the Senate, and Trump wins reelection, these un-American judges will still prohibit Trump from doing great work for our country. As we all know, what's good for our country is not good for the Democrats.

If Leftists ALL across the Western world would just kill themselves so we can Save The Planet....then EVERYONE else could soon deal with all these filthy Economic Migrants who are DEMANDING to invade Western nations for Gibs Me Dat.

The MAJORITY of Western nations are in the Government Control of Conservatives and Rightists, but it's the same EVERYWHERE now it's all these UNELECTED lawyers and Human Rights Court situations, that crowd should have been dealt with a long time ago as in REMOVED. The most damaging thing to happen to Western Civilisation in modern times has been allowing The United Nations to grow and NOT intervening to DESTROY it and turn it into DUST and not moving in to DESTROY ALL Human Rights Conventions because it is these two things the UN and Human Rights Conventions that Leftist lawyers and Leftist judges and Open Borders Activists and Pro-Mass Immigration Activists are using to get these Third World savages into ONLY Western nations. The Donald should have WITHDRAWN ALL moneys from the UN, that organisation are primarily ONLY still in operation because America keeps giving it the most moneys out of every other nation, if America walked away from the UN the UN would soon begin to die it's death.
But opponents say keeping migrants in Mexico exposes them to the danger of violence and kidnapping.
They can be exposed to the danger of violence and kidnapping in the USA too.
The Trump administration is sending military police and other personnel to the border in case the “Remain in Mexico” policy is struck down next week by an appeals court -- amid fears that large groups of migrants could force their way into the U.S. homeland.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week ruled to halt the policy, formally known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which keeps migrants in Mexico while their asylum hearings play out.

Officials say it has been vital in bringing down numbers at the border, shrinks down the time to get cases processed, and has reduced the “pull factor” bringing migrants north. Specifically, it helps end “catch and release” by which migrants were detained and then released into the interior of the U.S. But opponents say keeping migrants in Mexico exposes them to the danger of violence and kidnapping.

The court agreed with that argument and struck it down, but hours later agreed to suspend the decision, as the administration said that thousands of migrants would flood the ports of entry. CBP ended up closing or suspending operations at multiple locations in response. The Justice Department had said Friday that at least 25,000 asylum-seekers subject to the policy are currently waiting in Mexico and expressed “massive and irreparable national-security of public-safety concerns" if it was halted.

Trump administration to send military to border amid fears of migrant surge if court stops ‘Remain-in-Mexico’

Here we go again. Our courts possibly destroying effective policies by President Trump. How many times have they done this over the past three years, at least a half-dozen that I can think of.

Our courts are becoming too political and have way too much power in this country.

Well the below The Donald turning that Court into a Conservative leaning Court has NOT worked has it? The appointments must be Cuckservatives, in my opinion if I was appointing Judges my first question would be "are you fanatically Anti-Immigration?" if they say "Yes" I'd say "Okay you have got the job" ALL Western nations should be aiming for ZERO Immigration INCLUDING ZERO LEGAL Immigration from Third World Shitholes, Western nation to Western nation Immigration should be encouraged providing those peoples have a University Degree and/or a specific job skill that is needed.



Trump reshapes 9th Circuit with conservative appointments
Well this problem is now off the table:

Washington (CNN)The Supreme Court said on Wednesday that the controversial Trump administration "Remain in Mexico" asylum policy can stay in effect while legal challenges play out.

The court's order is a victory for the administration, which warned there would be a "rush to the border" if the policy that has been in effect for a year was blocked by the courts. It's a devastating loss for immigrant rights groups who say asylum seekers sent back to Mexico are living in dangerous conditions.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor would have denied the government's application, the court said.

So why is what Sotomayor said so important? Because the presidential election is right around the corner. This shows how a leftist appointed judge would rule on the case if it was within her capabilities. Even you people who claim to be Republicans or Independents with severe cases of TDS have to see how important it is to keep the Democrats out of power on all levels.

If Biden or Sander's would be the next President, this policy would be reversed almost overnight, flooding our country with third-worlders carrying God knows what diseases. Don't we have enough of our own problems already?

Lawyers for the asylum seekers called the government's policy illegal and said that in the months that it has been in effect "reports of murder, rape, torture kidnapping, and other violent assaults against returned asylum seekers have climbed."

So how is this our problem? Nobody told them to come here, and nobody is stopping them from going back home.

Immigration: US Supreme Court lets 'Remain in Mexico' asylum policy stay in place - CNNPolitics

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