

Apr 4, 2007
Left Coast
There have been almost 43,000 posts since my last visit... :lol:

I think I should reintroduce myself to you all... tho, I'm sure some of you will remember my name, none of you have seen my new avatar... made it special to show how I feel about those who still support bush...

I AM TheStripey1, peace tiger. I'm a recovering republican and a Viet Nam vet. Although I lean left on some issues, I am NOT a liberal and altho I lean right on other issues, I am NOT a conservative. I consider myself to be a centrist and my political party unafilliated independant. But since I am staunchly anti-bush, you will find me swinging from the left side of center more often than not.

Anyway, I have lots of hot button issues that interest me so I imagine that I'll be making your acquaintence on the forums soon...


as I just told Gunny, I'll try to drop by more often... cuz I've always liked this place and besides, my tiger is really big here.

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