Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign.

Possibly because I don't consider myself to be more moral than Al Franken, and I consider ex-president Trump to be inferior to most and superior to no one who has ever served us as a president or as a U.S. Senator, I'm more tolerant of Al Franken.
My opinion is Franken should not have considered resigning prior to President Trump's resignation of his official office. I'm not displeased with the current junior senator from Minnesota, but we need more people of Franken's caliber in our congress. Respectfully, Suupposn
Al Franken's a piece of shit. The only honorable thing he's ever done is resign from office.

I'm not sure what you're talking about when you mention "President Trump's resignation of his official office". What's that even supposed to mean?
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign.

Possibly because I don't consider myself to be more moral than Al Franken, and I consider ex-president Trump to be inferior to most and superior to no one who has ever served us as a president or as a U.S. Senator, I'm more tolerant of Al Franken.
My opinion is Franken should not have considered resigning prior to President Trump's resignation of his official office. I'm not displeased with the current junior senator from Minnesota, but we need more people of Franken's caliber in our congress. Respectfully, Suupposn
Jr Sen from MN Is a puppet.
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign.

Possibly because I don't consider myself to be more moral than Al Franken, and I consider ex-president Trump to be inferior to most and superior to no one who has ever served us as a president or as a U.S. Senator, I'm more tolerant of Al Franken.
My opinion is Franken should not have considered resigning prior to President Trump's resignation of his official office. I'm not displeased with the current junior senator from Minnesota, but we need more people of Franken's caliber in our congress. Respectfully, Suupposn
Agreed, there was nothing wrong with that photo. Fun, high spirits, I cannot imagine why they jettisoned him.

Could we please not "cancel" people for jokes???????

With all these monsters out there using high positions to rape and assault and harass women, I'd say focus on the sex criminals, not the people making little jokes.
The evidence against Franken was overwhelming: Both photographic and testimonies by women. There was no real evidence against Trump, other than some women who were put up to it.
No discussion about Al Franken is complete without this picture. Sure, some folks said it was fake. But Snopes never disproved it, so...

The evidence against Franken was overwhelming: Both photographic and testimonies by women. There was no real evidence against Trump, other than some women who were put up to it.
JGalt, Donald Trump was practicing benevolent charity when he paid off Stormy Daniels? All of those less than tasteful incidences that were visually and audio recorded were of excellent Trump impersonators? That wasn't Donald Trump I saw and heard? They were all fake video's that were broadcasted throughout the internet? Respectfully, Supposn
Al Franken's a piece of shit. The only honorable thing he's ever done is resign from office.

I'm not sure what you're talking about when you mention "President Trump's resignation of his official office". What's that even supposed to mean?
It means trumpet admitted defeat before his followers did.
JGalt, Donald Trump was practicing benevolent charity when he paid off Stormy Daniels? All of those less than tasteful incidences that were visually and audio recorded were of excellent Trump impersonators? That wasn't Donald Trump I saw and heard? They were all fake video's that were broadcasted throughout the internet? Respectfully, Supposn
You know how it works with tards like Galt. Accusations against Democrats are "testimonies". Accusations against Trump are "put-up jobs".

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign.

Possibly because I don't consider myself to be more moral than Al Franken, and I consider ex-president Trump to be inferior to most and superior to no one who has ever served us as a president or as a U.S. Senator, I'm more tolerant of Al Franken.
My opinion is Franken should not have considered resigning prior to President Trump's resignation of his official office. I'm not displeased with the current junior senator from Minnesota, but we need more people of Franken's caliber in our congress. Respectfully, Suupposn

Franken should NOT have resigned. There was clearly an overreaction to his minor indiscretion.
It seemed like the left offered up this sacificial lamb thinking it would hurt Trump.
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign. ...
Respectfully, Supposn
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign.

Possibly because I don't consider myself to be more moral than Al Franken, and I consider ex-president Trump to be inferior to most and superior to no one who has ever served us as a president or as a U.S. Senator, I'm more tolerant of Al Franken.
My opinion is Franken should not have considered resigning prior to President Trump's resignation of his official office. I'm not displeased with the current junior senator from Minnesota, but we need more people of Franken's caliber in our congress. Respectfully, Suupposn
I have never liked Franken. I cannot stand him. His whiny voice and far left views are very offputting. Small wonder his attempt at talk radio was a catastrophic failure.

I recently learned he has a YouTube channel and I checked it out. In the first 30 seconds of the one video I watched, he told a blatant manufactured bullshit story. I didn't bother watching the rest of the video.

He and Trump are cut from the same mountebank cloth.
You know how it works with tards like Galt. Accusations against Democrats are "testimonies". Accusations against Trump are "put-up jobs".

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Wait galt is a tard. Do you have an internet source? I thought he was the salt of the earth
Regarding Al Franken, resigned U.S. Senator from Minnesota: I, as many suppose Franken would not likely have resigned if there were no grounds to the accusations. But to what extent was his behavior detrimental to the reputation of our U.S. Senate, rather than the extents of Democratic senators' political concerns? Those senators perceived the accusations against Franken to be weakening their positions urging President Trump be pushed to resign.

Possibly because I don't consider myself to be more moral than Al Franken, and I consider ex-president Trump to be inferior to most and superior to no one who has ever served us as a president or as a U.S. Senator, I'm more tolerant of Al Franken.
My opinion is Franken should not have considered resigning prior to President Trump's resignation of his official office. I'm not displeased with the current junior senator from Minnesota, but we need more people of Franken's caliber in our congress. Respectfully, Suupposn
Poster just wanted to bring up Franken's name

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