Regardless Of Who Wins Next Week, Conservatives Need To Start Planning For 2022 and 2024

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
I was on another board with people who are not as miserable as the lefties on this board.

I told them I was fed up with the poor RNC leadership and our dependence upon the bullshit that comes from both sides.

It's time to take back the process and get media in place that relies on facts, not emotions.

If you watched the ACB hearings, all you saw were fucking fear mongering assholes like Horino and Blumenthal and you saw their bullshit repeated on this board by the lemming lefties.

That is what we face and in 2022 I want to wipe them out.

Starting in December 2020.....get ready for 2022 and nobody gets to pull their self agrandizing bullshit.
I was on another board with people who are not as miserable as the lefties on this board.

I told them I was fed up with the poor RNC leadership and our dependence upon the bullshit that comes from both sides.

It's time to take back the process and get media in place that relies on facts, not emotions.

If you watched the ACB hearings, all you saw were fucking fear mongering assholes like Horino and Blumenthal and you saw their bullshit repeated on this board by the lemming lefties.

That is what we face and in 2022 I want to wipe them out.

Starting in December 2020.....get ready for 2022 and nobody gets to pull their self agrandizing bullshit.
Among the top priorities are undoing control of the US media from the looney left, and cleaning up the voter fraud mess, starting with requiring all voters to produce proof of citizenship when voting IN PERSON ONLY.

I've been talking about these things for years now. Should have all been fixed by now.
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I was on another board with people who are not as miserable as the lefties on this board.

I told them I was fed up with the poor RNC leadership and our dependence upon the bullshit that comes from both sides.

It's time to take back the process and get media in place that relies on facts, not emotions.

If you watched the ACB hearings, all you saw were fucking fear mongering assholes like Horino and Blumenthal and you saw their bullshit repeated on this board by the lemming lefties.

That is what we face and in 2022 I want to wipe them out.

Starting in December 2020.....get ready for 2022 and nobody gets to pull their self agrandizing bullshit.
Among the top priorities are undoing control of the US media from the looney left, and cleaning up the voter fraud mess, starting with requiring all voters to produce proof of citizenship when voting IN PERSON ONLY.

I've been talking about these things for years now. Should have all been fixed by now.

We will need to create our own media and it will need credibility.

It can't be Shawn Hannity....sorry folks it just can't.
I wondered about who would succeed Trump after he wins a second term but I stopped wondering about that after I watched the Pence and Harris debate....
One of Trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.....
Its an ability that I wish I had and I'm happy my president has....

Pence is extremely presidential and would be a shoe in for 2024.....
I was on another board with people who are not as miserable as the lefties on this board.

I told them I was fed up with the poor RNC leadership and our dependence upon the bullshit that comes from both sides.

It's time to take back the process and get media in place that relies on facts, not emotions.

If you watched the ACB hearings, all you saw were fucking fear mongering assholes like Horino and Blumenthal and you saw their bullshit repeated on this board by the lemming lefties.

That is what we face and in 2022 I want to wipe them out.

Starting in December 2020.....get ready for 2022 and nobody gets to pull their self agrandizing bullshit.
Conservatives & Classical Liberals(Libertarians) are generally(but not always) ahead of the Social Liberals(statist left) in this arena. At current it looks good for the right in general, but as we all know events can change in the blink of an eye regarding the world of politics/politick'n. Where the statist left is fueled on emotion the right is fueled more upon the tactical & strategic maneuvering skills. Like we hit 'em @ night with blinding starshells then outflank 'em on both sides leaving the statist left in an emotional panic like little kids trapped in a burning building!
I wondered about who would succeed Trump after he wins a second term but I stopped wondering about that after I watched the Pence and Harris debate....
One of Trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.....
Its an ability that I wish I had and I'm happy my president has....

Pence is extremely presidential and would be a shoe in for 2024.....
Pence is okay, but Dems are getting the womens vote because they put Harris on the ticket. We need to run a woman in 2024. I say we capitalize on the Trump name and nominate Ivanka. She'd make a great first woman president.
I was on another board with people who are not as miserable as the lefties on this board.

I told them I was fed up with the poor RNC leadership and our dependence upon the bullshit that comes from both sides.

It's time to take back the process and get media in place that relies on facts, not emotions.

If you watched the ACB hearings, all you saw were fucking fear mongering assholes like Horino and Blumenthal and you saw their bullshit repeated on this board by the lemming lefties.

That is what we face and in 2022 I want to wipe them out.

Starting in December 2020.....get ready for 2022 and nobody gets to pull their self agrandizing bullshit.
Conservatives & Classical Liberals(Libertarians) are generally(but not always) ahead of the Social Liberals(statist left) in this arena. At current it looks good for the right in general, but as we all know events can change in the blink of an eye regarding the world of politics/politick'n. Where the statist left is fueled on emotion the right is fueled more upon the tactical & strategic maneuvering skills. Like we hit 'em @ night with blinding starshells then outflank 'em on both sides leaving the statist left in an emotional panic like little kids trapped in a burning building!

While I agree with you on some points, the extremes on both sides tend to drive out the moderates (drive them away from the voting process).

Conservatives are just as unwilling to admit weakness or error as left wingers. That has got to change.

No more populist candidates who also don't know issues.

As for your last sentence, if we are organized the left will be fucked.
The OP is right. The smart white voters are dying off. Non-white voters are becoming a bigger voting bloc. This is a recipe for disaster for our once great country.

Hence is the reason your party is dying....

Fuck off troll.

Go start a "Biden is cruising" thread like the "HIllary is cruising" thread you started in 2016. The one we reminded you of and you whined to a mod who then closed it.....for no good reason.
I wondered about who would succeed Trump after he wins a second term but I stopped wondering about that after I watched the Pence and Harris debate....
One of Trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.....
Its an ability that I wish I had and I'm happy my president has....

Pence is extremely presidential and would be a shoe in for 2024.....
Pence is okay, but Dems are getting the womens vote because they put Harris on the ticket. We need to run a woman in 2024. I say we capitalize on the Trump name and nominate Ivanka. She'd make a great first woman president.

There are many many more good GOP candidates out there than the left has. Look at the stable of shit they ran this last time (Sanders, Biden, Warren, Harris). All total fuck ups.

We have Niki Haley, Kristi Noem, Condie Rice (if we could get her interested), and several others who would do a great job.

You need more than a woman on the ticket.

Camel-A Harris should be scarring women away in droves, but the left is using the boogeyman Trump approach and keeping them in lockstep.

Lots of work to do.
Nunes / Shaffer is my first choice.

Wow great videos...and I wonder....if we can't hold the first black president accountable for possible treasonous crimes while in office how can we ever have a second.....
The left is digging their own grave....that's the actions of guilty and desperate people.....
They have some very bad stuff to hide.....
I wondered about who would succeed Trump after he wins a second term but I stopped wondering about that after I watched the Pence and Harris debate....
One of Trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.....
Its an ability that I wish I had and I'm happy my president has....

Pence is extremely presidential and would be a shoe in for 2024.....
Pence is okay, but Dems are getting the womens vote because they put Harris on the ticket. We need to run a woman in 2024. I say we capitalize on the Trump name and nominate Ivanka. She'd make a great first woman president.
She has to want it...and I doubt she does...but I would take a look at her for sure...I like her....very wise lady....
I wondered about who would succeed Trump after he wins a second term but I stopped wondering about that after I watched the Pence and Harris debate....
One of Trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.....
Its an ability that I wish I had and I'm happy my president has....

Pence is extremely presidential and would be a shoe in for 2024.....
Pence is okay, but Dems are getting the womens vote because they put Harris on the ticket. We need to run a woman in 2024. I say we capitalize on the Trump name and nominate Ivanka. She'd make a great first woman president.
She has to want it...and I doubt she does...but I would take a look at her for sure...I like her....very wise lady....

It totally depends on what happens if Trump is re-elected. She has to show something more.

And she has a very very small resume.

I seriously doubt she wants any part of what her dad has been put through.

Fucking left.
one of trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.


1). Rick Perry. He couldn’t even name all 3 departments he was in charge of. Remember that. What an idiot. He resigned.
2). Betsy DeVos. Never spent a single day in Education yet somehow this rich elitist is in charge of Education. Total Fail.
3). Ben Carson. Brain Surgeon. Hired to manage Housing because trump needed a black guy. Racist hire by trump. Not qualified.
4)Louis DeJoy. Postmaster for the USPS. He owns millions in stock for the competition for the USPS. Mainly UPS and JB Hunt. Also donated 1/2 million to trump campaign.
sure. He is legit. Lol
5)others.......Sean Spicer. Michael Dubke, Michael Flynn, Sebastian Fucking Gorka, Tom Price, Scott Pruitt .

please try to defend ANY of these hires.
I wondered about who would succeed Trump after he wins a second term but I stopped wondering about that after I watched the Pence and Harris debate....
One of Trumps best qualities are how he somehow can find the right person for the right job.....
Its an ability that I wish I had and I'm happy my president has....

Pence is extremely presidential and would be a shoe in for 2024.....
You are joking right ?
He hires the worst and he changes his staff more than McDonald's and let's not talk about those that got indicted.
Wake up dude.

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