Refuting the "Unemployment Conspiracy" Nonsense

Wow Dude! - It's like those disinformation government propaganda Jedi mind tricks are totally working on me man! It sounds to me as if Democrats are saying:

Anyone not employed right now able to work must certainly be a slacker of the worst sort. I can't imagine with all of the opportunities we have many not even taking two jobs. Surely there is a shortage of applicants due to the massive openings.

May be like some are hesitant to get a job due to the recently much increased value of our stock portfolio & the dollar so what they already have is going very far.

Gas is now cheap due to leasing approval on Federal lands and spurring the economy as travel & recreational activities increase.

Food prices? - They are practically giving the stuff away (ie: food stamps).

How could we ever want anyone other than Obama to lead us?

Yesterday I saw a gold bar just lying in the street. Thought about stopping but I might injure my back bending down to pick that up. Why risk it or waste the time? I have everything I could ever want already.
Wow Dude! - It's like those disinformation government propaganda Jedi mind tricks are totally working on me man! It sounds to me as if Democrats are saying:

Anyone not employed right now able to work must certainly be a slacker of the worst sort. I can't imagine with all of the opportunities we have many not even taking two jobs. Surely there is a shortage of applicants due to the massive openings.

May be like some are hesitant to get a job due to the recently much increased value of our stock portfolio & the dollar so what they already have is going very far.

Gas is now cheap due to leasing approval on Federal lands and spurring the economy as travel & recreational activities increase.

Food prices? - They are practically giving the stuff away (ie: food stamps).

How could we ever want anyone other than Obama to lead us?

Yesterday I saw a gold bar just lying in the street. Thought about stopping but I might injure my back bending down to pick that up. Why risk it or waste the time? I have everything I could ever want already.

I would whether have rock soup for a year than have another four years of obama failed economic and foreign policy
Republicans know all about "unemployment".

This from the right wing Christian Science Monitor. What these Republicans are willing to do to the 47%.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSM

Congress lets unemployment benefits expire: 'What now' and six other questions - Who is losing their benefits? - CSM

Did you pay off on your bet lier loser rdean?
I think Romney shot himself in the foot when he said he would let Bernanke go if he were elected. Bernanke has now fired back with his big bad Unlimited QE3. That has scared the hell out of rich people. They must now spend their money & hire people before their money becomes worthless. Unlimited QE3 has most certainly turned the markets & possibly jobs in Obama's favor. If we get another positive number on November 2nd, just 4 days before the election & the stock market making new highs, Romney is toast. You should never threaten the Fed Chairman. He is one of the most powerful people on the planet.
Wow Dude! - It's like those disinformation government propaganda Jedi mind tricks are totally working on me man! It sounds to me as if Democrats are saying:

Anyone not employed right now able to work must certainly be a slacker of the worst sort. I can't imagine with all of the opportunities we have many not even taking two jobs. Surely there is a shortage of applicants due to the massive openings.

May be like some are hesitant to get a job due to the recently much increased value of our stock portfolio & the dollar so what they already have is going very far.

Gas is now cheap due to leasing approval on Federal lands and spurring the economy as travel & recreational activities increase.

Food prices? - They are practically giving the stuff away (ie: food stamps).

How could we ever want anyone other than Obama to lead us?

Yesterday I saw a gold bar just lying in the street. Thought about stopping but I might injure my back bending down to pick that up. Why risk it or waste the time? I have everything I could ever want already.

As with everything else about this president, nobody can prove anything, but it just doesn't make any sense.

Fact is nobody in their right mind trusts his administration and that is part of the reason why the economy is is the dumps.

Let's look at some of the whoppers these folks have come up with:

Obama deserved his Nobel Prize for things he hadn't done yet
A top secret drone accidentally ended up in the hands of Iran
The Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group
Egypt will never fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama let slip secret staging areas Israel was using for a possible bombing mission on Iran
The only way to pay off the debt is to tax the rich
The GOP wants Dirty Air and Dirty Water
The only way to create jobs is to tax the rich
Obama didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has nothing to do with Fast & Furious but he's still invoking Executive Privilege
The attacks on our embassies were over a video
They had no information the Benghazi attack was an organized act of terror
Mitt Romney plans on $5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich
Mitt Romney murdered a steel-worker's wife
Mitt Romney is a felon
The GOP is conducting a war on women
Obama is against same-sex marriage
Obama is for same-sex marriage
Anyone who is against same-sex marriage is a bigot
Obama called a long standing deduction for moving expenses paying business to outsource to foreign countries
Obama was suffering from altitude sickness during the debate
Mitt Romney cheated during the debate
John Kerry is to blame for Obama's poor performance
Over 800,000 new jobs were inadvertently discovered over the last 3 months
Obama raised $181 million dollars in September from donors nobody knows the names of

Isn't it obvious why nobody trusts our government anymore?
I think Romney shot himself in the foot when he said he would let Bernanke go if he were elected. Bernanke has now fired back with his big bad Unlimited QE3. That has scared the hell out of rich people. They must now spend their money & hire people before their money becomes worthless. Unlimited QE3 has most certainly turned the markets & possibly jobs in Obama's favor. If we get another positive number on November 2nd, just 4 days before the election & the stock market making new highs, Romney is toast. You should never threaten the Fed Chairman. He is one of the most powerful people on the planet.

What makes you think rich people have to spend their money before it becomes worthless? That would be stupid. What rich people will really do is move that money out of the US, exchange it for a more stable currency and watch the dollar sink while they are flush with Euros, Yuan or Swiss Francs. Unlimited QE does only one thing, turn us into Zimbabwe or a redo of the Weimar Republic. You can't put 40 billion dollars of worthless money into a financial system every month and expect a benefit.
I think Romney shot himself in the foot when he said he would let Bernanke go if he were elected. Bernanke has now fired back with his big bad Unlimited QE3. That has scared the hell out of rich people. They must now spend their money & hire people before their money becomes worthless. Unlimited QE3 has most certainly turned the markets & possibly jobs in Obama's favor. If we get another positive number on November 2nd, just 4 days before the election & the stock market making new highs, Romney is toast. You should never threaten the Fed Chairman. He is one of the most powerful people on the planet.

What makes you think rich people have to spend their money before it becomes worthless? That would be stupid. What rich people will really do is move that money out of the US, exchange it for a more stable currency and watch the dollar sink while they are flush with Euros, Yuan or Swiss Francs. Unlimited QE does only one thing, turn us into Zimbabwe or a redo of the Weimar Republic. You can't put 40 billion dollars of worthless money into a financial system every month and expect a benefit.

The rich can't swap all their money & save their wealth. The other countries are either printing of have backed their currency with US dollars. Plus who ever you exchange currency with will spend those US dollars right back here in the USA because they are not stupid enough to hold the bag of worthless dollars for the rich people.
I think Romney shot himself in the foot when he said he would let Bernanke go if he were elected. Bernanke has now fired back with his big bad Unlimited QE3. That has scared the hell out of rich people. They must now spend their money & hire people before their money becomes worthless. Unlimited QE3 has most certainly turned the markets & possibly jobs in Obama's favor. If we get another positive number on November 2nd, just 4 days before the election & the stock market making new highs, Romney is toast. You should never threaten the Fed Chairman. He is one of the most powerful people on the planet.

What makes you think rich people have to spend their money before it becomes worthless? That would be stupid. What rich people will really do is move that money out of the US, exchange it for a more stable currency and watch the dollar sink while they are flush with Euros, Yuan or Swiss Francs. Unlimited QE does only one thing, turn us into Zimbabwe or a redo of the Weimar Republic. You can't put 40 billion dollars of worthless money into a financial system every month and expect a benefit.

The rich can't swap all their money & save their wealth. The other countries are either printing of have backed their currency with US dollars. Plus who ever you exchange currency with will spend those US dollars right back here in the USA because they are not stupid enough to hold the bag of worthless dollars for the rich people.

Like in the nuke analogy use'em or lose'em?
I finally took the time to read the BLS "Entire News Release". I am now inclined to concede that the Unemployment numbers may not be a total fabricated fraud after reading it.

The unadjusted "Employment to Population Ratio" from the "Household Data" & the "Total NonFarm Payroll" from the "Establishment Data" are backing up the drop in the "Unemployment Rate". It does show there is in fact real gains in employment mostly due to a huge drop in the number of job losers.

The big reason for the huge drop in the number of job losers was this: Obama Administration asks companies to delay layoffs, notices; says government will pay any legal bills.

You can see the rise in employment level in the last month on the "Employment to Population Ratio" Chart

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Initial jobless claims fell by 30,000 to 339,000, which corroborates somewhat the unemployment rate. This may (will?) be revised in coming weeks, but it suggests a strengthening job market.

58.7% employment is not a strong jobs market. A little glimmer of strength the last 1 month of the presidency is nothing to cheer about. Employment has only flat-lined after the initial fall during Obama's presidency as shown in the chart below. he had better pray for the November 2nd jobs numbers to be at least this strong.

Initial jobless claims fell by 30,000 to 339,000, which corroborates somewhat the unemployment rate. This may (will?) be revised in coming weeks, but it suggests a strengthening job market.
So over the past four years we've seen a million workers dropped from unemployment insurance...

...which doesn't change the fact that 2.3 million fewer people are working even while the working age population's increased by 9.2 million. Perhaps "strengthening job market" is not the best choice of words.
Initial jobless claims fell by 30,000 to 339,000, which corroborates somewhat the unemployment rate. This may (will?) be revised in coming weeks, but it suggests a strengthening job market.
So over the past four years we've seen a million workers dropped from unemployment insurance...

...which doesn't change the fact that 2.3 million fewer people are working even while the working age population's increased by 9.2 million. Perhaps "strengthening job market" is not the best choice of words.

Once people see see the jobs market improving they will start coming back in. That will stall further drops in the unemployment rate.
...2.3 million fewer people are working even while the working age population's increased by 9.2 million. Perhaps "strengthening job market" is not the best choice of words.
Once people see see the jobs market improving they will start coming back in. That will stall further drops in the unemployment rate.
Right. We could create 11.5 million new jobs and still not lower the unemployment rate. The press will try to use the unchanged rate as 'proof' that Romney is a miserable failure, but we'll know better.
It's all relative. It is easiest to simply compare unemployment rates across time. At any point in time, actual unemployment is always higher than measured unemployment due to a number of factors. So, 8.2 is worse than 7.8, and so on. Trying to pin political arguments to unemployment rates is disingenuous to the extreme.

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