Red-state Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Impeachment is a risk....and the Democrats that are in vulnerable districts are a bit antsy. As well they should be..even if, and maybe especially if, Trump were to be impeached and removed..the backlash will be severe..IMO. Are there enough politicians ready to put their careers on the line?

Red-state Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control

"Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority next year.
These Democrats hope the House keeps its impeachment focus on the Ukraine controversy, and that Democrats act relatively quickly. If they do not, the red-state Democrats warn President Trump could turn the tables on them.
"It's really incumbent on the House to really be laser-focused. The president is a master of pivoting and deflecting and I think it's really important to stay focused," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who narrowly won reelection in a Republican-leaning state in 2018.
Tester said the impeachment inquiry should be focused on Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where he pressed for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D), who represents Trump-friendly West Virginia, also warned of Democrats focusing on old issues.
"I think it's much better if it's going to be focused because there's a whole load of hay out there that they've been talking about for so long," he said.
Like Tester, he said the effort should be focused on Trump's attempts to push Zelensky to investigate Biden.
"I just think anytime a foreign entity is involved, it needs to be investigated," Manchin said.
Manchin isn't sure his warnings will be heeded, particularly since many liberal Democrats favor a broader investigation that would pull in efforts related to former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, along with complaints that Trump has used his office to benefit his businesses.
At the same time, Democratic leaders in both chambers appear to want to keep the focus on Ukraine, particularly with polls showing a growing number of voters back impeachment."
The growing number of extremists in the Dem party are going to destroy the party. They'll stop at nothing to get Trump impeached, even if it means they lose in 2020, both in the Presidency and Congress. That's how consumed they are by their own hate.
Meh. After FisaGate and PedoGate, the democrat Party will have a lock on NY and Los Angeles and nothing else
Moderates in the Dem Party are walking away in disgust, so these guys who are pushing for impeachment are playing to a base that is growing smaller. They ain't attracting more new members, outside of the kids that don't know any better and God only knows how may illegals who shouldn't be allowed to vote but will anyway. And of course the dead people and cartoon characters who always vote Dem, as often as possible.
Most of the world will lose if Trump is impeached, especially the American worker, taxpayer and retiree. The big winners would be Russia, Iran, China and NK. Viva Trump. America first
Impeachment is a risk....and the Democrats that are in vulnerable districts are a bit antsy. As well they should be..even if, and maybe especially if, Trump were to be impeached and removed..the backlash will be severe..IMO. Are there enough politicians ready to put their careers on the line?

Red-state Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control

"Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority next year.
These Democrats hope the House keeps its impeachment focus on the Ukraine controversy, and that Democrats act relatively quickly. If they do not, the red-state Democrats warn President Trump could turn the tables on them.
"It's really incumbent on the House to really be laser-focused. The president is a master of pivoting and deflecting and I think it's really important to stay focused," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who narrowly won reelection in a Republican-leaning state in 2018.
Tester said the impeachment inquiry should be focused on Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where he pressed for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D), who represents Trump-friendly West Virginia, also warned of Democrats focusing on old issues.
"I think it's much better if it's going to be focused because there's a whole load of hay out there that they've been talking about for so long," he said.
Like Tester, he said the effort should be focused on Trump's attempts to push Zelensky to investigate Biden.
"I just think anytime a foreign entity is involved, it needs to be investigated," Manchin said.
Manchin isn't sure his warnings will be heeded, particularly since many liberal Democrats favor a broader investigation that would pull in efforts related to former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, along with complaints that Trump has used his office to benefit his businesses.
At the same time, Democratic leaders in both chambers appear to want to keep the focus on Ukraine, particularly with polls showing a growing number of voters back impeachment."

Right now during this break Pelosi has asked her Freshman Congress people to take polls and hold townhall meetings to gauge the independent voter on this issue.

If Pelosi see swing and independent voters in purple and red districts not supporting impeachment my bet is she slows the impeachment down or bring it to a hault...

Of course the diehard left will be like their enemy and declare the swing and independent voter matter not and Impeachment must be done but again Pelosi is smarter than most...
Are there enough politicians ready to put their careers on the line?
Mr Fleegle, I think political careers ARE on the line, both over either action or inaction. It seems like the lines are sharply drawn. And I believe the electorate sees them all clearly.
Impeachment is a risk....and the Democrats that are in vulnerable districts are a bit antsy. As well they should be..even if, and maybe especially if, Trump were to be impeached and removed..the backlash will be severe..IMO. Are there enough politicians ready to put their careers on the line?

Red-state Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control

"Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority next year.
These Democrats hope the House keeps its impeachment focus on the Ukraine controversy, and that Democrats act relatively quickly. If they do not, the red-state Democrats warn President Trump could turn the tables on them.
"It's really incumbent on the House to really be laser-focused. The president is a master of pivoting and deflecting and I think it's really important to stay focused," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who narrowly won reelection in a Republican-leaning state in 2018.
Tester said the impeachment inquiry should be focused on Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where he pressed for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D), who represents Trump-friendly West Virginia, also warned of Democrats focusing on old issues.
"I think it's much better if it's going to be focused because there's a whole load of hay out there that they've been talking about for so long," he said.
Like Tester, he said the effort should be focused on Trump's attempts to push Zelensky to investigate Biden.
"I just think anytime a foreign entity is involved, it needs to be investigated," Manchin said.
Manchin isn't sure his warnings will be heeded, particularly since many liberal Democrats favor a broader investigation that would pull in efforts related to former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, along with complaints that Trump has used his office to benefit his businesses.
At the same time, Democratic leaders in both chambers appear to want to keep the focus on Ukraine, particularly with polls showing a growing number of voters back impeachment."

The Democrats are being out maneuvered by Trump again:

Trump has known that impeachment has been inevitable for a while. He knows that he can't prevent his impeachment, but he can determine WHY he gets impeached. So he set up this whole whistleblower fiasco.

He knows that there's no way Senate Republicans are going to remove him from office for this, and that the American people will not be passionate about this issue - even if they know he's guilty. He'll survive this and come out looking like the victim.

Trump knows that if the other House inquiries continue, he's screwed. Once they get his tax returns he's screwed. But if he gets impeached, and does not get removed from office for this whistleblower fiasco, the house won't dare impeach him again. All the other inquiries will come to a screeching halt.

What the Dems should do is to hold off on impeaching him for this. Instead they should accelerate the other inquiries. When they do file articles of impeachment it should be for a long list of offenses - any one of witch is worth removing him from office. They should make sure that the Senate trial goes on and on and on. That'll get the American people passionate about removing him from office - and it will put all the Senate Republicans in a really bad position. If they vote to remove him they'll lose the support of Trump's base. If they vote against removing him they'll have to explain to the general electorate why they didn't remove an obvious crook from office. They'll be screwed either way.
Impeachment is a risk....and the Democrats that are in vulnerable districts are a bit antsy. As well they should be..even if, and maybe especially if, Trump were to be impeached and removed..the backlash will be severe..IMO. Are there enough politicians ready to put their careers on the line?

Red-state Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control

"Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority next year.
These Democrats hope the House keeps its impeachment focus on the Ukraine controversy, and that Democrats act relatively quickly. If they do not, the red-state Democrats warn President Trump could turn the tables on them.
"It's really incumbent on the House to really be laser-focused. The president is a master of pivoting and deflecting and I think it's really important to stay focused," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who narrowly won reelection in a Republican-leaning state in 2018.
Tester said the impeachment inquiry should be focused on Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where he pressed for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D), who represents Trump-friendly West Virginia, also warned of Democrats focusing on old issues.
"I think it's much better if it's going to be focused because there's a whole load of hay out there that they've been talking about for so long," he said.
Like Tester, he said the effort should be focused on Trump's attempts to push Zelensky to investigate Biden.
"I just think anytime a foreign entity is involved, it needs to be investigated," Manchin said.
Manchin isn't sure his warnings will be heeded, particularly since many liberal Democrats favor a broader investigation that would pull in efforts related to former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, along with complaints that Trump has used his office to benefit his businesses.
At the same time, Democratic leaders in both chambers appear to want to keep the focus on Ukraine, particularly with polls showing a growing number of voters back impeachment."

Right now during this break Pelosi has asked her Freshman Congress people to take polls and hold townhall meetings to gauge the independent voter on this issue.

If Pelosi see swing and independent voters in purple and red districts not supporting impeachment my bet is she slows the impeachment down or bring it to a hault...

Of course the diehard left will be like their enemy and declare the swing and independent voter matter not and Impeachment must be done but again Pelosi is smarter than most...

Trump's kicking ass and the snitches who call themselves whistleblowers with an axe to grind ... are all getting caught out.
Impeachment is a risk....and the Democrats that are in vulnerable districts are a bit antsy. As well they should be..even if, and maybe especially if, Trump were to be impeached and removed..the backlash will be severe..IMO. Are there enough politicians ready to put their careers on the line?

Red-state Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control

"Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority next year.
These Democrats hope the House keeps its impeachment focus on the Ukraine controversy, and that Democrats act relatively quickly. If they do not, the red-state Democrats warn President Trump could turn the tables on them.
"It's really incumbent on the House to really be laser-focused. The president is a master of pivoting and deflecting and I think it's really important to stay focused," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who narrowly won reelection in a Republican-leaning state in 2018.
Tester said the impeachment inquiry should be focused on Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where he pressed for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D), who represents Trump-friendly West Virginia, also warned of Democrats focusing on old issues.
"I think it's much better if it's going to be focused because there's a whole load of hay out there that they've been talking about for so long," he said.
Like Tester, he said the effort should be focused on Trump's attempts to push Zelensky to investigate Biden.
"I just think anytime a foreign entity is involved, it needs to be investigated," Manchin said.
Manchin isn't sure his warnings will be heeded, particularly since many liberal Democrats favor a broader investigation that would pull in efforts related to former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, along with complaints that Trump has used his office to benefit his businesses.
At the same time, Democratic leaders in both chambers appear to want to keep the focus on Ukraine, particularly with polls showing a growing number of voters back impeachment."

The Democrats are being out maneuvered by Trump again:

Trump has known that impeachment has been inevitable for a while. He knows that he can't prevent his impeachment, but he can determine WHY he gets impeached. So he set up this whole whistleblower fiasco.

He knows that there's no way Senate Republicans are going to remove him from office for this, and that the American people will not be passionate about this issue - even if they know he's guilty. He'll survive this and come out looking like the victim.

Trump knows that if the other House inquiries continue, he's screwed. Once they get his tax returns he's screwed. But if he gets impeached, and does not get removed from office for this whistleblower fiasco, the house won't dare impeach him again. All the other inquiries will come to a screeching halt.

What the Dems should do is to hold off on impeaching him for this. Instead they should accelerate the other inquiries. When they do file articles of impeachment it should be for a long list of offenses - any one of witch is worth removing him from office. They should make sure that the Senate trial goes on and on and on. That'll get the American people passionate about removing him from office - and it will put all the Senate Republicans in a really bad position. If they vote to remove him they'll lose the support of Trump's base. If they vote against removing him they'll have to explain to the general electorate why they didn't remove an obvious crook from office. They'll be screwed either way.

You seriously believe that Obama's weaponized IRS hasn't absolutely dissected every Trump tax return since the 1800's?

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