Release the Memo interferes HOW?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
If the memo is released, why and how does it interfere with mueller? Please leftists in here let us know.
Answering a question now constitutes a strawman. :lol:

You must have accidentally used that instead of this one:
The leftist pukes are scared shitless that this memo is going to be released. With the help of the crackpipe media, they'll do everything within their power to marginalize the memo and twist it into something 180 degrees different than it really it.

The memorandum is only a start: It's only the proverbial "Camel's nose in the tent". After that will follow more information about the specifics of the memo, then more memorandums proving just how the Obama-era Justice Department was corrupted by leftism and used their resources to attempt to overthrow a legal American Presidential election.
If the memo is released, why and how does it interfere with mueller? Please leftists in here let us know.
All I know is the FBI Chief, Christopher Wray is adamant that he doesn't want it released. Six people in the FBI have been fired, demoted or reassigned over this memo. It must be critical not wanting public consumption. How bad could it be for the FBI department/Obama administration/ Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Guess we need it out now and let the chips fall where they may.
If the memo is released, why and how does it interfere with mueller? Please leftists in here let us know.
All I know is the FBI Chief, Christopher Wray is adamant that he doesn't want it released. Six people in the FBI have been fired, demoted or reassigned over this memo. It must be critical not wanting public consumption. How bad could it be for the FBI department/Obama administration/ Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Guess we need it out now and let the chips fall where they may.

"How bad could it be for the FBI department/Obama administration/ Hillary Clinton and the DNC?"

Bad. Very bad.
In the back of my mind, I think when the DNC emails came out and Hillary's attempts to break anything technology based with a hammer, the DNC kept blaming whoever leaked these emails instead of reflecting on the contents of the emails.

Are we seeing the reverse now? Instead of concentrating on the contents of the memo, are we concentrating on who paid for it and who is biased in the FBI and Meuller?
If the memo is released, why and how does it interfere with mueller? Please leftists in here let us know.
If the memo is released, why and how does it interfere with mueller? Please leftists in here let us know.
/----/ Libtards had no problem with the release of the Pentagon Papers and they even have a movie now extolling the Washington Post for releasing them after the USSC said they had the right. So what's changed?
I saw something on MNBC, that releasing it would be a threat to national security!

I'd love to hear that explained!
so almost 24 hours and not one leftist can answer the question on how releasing the memo interferes mueller. not one. so you all have just proved that your narrative is a lie. just a lie.
It interferes with The Dem's Plans to try to take back the House and Senate.

What in the fuck do you think the Russia, Russia, Russia Ruse was about?

Dems are pissed that this think might get shut down before the midterm elections.
It interferes with The Dem's Plans to try to take back the House and Senate.

What in the fuck do you think the Russia, Russia, Russia Ruse was about?

Dems are pissed that this think might get shut down before the midterm elections.
You know that, and I know that. I just wanted to see what the left had to say. I guess nothing. And with saying nothing they are confirming the memo will show the russia russia was a coup. THEY KNOW IT.
If the memo is released, why and how does it interfere with mueller? Please leftists in here let us know.
Legally, Mueller can be fired at any time and the investigation ended without any show of cause, however, there are political considerations and if the memo shows that the Justice Department intentionally misled the FISA court to issue warrants in order to target the Trump administration for political purposes, it would undermine the whole political basis for the investigation, and if it showed Mueller had reason to believe this were true, it would undermine his credibility and perhaps open him to be indicted, himself.

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