Registered Republicans For Obama!


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
Central California

:clap2: Count me in! :clap2:

Our new theme song to the Republican Party

I never ask for more than I deserve
You know it's the truth
You seem to think you're God's gift to this earth
I'm tellin' you, no way

You ought to be thankful for the little things,
but little things are all you seem to give
You're always putting off what we can do today
Soap opera says, you've got one life to live
Who's right, who's wrong?

What have you done for me lately?
Hope you're still able to laugh when your taxes go through the roof due to the one trillion in checks Obama will having the IRS write to people who don't pay one penny in taxes.

I'd like to know where your getting this info from?

Trickle Down Economics is superior though right? :lol:
Hope you're still able to laugh when your taxes go through the roof due to the one trillion in checks Obama will having the IRS write to people who don't pay one penny in taxes.

Paperboy, who doesn't pay any taxes? Show me specific examples, not some stupid pie chart. WHO doesn't pay any taxes?
This is directed to Paperboy ...

I am a child of the 60's. A proud white Amercian that has seen a lot in my lifetme. Yes, I lived through the 50's right up to the riots in Los Angeles (The Watts riots) - was living there at the time, my first son was born at that time.

What has happened since then has only been hidden. I support Obama because I believe he is actually going to make a change. I don't give a shit what color he is ... but ... I do support equal rights for all of we Americans. So, along with Colin Powell (a republican) I proudly stand by my candidate, Obama. If you don't like what I am saying .... tough shit!

To sum it up there is a song that just might fit the way I feel about "change that is needed" in our country ... here is one for ya! ok? Take it for whatever you want ....


Ain't no stoppin us now - should be the theme song for all of we Americans, not just a few bias fatcats! :eusa_eh:
Paperboy, who doesn't pay any taxes? Show me specific examples, not some stupid pie chart. WHO doesn't pay any taxes?

Perhaps we need to define our terms. Everyone who makes income pays social security and medicare taxes i.e payroll tax. And of course there are all sorts of other taxes from sales taxes to property taxes.

But approximately 40% of tax filers do not pay any Federal tax. Obama plans to send them all a check as part of his "tax cut" to 95% of Americans. Of course this is after he lets everyones taxes go up as he will allow the Bush taxes cuts to expire.

A link that might help is here

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